October 1947  The Australasian Photo-Review - Page 562

The Salon will be opened by Sir Robert Nicholls (Speaker of the House of Assembly) at the Royal South Australian Society of Arts Gallery at 8pm on Monday 27th October. It will remain open until 10th November.


General opinion of those who have seen the accepted prints is that this will be the most notable of the Adelaide Camera Club's Internationals. The Salon will be remembered for two outstanding features. Firstly, an invitation panel, comprising fifteen prints by Dr. Julian Smith Hon.FRPS. The quality of these prints, most of which have been made this year, is all and more than we have come to expect from this distinguished pictorialist. This magnificent collection will be long remembered in connection with the Third International.

It is the intention of the Adelaide Camera Club each year to invite one internationally famous pictorialist to contribute a panel and it was felt that the first invitation to Dr. Julian Smith would be a fitting tribute, as well as an indication of the high regard held by the Adelaide Camera Club for the world's greatest character pictorialist.

The second outstanding feature is the tremendous increase in quality in the Australian group. For the first time in memory the best of the Australian work is equal (and in some cases better) to the best of the overseas work. When it is realized that the latter this year is also up a notch or two in quality, then it becomes a matter for sincere congratulations to the Australian exhibitors whose prints were accepted.

This most gratifying increase in quality was coupled with a decrease in quantity. The rigid selection and high standard which characterized the two previous Salons is having a natural effect in that both Australia and overseas are sending less prints, but better quality. Many exhibitors who have, unfortunately, scored total rejects in the past have not sent prints this year. For example, last year no less than 76 Australians scored zero acceptances, while this year only 25 had all prints rejected. Roughly, the same decrease applies to overseas. At the same time the proportion of prints accepted per entrant has risen sharply. This is an inevitable result of the Adelaide Camera Club's expressed aim of 1945 to raise the standard of work to that of a real International Salon and to provide Australian pictorialist with a Salon where it is a genuine honor to have a print hung. The Adelaide Camera Club feels that it has achieved this objective in its Third International.

Every entrant will receive the Salon's illustrated catalog, preceded by a result card; the latter will be received well before the Salon opens.

Australia, America, Canada, England, B.W. Indies, Hawaii, India, China, New Zealand, Scotland, SOuth Africa, Switzerland, Italy and Spain have contributed 502 prints (Australia 265, Overseas 237). Of these, 79 Australian prints and 85 Overseas prints have been accorded the honor of hanging.

This year's selection was made by Mr Rupert L. Packer, Mr Garfield Mitchell, Mr E. Robertson ARPS, Mr Ainslie Roberts ARPS, APSA and Mr Geo. Ziesing. Mr A.V. Clutterbuck, Immediate Past President of the Adelaide Camera Club, was originally listed as a jury member, but has since left the State to win further fame (and, it is hoped, fortune) in a professional capacity at Hamilton, Victoria. His place was ably taken by Mr Garfield Mitchell. All prints were judged under daylight conditions identical with those in the Art Gallery where the prints will be hung.

The awards were made by the jury at the same time as the selection. With the overall quality so high, the allocation of awards was no easy task and a great deal of time was spent before the final awards were made. The award list is as follows and the Adelaide Camera Club extends its sincere congratulations to those named in it.

HONOR PLAQUES - K.V. Arntzen from USA; Harold Cazneaux from Sydney, Australia; Albert Chambers from Wollongong, Australia; W.H. Freegard from Johannesburg, South Africa; Vernon G. Leach from USA; L. McKay from Brisbane, Australia; William T. Owen from Melbourne, Australia; Irwin L. Polakoff from USA; John G. Sprod from Adelaide, Australia:

HONOR CERTIFICATES - K.V. Arntzen from USA; J.K. Custance from Adelaide, Australia; Frank R. Fraprie from USA; R. Gregory from Melbourne, Australia; Dr. L.A. Love from Melbourne, Australia; Molly Lyons from Port Kembla, Australia; Irwin L. Polakoff from USA; Harold Lincoln Thompson from USA:

Errol A. Nyss, India

I.I. Janmahomed, India

J.O. Fitzgerald, USA

A.J. White, Australia

Colin McArthur, Australia

Alfred Blyth ARPS, Canada

Luis Asensi Liminana, Spain

P. Bentley ARPS, Canada

K.V. Arntzen APSA, ARPS; USA

Dhruva Coomar Engineer ARPS, APSA; India

W.F. Small, USA

K.V. Arntzen APSA, ARPS; USA