DOB: 31st January 1927 - Adelaide

DOD: 21st March2006

Doug Mullins was born on 31st January 1927 in Adelaide. Mother Jessie May Dawson and Father Merrington Milford Mullins.

He left school at 14 and was given a Kodak box camera when he was 20.

He joined the Adelaide Camera Club in 1955, bought a movie camera in 1952 and joined the Films Club.

Douglas became the administrator of the Adelaide Camera Club and organized monthly outings and the annual exhibition.

He was a partner in the family business Mullins Wheels.

He was President of the Adelaide Camera Club from 1960.

The South Australian Photographic Federation was formed in 1962 and the committee was elected from other clubs. He was the founding President.

Fund raisers were organized to raise money for the organization and one was a slide show by Jose Zakary from Mexico.

The first South Australian Photographic Federation convention was held at the Hotel Adelaide in 1963 and the first AGM of the Australian Photographic Society was held in Melbourne later that year.

The "Sunday Mail" had weekly photographic columns in the 1950s and 1960s and they donated a cup for the annual Adelaide Camera Club exhibition.

In the first year of the South Australian Photographic Federation there were fifty affiliated clubs. Douglas was President for two years and then became President of the Australian Photographic Society.