changed name to


The initial meeting of the Ashfield District Camera Club was held in the Ashfield Town Hall, on Thursday 16th December 1909, under the presidency of the Mayor of Ashfield (Alderman H.E. Pratten). There was a good attendance and nearly 40 members were enrolled.

Mr W.M. Lean moved "that a Camera Club be formed, to be known as the Ashfield District Camera Club." The motion was seconded by Mr H. Clayton and carried. The subscription was fixed at 10s 6d per annum, payable half yearly in advance. Ladies to be admitted at half fees.

The following officers were then elected:


Alderman H.E. PRATTEN

Vice President:
Mr. A.J. Perier
Vice President:
Mr. P.L. Green
Vice President:
Mr. J.F. Hurley
Vice President:
Mr. A.A. Lawson
Vice President:
Mr. W.R. Smith
Vice President:
Dr Harold Browne
Hon. Secretary:
Mr. E.P. Davidson
Hon. Treasurer:
Mr. W.M. Lean

22nd February 1910  Page 88 - The Australasian Photographic Review

The Ashfield District Camera Club general meeting was held on 27th January in the Town Hall, Ashfield. There was a splendid muster of members, among them being Messrs. A.L Perier, Norman C. Deck, J.F. Hurley and P.L. Green, Vice-Presidents, who each in turn tendered the members some excellent advice and proffered highly valuable suggestions.

A syllabus has been prepared and some of the leading camerists and lecturers of Sydney and suburbs have kindly consented to give demonstrations and lectures during the year.

Professor T.W. Edgeworth David F.R.S., has become patron of the club and the members feel highly honored in having such a distinguished gentleman amongst them.

Mr. A.J. Perier gave a lecture on 10th February, which was full of useful wrinkles from beginning to end. The lecturer proved himself thoroughly in touch with the subjects dealt with, viz., “Plates, Developers and the Fitting-up of a Dark Room”.

A vote of thanks was carried with acclamation, Mr. Perier suitably responding on behalf of himself and Mr. A.S. Farmer, Hon.Secretary of Mosman Photographic Society, who also attended the lecture.



Saturday 26th February 1910
The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney NSW)

Much practical instructional work has been done by members of the Ashfield District Camera Club since its establishment in the western suburbs. Messrs. A.J. Perrier, A.R. Wheeler, Norman C. Deck and others have given helpful instruction to members and the syllabus for meetings until the end of May includes such subjects as development of plates in dishes or tanks, exposure of plates and factorial development, printing out papers, toning and self-toning, bromide paper printing, landscape photography.

To these Messrs. A.K. Wheeler, Norman C. Deck, W. M'Lean, A.J. Perrier and J.F. Hurley will contribute. Mr E.P. Davidson, the Hon.Secretary, has effectively organized the club, which is now a useful adjunct to the social and intellectual life of the suburbs.

22nd March 1910  Page 147 - The Australasian Photographic Review

This club is meeting with a most successful career and possesses a number of enthusiastic members and many staunch friends. We have now secured permanent club rooms at Charlotte-st., Ashfield, close to the railway station, to which members will have access at all times. The rooms are rapidly being fitted up, due to the energy of some of the members and this will prove a great boon.

The lecturers and demonstrators at the fortnightly general meetings are gentlemen in the front rank of the photographic world.

Mr. A.R. Wheeler delivered an able lecture and gave a complete demonstration on “Development by Dish and Tank Method” on 24th February, in the presence of a good attendance of members. The lecturer dealt with his subject in a clear and masterly manner and at its close was accorded the thanks of the Club.

On Saturday afternoon, 5th March, a number of members journeyed to Abbotsford for an “outing” and spent a very pleasant time. Boats were soon in readiness and the happy party lost no time in exploring the many picturesque bays and inlets of the Parramatta River. Some very fine pictures were secured and the members intend having “Camera Outings” at regular intervals.


Saturday 22nd April 1910
The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney NSW)

A lecture and demonstration on Printing-out Papers, Toning and Self-toning, was given by Mr W.M. Lean, before members of the Ashfield District Camera Club, at its last meeting. Mr Lean dealt with his subject practically and humorously and handled a number of negatives and papers to illustrate his lecture. Mr E.P. Davidson Hon.Secretary, reported that the club was making satisfactory progress.

22nd April 1910  Page 199 - The Australasian Photographic Review

March has been a particularly busy month and our affairs have been marked by considerable activity. We have had two lectures, one question box evening and a camera outing.

Easter holidays were made good use of by the members and during their travels to the mountains and to the many holiday resorts, the camera played an important part. Some very fine pictures were shown at the club rooms and the members have to be congratulated on the excellence of the prints submitted.

Question Box evening was a very enjoyable and profitable one. Any questions members were unable to meet, the Chairman, (Mr. J.F. Hurley) answered in a way that afforded us the benefit of his wide experience and gave general satisfaction.

The usual fortnightly lecture was given by Mr. Norman C. Deck on Thursday 17th March. The subject chosen by the lecturer is one of the most important units of photography and one that everyone has to pay particular attention to; namely, the “Exposure of a sensitive plate and Factorial Development”. An interested group of members listened attentively to the lecturer who explained in simple language and demonstrated practically the method of “Factorial Development”. He advocated proper care in development and strongly advised his hearers to study their subjects before making an exposure, in order to obtain the best pictorial results. Early morning or late in the afternoon, he thought were the best times to take photographs, as the light at those hours was not too strong. The members very much appreciated the lecture and accorded Mr. Norman C. Deck a hearty vote of thanks.

The second of the instructive series of lectures and demonstrations, was given on “Printing out Papers; P.O.P toning and self-toning” by Mr. W.M. Lean, on Thursday 7th April. The lecturer gave a very lucid and descriptive address on the subject and during the evening a number of prints were toned to illustrate the different points touched on. Mr. Lean proved himself thoroughly in touch with his subject and being in a happy mood, interspersed some humorous anecdotes during the lecture, thereby livening proceedings and amusing his hearers. He went to no end of trouble to fully demonstrate the working of the process and obtained results that were greatly admired by those present. A vote of thanks was carried with acclamation.

On behalf of the members I have to thank Messrs. Baker & Rouse, Ltd. for donating the “Australasian Photo-Review” for the use of the club members. We all look forward to the arrival of the “Review” each month, as it contains interesting reading matter and much valuable information.


23rd May 1910  Page 265 - The Australasian Photographic Review

The members turned up in force on Thursday 28th April, to hear Mr. A.J. Perier (Photographic Society of New South Wales) deliver his lecture on “Gaslight Papers". The lecturer kept the members interested for a couple of hours, in demonstrating to them the working of the process. He printed and developed a number of prints from negatives of different density, and the results obtained were very satisfactory. It is pleasing to note that all of those persons for whose benefit this lecture and demonstration was specially given express the determination to “try their fist at it”. Mr. Perier also showed the working of a “Slot test printing frame” for Gaslight Papers and same should prove a valuable addition to the amateurs dark room. At the close of the lecture Mr. Perier was accorded the thanks of the club.

A company of members of the club and their friends assembled at the residence of our Vice-President (Mr. G. Watson) on Wednesday 4th May, to spend a social evening. The program proved a liberal one, comprising music, singing and elocution, all excellently rendered.

The camera outings have been very successful and a large number of the members and their friends have visited the Parramatta River and several of the harbour resorts, the result being a nice collection of pictures.

The next lecture will be given by Mr. J.F. Hurley, the subject being “Landscape Photography and suitable apparatus”.


22nd June 1910  Page 320 - The Australasian Photographic Review

Nothing indicates more clearly the appreciation of the members of the theoretical and practical benefits that may be derived from lectures or demonstrations than the keen interest displayed by them in their attendances and attention during the discourse of the various subjects, that have from time to time been given at the club rooms by gentlemen in the front rank of the photographic world.

We have been favored each fortnight with a series of excellent lectures and on Thursday 26th May, Mr. J.F. Hurley delivered an interesting and instructive lecture on “Landscape Photography and Suitable Apparatus”. At the termination of the lecture, Mr. Hurley invited those present to ask any questions they deemed fit. They kept him to his word and sent the queries along at a great pace. The lecturer was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his able lecture.

The second of the usual fortnightly lectures and demonstrations was given by Mr. A.V. Wilkinson, on the evening of 9th June. An interested group of members listened attentively to the lecturer, who chose as his subject, "Enlargements and How to Make Them". Mr. Wilkinson dealt with his subject in a masterly manner and during the evening he made several enlargements, which turned out excellently. He gave a full description of his mode of working and answered many queries from the members, who followed the demonstration with close attention. A hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Wilkinson terminated a very enjoyable and profitable evening.

His Honor Judge Docker will deliver his interesting lantern lecture, entitled "Sunny Italy", in the Town Hall, Ashfield, on Thursday 23rd June. The President, the Mayor of Ashfield (Alderman H.E. Pratten), will preside and Mr. W.M. Lean will operate the lantern.



Born 7th May 1865 Mangotsfield, Gloucestershire, England
Died 7th May 1928 (aged 63) Turramurra, New South Wales

1909 to 1911

22nd July 1910  Page 385 - The Australasian Photographic Review

Although the weather was very unfavorable on the evening of the 23rd June, a fair number attended at the Town Hall, Ashfield, to hear his Honor Judge Docker deliver a lecture on “Sunny Italy”. The president, Alderman H.E. Pratten, Mayor of Ashfield, was in the chair.

His Honor exhibited a fine series of slides, the subjects of which were taken during his Continental visit. The veteran lecturer kept his hearers interested for a couple of hours by his homely, conversational manner and as each picture was shown on the sheet, he gave a very lucid and descriptive explanation of each slide. The patron of the club, Professor David, C.M.G., proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Judge Docker, on behalf of the club members, for his excellent lecture. The lantern was in the capable hands of Mr. W.M. Lean, who was assisted by Mr. A.R. Harris.

During an interval, Mr. J.F. Hurley took a flashlight photograph of the audience and later presented an enlargement of it to the club.

Professor David gave a short address on photography in the Antarctic regions, which was very much appreciated by all present. He has also consented to give a lecture on his trip to the South Magnetic Pole with the Shackleton expedition, under the auspices of our club, at a date which will be announced later on.

Our second half-year begins this month. The fee for same is only 5s., which is within the reach of all.

Our aim is to make the Ashfield District Camera Club worthy of our great district and to that end we cordially invite those interested in the fascinating art to become members.

We meet for lectures and demonstrations on the second and fourth Thursday in each month, at the club rooms, 7 Charlotte-street, right next to the railway station.


22nd August 1910  Page 445 - The Australasian Photographic Review

We have been hard at work the last few weeks getting the dark-room fitted up in a satisfactory manner for the installation of an enlarging lantern. Expenses have been somewhat curtailed on account of some of the members carrying out the necessary work and supplying the timber for the alterations. This is very gratifying to the club and the “drones” are very grateful to the “workers” for their much appreciated efforts.

The lantern — half-plate size — is now ready for work and is being made good use of by the members. Its advent should induce camerists to join the club and make their own enlargements.

Mr. J.S. Stening favored the members with a lecture on “Hand Camera Work”, on Wednesday 13th July. The lecturer had a fine display of suitable apparatus and dealt with his subject in a masterly manner.

Mr. Norman C. Deck lectured on the evening of 28th July, the subject being “Shutters, Tripods, View Finders, Exposure Meters”. The lecturer kept his hearers interested for a couple of hours, explaining the minutest detail of every article under review.

22nd September 1910  Page 513 - The Australasian Photographic Review

At the usual meeting on 17th August, Mr. H.C. Dreyer lectured on “Home Portraiture and Child Study”. The lecturer, who said he belonged to the “fuzzy” school, “made good” with the members and by the excellence of the prints he submitted, during the lecture, to illustrate the points touched on, fully convinced all hands that he was a past master in his particular branch of the fascinating art.

Mr. A.R. Wheeler visited the club on Thursday 8th September, the subject for the evening being “Members Picture Show Night and Criticism”. Several submitted prints showing subjects of more or less merit as pictures. Mr. Wheeler acted admirably as critic and after a short address he passed judgment upon the prints, pointing out where they fell short and in what respects they were to be commended. General discussion followed and this method of study and instruction proved, as on former occasions, a source of benefit to those present. A pleasing feature of the work shown was the excellent results shown oy some of the beginners.

22nd October 1910  Page 574 - The Australasian Photographic Review

Mr. A.V. Wilkinson came to the club on 22nd September and treated the members to an excellent lecture and demonstration on “Intensification and Reduction”. Various methods were gone through and negatives of all classes were treated by the lecturer, who obtained results which were far above the members most sanguine expectations. Mr. Wilkinson proved that in nine cases out of ten negatives thrown aside could, with a little time, patience and the right chemicals, be made to turn out good prints from them.

Mr. A.J. Perier lectured on “Lenses and their Qualifications” on 13th October, and dealt with the manufacture of a lens from the raw material to the finished article, until it was ready for fitting to the camera.

22nd November 1910  Page 629 - Vol. 17 No. 11 The Australasian Photographic Review


Highly commended in the A.P-R. Competition

22nd December 1910  Page 668 - Vol. 17 No. 12 The Australasian Photographic Review


The third annual meeting of the Ashfield District Camera Club was held on Monday 16th December 1912. Members expressed their regret at the retirement of Mr Norman Deck from the position of President, which he had occupied for three years and a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded him.

During 1912 membership was opened to lady amateurs, with the result that there were five applications from enthusiastic lady workers.

Two notable exhibitions were held in the club rooms during 1912; Mr Norman C. Deck "One Man Show" and the "Exhibition of Members Work". Both exhibitions were exceedingly well patronized by the public.

The following officers were then elected:




Vice President:
Mr. J. Barr
Vice President:
Mr. Norman C. Deck
Vice President:
Mr. W.M. Lean
Vice President:
Mr. P.P. Maroney
Vice President:
Mr. C.E. Wakeford
Hon. Secretary:
Mr. R.A. Ewens
Hon. Secretary:

Mr. E.P. Davidson
Hon. Treasurer:
Mr. E.P. Davidson
Mr. C. Corbett
Mr. P.D. Dougan
Mr. J.T. Farrell
Mr. P.D. Dougan
Mr. A. Harris

23rd January 1911
Page 35 - Vol. 18 No. 1 The Australasian Photographic Review

Mr. Arthur Harris
Ashfield, NSW

Awarded Third Prize in the A.P-R. Competition

22nd February 1911
Page 110 - Vol. 18 No. 2 The Australasian Photographic Review

The usual fortnightly meeting of the Ashfield District Camera Club was held at the rooms on Thursday, 19th January. The subject for that evening was “Enlargements and how to make them”, and was entrusted to Mr. A.V. Wilkinson. Mr. Wilkinson clearly explained to the members the method of enlarging by artificial light, and afterwards gave a demonstration of this interesting branch of photography. From several of the members negatives, by the aid of the Club’s lantern, he produced a number of excellent enlargements that now adorn our walls.

Our prospects for the coming year are exceedingly bright. New members are enrolled at every meeting, and our membership now numbers close on 40.

22nd February 1911
Page 88 - Vol. 18 No. 2 The Australasian Photographic Review

Mr. Arthur Harris
Ashfield, NSW

Awarded Third Prize in the A.P-R. Competition

22nd March 1911
Page 169 - Vol. 18 No. 3 The Australasian Photographic Review

His Honor Judge Docker visited Ashfield on Thursday, March 9th and at the Town Hall, under the auspices of the Ashfield District Camera Club, delivered his interesting lecture on the North Coast District of New South Wales. To give an adequate description of the magnificent views shown by His Honor is an impossibility. From Point Danger along the picturesque valley of the Tweed to Murwillumbah he led his appreciative audience, thence through the thick creeper clad jungle to the summit of Mount Warning. Views around Murwillumbah, along both the North and South arms of the Tweed, and on past Byron Bay to Lismore and Casino were shown. The Richmond River at Casino, Wardell and Broadwater, and the Clarence at Grafton received due attention. Views of the giant fig trees on Susan Island and the big scrub country in the beautiful Orara district, the Bellinger River and Guy Fawkes Falls were placed before the audience. The Hastings and Wilsons Rivers at Port Macquarie and the Manning River district, including the Ellenborough Falls near Wingham, where the river leaps hundreds of feet into a huge gorge densely clothed with luxuriant sub-tropical vegetation were dealt with in turn. The lecture throughout proved most interesting and instructive, and the closing hour came far too soon A vote of thanks to His Honor concluded the evening. Before leaving. His Honor expressed appreciation of the capable manner in which Mr. W.M. Lean, the operator, performed his duties.

22nd April 1911
Page 230 - Vol. 18 No. 4 The Australasian Photographic Review

On the 23rd March, Mr. Gamble visited the rooms and gave an excellent lecture and demonstration of retouching and spotting. The lecturer dealt chiefly with the work that could be done to improve a negative by the average amateur. He pointed out how the high lights could be subdued, or, if necessary, portions entirely removed by the aid of a retouching knife. The method of applying matt varnish to the glass side of a negative for the purpose of improving the printing qualities of the same or to enable pencil work to be done was explained. Another useful hint given by the lecturer was to apply coloring, such as crimson lake, to the glass side of a plate to prevent the shadow portions printing too dark while detail is being obtained in the high lights. A little of the coloring is taken on the moistened finger and spread evenly where wanted until the glass assumes a pink tint. The quality of negatives can be greatly improved by this method, it being extremely useful when only a small portion of a photograph requires strengthening, such as a face in the shade of a hat, or other portions of a figure over which a shadow is thrown.

22nd June 1911
Page 351 - Vol. 18 No. 6 The Australasian Photographic Review

On May 12th Mr. A.J. Perier gave a demonstration of lantern slide making which proved so interesting that the members decided to have a picture show evening the following week. Mr. W.M. Lean kindly provided a lantern, and most of the members came forward with sets of slides. On May 25th Mr. N.C. Deck sprung a pleasant surprise on the members by inviting them to his own darkroom. Mr. Deck clearly explained his method of working, and many useful hints were gained from this experienced worker. He also showed a number of his negatives, pointing out those suitable for enlarging, placing several in the lantern to show what an enlargement should look like on the screen. He next gave a demonstration of reducing, employing the Namias reducer, which, as it reduces evenly, is specially useful for reducing an over-developed plate.

A demonstration of intensification followed, the solution used being 5 min. hydrochloric acid; 100 min. 10 per cent, potassium bichromate; 1 oz. water.

A 1 per cent, solution of metabisulphite will remove the stain, the plate then being redeveloped in Amidol.

On the 9th June, Mr. Edwards favored the Club with a lecture on the making of enlarged negatives, which proved very interesting. One hint given by the lecturer is worthy of record. To find the approximate exposure to give the plate when making the enlarged positive, first expose a piece of bromide paper, and Mr. Edwards states that by experience he has found that an Imperial ordinary plate re quires about l/30th of the exposure of ordinary bromide, or in other words, if the bromide paper requires 30 seconds exposure the plate will require 1 second. Of course, no hard and fast rule can be laid down — a negative with great contrast may only require 1/15th of the exposure of the bromide paper, but the above serves as a very good guide.

22nd July 1911
Page 414 - Vol. 18 No. 7 The Australasian Photographic Review

Mr. Dreyer, on the 29th June, gave a demonstration of carbon printing. The lecturer fully described the process, clearly explaining the method of sensitizing the Carbon tissue, judging the time of exposure, etc. A number of pictures of various colors, that he had prepared that day, were afterwards developed. The simplicity of the process, together with the beautiful range of colors obtainable, greatly appealed to the members. The sensitizing bath used and recommended by Mr. Dreyer is made up as follows:

Potassium bichromate 5 drams, Citric acid 1 dram, Strong ammonia (about) 3 drams, Water 25 oz.

Dissolve the bichromate and citric acid first, and then gradually add the ammonia until the solution suddenly changes color. It may not be necessary to use the whole of the three drams of ammonia.

22nd August 1911
Page 471 - Vol. 18 No. 8 The Australasian Photographic Review

On Thursday, 13th July, Mr. Bridge visited the Ashfield District Camera Club and gave a lecture, which, though somewhat out of the usual run of camera club lectures, nevertheless proved one of the most interesting that the club has had. The subject chosen by Mr. Bridge was the securing of negatives for three color printing. Using Panchromatic plates, and red, green and blue screens, negatives are secured from which half-tone blocks are etched that are printed in blue, red and yellow respectively, these three colors superimposed making up a picture in the natural colors of the original subject. The method above mentioned may be applied to the Carbon process, but it is necessary to indent the material through one of the leading stock houses. Apart from their use above described, Mr. Bridge recommends the use of Panchromatic plates and a red screen for all serious photographic work, the range of tones and color correction obtainable with them being far greater than is obtainable with Ortho plates and yellow screen. After his lecture, Mr. Bridge expressed his willingness to answer questions, and proved himself to be a veritable mine of information on all branches of photography.

A members lantern slide evening and question night completed the month’s program.

22nd September 1911  Page 530 - Vol. 18 No. 9 The Australasian Photographic Review

The usual high standard of the lectures at the Ashfield District Camera Club has been maintained during the past month.

On the 17th August Mr. N.C. Deck gave a demonstration of enlarging, explaining in detail the process, and following his explanation with a practical demonstration. The lecturer stated that a great mistake often made by amateurs when developing bromide prints, whether enlargements or contact prints, is that they over expose and under develop. A good black color cannot be obtained unless the paper is developed to its full extent. A useful dodge is to allow an air bell to remain on the surface of the paper for a few seconds after pouring on the developer. When the portion of the print that was protected from the developer has caught up in density to the remainder the paper must be fully developed. Mr. Deck recommended the following developer for bromide paper. Take 20 min. of Amidol, then without emptying it from the measure, fill up to the 80 min. mark with anhydrous sulphite of soda, pour the mixture into 4 oz. of water, and stir briskly.

On 24th August Mr. B.W. Dye, a lecturer new to the club, read an excellent paper on focal plane photography, clearly explaining the advantages of the focal plane over other types of shutters. The paper proved very interesting, and was. full of useful information. Mr. Dye has promised the club another visit, and his. coming is eagerly awaited by the members.

“The Making of an Anastigmat Lens" was the title of a lecture by Mr. W.M. Lean on 6th September. Illustrated by about two hundred lantern slides, the lecture proved all that could be desired.

The club has room for new members, and the high class of lectures provided should, induce amateurs in the Western Suburbs to fill the vacancies.

22nd September 1911  Page 534 - Vol. 18 No. 9 The Australasian Photographic Review

Kodak (Australasia) Ltd., Sydney, I am in receipt of your favor of the 16th September, advising despatch of a parcel of Austral Plates, which duly came to hand, and which I will have pleasure in distributing among the club members. While thanking you for the same, I might add that the splendid quality of Austral Plates is already well known to the members of the Ashfield District Camera Club.

Yours faithfully

23rd October 1911  Page 597 - Vol. 18 No. 10 The Australasian Photographic Review

The lecture of the month at the Ashfield District Camera Club was that given by Mr. A.W. Dye on the 21st September. Mr. Dye opened his remarks with a brief history of photography, pointing out what great strides have been made in this art, although only about 80 years have elapsed since the discovery of the Daguerreotype. The lecturer next described the method of making paper for photographic purposes, and the coating of the same. The coating and packing of plates was next described, and it may be interesting to note that the speed of plates simply depends on the temperature to which the sensitive solution is raised before coating. Many other interesting details were touched upon. One hint given by the lecturer may be useful. Mr. Dye stated that several hundred prints may be washed at once by passing a needle and thread through one corner and suspending them in a bath of water. The water need not be changed as long as the prints are kept suspended a fair distance from the bot tom of the bath, as, hypo being heavier than water, readily sinks to the bottom.

Mr. Dreyer has promised to repeat during the present month the demonstration of Carbon printing given a short time ago, and Mr. Hurley has promised a lecture on combination printing in the near future.

22nd November 1911  Page 658 - Vol. 18 No. 11 The Australasian Photographic Review

The following lectures have been given at the Ashfield District Camera Club since last report, well maintaining: the high standard common at the club.

Night and Cloud Photography, Mr. Hurley;
Toning and Fixing P.O.P., Mr. W.M. Lean;
Toning Bromide Papers, Mr. N.C. Deck;
Gum Bichromate Printing, Mr. A.W. Dye;

For the remainder of the year the following syllabus has been arranged:

November 16th, Carbon Printing, Mr. Dreyer
November 23rd, Retouching and Spotting, Mr. Gamble
December 14th, Color Photography, Mr. A.V. Wilkinson
December 21st, Members Lantern Slide Evening
December 28th, Annual Meeting and Competition.

22nd January 1912  Page 40 - Vol. 19 No. 1 The Australasian Photographic Review

The second annual meeting of the Ashfield District Camera Club was held on Thursday, January 11th. The report and balance-sheet were read and adopted, and office-bearers for the coming year were elected as follow:




Vice President:
Mr. Moroney
Vice President:
Mr. P.L. Green
Vice President:
Mr. J.F. Hurley
Vice President:
Mr. C.E. Wakeford
Vice President:
Mr. Perier
Hon. Secretary:
Mr. J.T. Farrell
Hon. Treasurer:
Mr. E. Lean
Mr. Jenkins
Mr. P.D. Dougan
Mr. McAsh
Mr. Mullins
Mr. A. Harris

Two new offices were created, namely those of Honorary Enlarger and Hon. Window-dresser, and upon the gentlemen appointed will devolve the responsibility of keeping the club rooms and windows bright and up to date, as it is intended to have new pictures regularly displayed and changed.

Several other new features were fore shadowed, and the coming season promises to be a most successful one from every point of view.

22nd March 1912  Page 171 - Vol. 19 No. 3 The Australasian Photographic Review

The two fortnightly demonstrations given at the Ashfield District Camera Club room during the past month were of more than ordinary interest to club members, and were very much appreciated.

On February 22nd Mr. Dye gave a lecture on “Orthochromatism" and demonstrated the advantages of Orthochromatic plates as against the plain ones.

On Thursday 7th March, Mr. N.C. Deck gave a demonstration on “Negatives and Their Treatment". Mr. Deck was provided with a re-touching desk and a batch of negatives, and gave a very practical demonstration on spotting and retouching, both operations being explained very fully.

The membership is steadily increasing, another new member being elected at last meeting. As the members are all “active”, every meeting is of interest, and the work generally shows marked improvement, due, in a very great measure, to the excellence of the demonstrations and to the gentlemen giving them. Members tender their warmest thanks.

22nd May 1912
Page 286 - Vol. 19 No. 5 The Australasian Photographic Review

The past month has been full of interest to the members of the Ashfield District Camera Club first from the demonstrations, which were on subjects that most members were interested in, and second from the number of new members who have joined.

On 15th April Messrs, Poole and Wheeler, of the Photographic Society of New South Wales, gave a demonstration on "Flashlight Photography”, their remarks being illustrated by about 50 photographs taken under different conditions, some of them demonstrating in correct methods and others showing the correct way. Attached to each picture was a diagram showing the position of the camera, the subject, and the reflector, also the amount of powder used in the flash, and as these were handed round for inspection at the conclusion the subject was made perfectly Clear to those present. On the following Monday Mr. W. Lean was to have given a demonstration on “Tank Development", but through illness was unable to attend. He, however, sent the materials along, and members tried it themselves.

On Monday 6th May, Mr. Gamble gave a most practical and instructive demonstration on “Retouching and Spotting”. In his opening remarks he mentioned that although the improved makes of plates now on the market did not necessitate such an amount of retouching as was required a few years ago, still it was most necessary to all who wished to turn out good work, as there were always protuberances to be toned down in portraits and obtrusive high lights and patches in landscapes, which if not retouched would spoil an otherwise good picture.

Instructions were also given in spotting and blocking out, also useful hints on printing.

Several ladies have now joined the club. Each meeting is well attended, and the work of members generally shows a marked improvement.

22nd July 1912
Page 397 - Vol. 19 No. 7 The Australasian Photographic Review

The past month having been a very busy one with most people, has resulted in a rather quiet month being passed by the Ashfield District Camera Club.

Lantern slides have been the fashion, and two evenings were very pleasantly passed in viewing members slides, many of which were of great interest.

On 26th June a members “Question Night" was held. Every member was provided with a slip of paper upon which to write his question. These were afterwards exchanged, and each member gave his view on the question he had received. Much interesting and instructive discussion ensued.

22nd August 1912
Page 457 - Vol. 19 No. 8 The Australasian Photographic Review

On 18th July a very pleasant evening was passed at the Ashfield District Camera Club, the business being a Members Picture Show Night. A splendid lot of pictures were exhibited, many of which were tastefully mounted, and reflected much credit on the workers. The work generally showed an improvement, and served to demonstrate that the club’s lectures had been of great value in helping the members to produce better pictures.

On 22nd July the members were treated to a very interesting and instructive demonstration on "Bromide and Gaslight Printing”, by Mr. Radford. Although, owing to the unsettled state of the weather, the attendance was not what it might have been, those present were rewarded with a lot of useful information. Mr. Radford, taking some of the members negatives, divided them into three classes, viz.: Dense, normal, and thin. He then proceeded to show how (by using various grades of bromide and gaslight papers) to obtain equally good prints from the negatives. An enthusiastic vote of thanks to Mr. Radford concluded the evening.

Although the night was wet and stormy on 29th July, Mr. T. Cummins, of Bondi, visited the club, and a very enjoyable evening was spent with the lantern. Beginning with peaceful sunset scenes at Rose Bay, Mr. Cummins passed on to wave and seascape studies, describing at the same time his methods of securing each picture. From the fury of the ocean members were trans ported inland to the beauties of the Burragorang and Kangaroo Valleys. Mr. Cummins slides of country life and traveling stock were excellent. Gosford, Cox River, and National Park followed.

During the evening Mr. Cummins gave the members much valuable information, laying particular stress on the fact that expensive apparatus was not at all necessary in obtaining good pictures. A strong case for walking, combined with photography, was presented by Mr. Cummins. The evening was terminated with a very hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Cummins.

22nd October 1912
Page 581 - Vol. 19 No. 10 The Australasian Photographic Review

The past month has been one of exceptional interest to members of the Ashfield District Camera Club, and the weekly meetings have been well attended. Mr. A.R. Wheeler gave a lecture on “Hand Cameras”, and also criticized in his usual unsparing, but, at the same time, most instructive, manner a number of prints brought along by the members; and Mr. W. van der Velden gave a most interesting demonstration on "Color Photography". The lecturer gave a short history of the process from the earliest attempts by the French photographer Daguerre, and described in detail the various plates used and the manner in which the colors were produced. He also showed some very beautiful pictures of harbour scenery taken on the latest Lumiere plates. The method of development and instructions regarding handling and exposure of the plates were also given, and the whole subject was treated in a manner which gave the hearers a very clear insight into what was to most a little-known branch of the photographic art.

During the fortnight ending September 7th an exhibition of Mr. Norman C. Deck’s pictures was held, and it was open every evening from 7.45pm till 9.30pm, and attracted a large number of visitors. As warmer weather is now approaching regular outings are to be held on every second Saturday, and good attendances are expected, as a number of members have been anxiously enquiring when they were to start.

On 2nd September, Mr. E.W. Wrigley gave an interesting demonstration of the work which could be done with “Soloid” stains.

After the demonstration the members tried for themselves, and were very pleased with the results.

On Saturday 14th September, an outing was held to Vaucluse Park. Owing, however, to the unpleasant state of the weather, the attendance was poor.

An exceedingly pleasant evening was spent on September 23rd in viewing a set of lantern slides illustrating “Old and Present Sydney”, kindly lent by Mr. W.M. Lean. After each old time view a slide showing the present day state of affairs was screened, and this led to much animated discussion and comparison.

The club’s enlarging lantern is at present working overtime, as it has been decided to hold an exhibition of members work in November; the annual competition will be held at the same time. A record entry is expected.

22nd November 1912  Page 629 - Vol. 19 No. 11 The Australasian Photographic Review

On 14th October Mr. N.C. Deck visited the club, and gave a most interesting lecture on “Flower Photography,” Mr. Deck went to much trouble in illustrating every part of the work with actual apparatus and specimens, and showed the members many flower pictures, in which he explained the good and bad points. He also brought along a number of his own pictures and negatives, which were much appreciated by members.

The exhibition of members work, which is to open on November 16th, has kept the members busy during the past few weeks, and a very representative show is expected. Everybody invited.

22nd January 1913  Page 43 - Vol. 20 No. 1 The Australasian Photographic Review

The third annual meeting of the Ashfield District Camera Club was held on Monday 16th December. The president, Mr. Norman C. Deck, was in the chair and the attendance was large. The reports of both the Hon.Secretary and the Hon. Treasurer, which showed a very promising state of affairs, having been read and adopted, the election of officers for 1913 resulted as follows:




Vice President:
Mr. J. Barr
Vice President:
Mr. Norman C. Deck
Vice President:
Mr. W.M. Lean
Vice President:
Mr. P.P. Maroney
Vice President:
Mr. C.E. Wakeford
Hon. Secretary:
Mr. R.A. Ewens
Hon. Secretary:

Mr. E.P. Davidson
Hon. Treasurer:
Mr. E.P. Davidson
Mr. C. Corbett
Mr. P.D. Dougan
Mr. J.T. Farrell
Mr. P.D. Dougan
Mr. A. Harris

Members expressed their regret at the retirement of Mr. Norman C. Deck from the position of president of the club, which he had occupied for three years and a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded to him and the other retiring officers of the club.

Many new features are in course of preparation for the coming year and it is hoped that 1913 will prove a record one in every way. Amateurs in the western suburbs would do well to get in touch at once with the Hon.Secretary.

The following is a summary of the Hon.Secretary’s annual report: The past year has in many respects been a notable one in the history of the club. A large increase in the membership was experienced and the club was opened to lady amateurs, with the result that we now have five enthusiastic lady workers. Facilities for turning out good work have been added, the dark-room enlarged and the water laid on. The enlarging lantern has been made good use of, some very fine pictures being produced. Two notable exhibitions have been held in the club rooms during the year, viz., Mr. Norman C. Deck’s “One Man Show” and the “Exhibition of Members Work”. Both exhibitions were exceedingly well patronized by the public. The lectures and demonstration nights have been well maintained and the thanks of the club are due to the following gentlemen for their contributions to the syllabus: Messrs. A.V. Wilkinson, Norman C. Deck, Radford, A.W. Dye, A.R. Wheeler, E. Poole, Gamble, T. Cummins, W. Van der Velden and E.W. Wrigley. It is to be regretted that no competitions have been held during the year, but it is intended to remedy this in the near future. This report is brought to a close by wishing all the Photographic Societies of N.S.W., and our friends generally, a very happy and prosperous new year.

22nd February 1913  Page 81 - Vol. 20 No. 2 The Australasian Photographic Review

Mr. C.E. Wakeford
Croydon, NSW

Awarded Second Prize in the A.P-R. Competition for February

22nd February 1913  Page 89 - Vol. 20 No. 2 The Australasian Photographic Review

Mr. Reginald A. Ewens
Lewisham, NSW

Awarded Tenth Prize in the A.P-R. Competition for January

22nd July 1913  Page 391 - Vol. 20 No. 7 The Australasian Photographic Review

The Ashfield School of Arts Camera Club (LATE Ashfield District Camera Club) is now affiliated with the Ashfield School of Arts. At the initial business meeting the following officers were elected:



Vice President:
C. Barr
Vice President:
P.L. Green
Vice President:
J.F. Hurley
Vice President:
A.A. Lawson
Vice President:
M. Marks
Vice President:
C.E. Wakeford
Hon. Secretary:
E.P. Davidson
Hon. Treasurer:
P.D. Dougan
R.A. Ewens
R.A. Ewens
J.T. Farrell
A. Harris
W. Belshaw
A.E. Hawkins

An up-to-date dark-room has been erected and is equipped with a half-plate enlarging lantern. The dark-room can be used by members at any time. There are also two billiard tables and a library at the School of Arts and members of the Camera Club, paying 10s. per year, become full members and share the privileges of the School of Arts also. Meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month in the lecture hall and the lecturers are gentlemen in the front rank in all branches of photography. There is plenty of room for new members and they can be assured of a hearty welcome at any of the meetings.
The following syllabus has been drawn up for the next half year:

July 21st: Competition — Landscape, A class.
August 4th: General business and short lectures by members.
August 18th: Competition — Mounting, A class.
September 1st: Lecture — Landscape, Mr. Norman C. Deck.
September 15th: Competition — Landscape, B class.
September 27th: Outing — Parramatta Park.
October 6th: Lecture — Flower Photography, Mr. R.A. Ewens.
October 20th: Competition — Parramatta Park, “Pagoda”, A class.
November 3rd: Lecture — Lenses, by Mr. Brangwyn.
November 17th: Competition — Animal subject, B class.
December 1st: Lantern Slides, by members.
December 6th: Outing — Vaucluse.
December 15th: Competition — Yachting and Shipping, A class.

The above competitions are to be judged by points and these will be added together at the end of the year and prizes awarded accordingly.

22nd July 1913  Page 391 - Vol. 20 No. 7 The Australasian Photographic Review

Mr. Norman C. Deck
Enlarged from worked-up negative.

22nd August 1913  Page 444 - Vol. 20 No. 8 The Australasian Photographic Review

The first monthly competition of the Ashfield School of Arts Camera Club was held on the 21st July. Twenty-five pictures were submitted for competition; subject, landscape, Class A. The judge, Mr. A.R. Wheeler, assisted by Mr. E.N. Poole, went carefully into the merits of the whole of the exhibits and criticized them all. The first prize went to Mr. C.E. Wakeford, second to Mr. E.P. Davidson, third to Mr. R.A. Ewens.

On 4th August Mr. R.A. Ewens lectured on “Paper Negatives”. The lecturer had a number of these negatives on view and judging by the excellent show he must have gone to a great deal of trouble in preparing them. He dealt with his subject in a lucid and masterly manner and answered various questions.

Mr. N.C. Deck, who was in the chair, was congratulated on his win in the recent competition in England and thanked members for their very encouraging remarks.

Mr. W.M. Lean and Mr. T.P. Moroney were elected vice-presidents of the club.

22nd December 1913  Page 645 - Vol. 20 No. 12 The Australasian Photographic Review

Mr. Reginald A. Ewens

Lewisham, NSW
Awarded Third Prize in the A.P-R. Competition for December

22nd January 1914  Page 42 - Vol. 21 No. 1 The Australasian Photographic Review

The Annual Exhibition of Members Work will be held during the month, commencing on January 26th, and continuing throughout the week. Arrangements have been made whereby the exhibition will be open during the afternoon as well as evenings. We expect to hang about 150 pictures in the Lecture Hall of the School of Arts, and everything points to a most successful show of pictures. A hearty invitation is extended to all camerists and those interested in photography to visit the Exhibition.

23rd February 1914  Page 81 - Vol. 21 No. 2 The Australasian Photographic Review

Mr. Arthur Harris
Ashfield, NSW

Awarded Fourth Prize in the A.P-R. Competition for December

23rd February 1914  Page 92 - Vol. 21 No. 2 The Australasian Photographic Review

The first Annual Exhibition of Members work of the Ashfield School of Arts Camera Club was held in the Lecture Hall, from 26th January until 2nd February and was an unqualified success. The attendances at all sessions was large and the interest shown by the visitors was much appreciated by the members. The exhibition was held more as an experiment than anything else and it turned out successfully from all points.

The State Governor, Sir Gerald Strickland, sent his best wishes to the club and was sorry he could not attend, owing to being away at Moss Vale.

The outstanding feature, which was more disappointing than we expected it to be, was that it was practically the “same few" who sent pictures along for exhibition.

The prize donated by Mr. A.A. Lawson was won by Mr. C.E. Wakeford with “A Steep Grade", a picture of a train coming uphill from Hawkesbury. Mr. W.M. Lean also donated a prize and that was won by Mr. R.A. Ewens with a dog study, “Tim”. The exhibition was a good advertisement for the club and for the School of Arts also. It should be the means of securing a number of new members.


Born 24th May 1861 - Valletta, Malta
Died 22nd August 1940 (aged 79) Attard, Malta

14th March 1913 – 27th October 1917

23rd February 1914  Page 73 - Vol. 21 No. 2 The Australasian Photographic Review

Mr. C.E. Wakeford

Croydon, NSW
Awarded Third Prize in the A.P-R. Competition for October

15th January 1915  Page 50 - Vol. 22 No. 1 The Australasian Photographic Review

On Saturday 21st November, the members accepted Mr. A.A. Lawson’s invitation to spend an afternoon in his studio, recently built at his private residence, Ashfield.

The studio and dark-room are beautifully fitted up with all the most modern apparatus. The members took advantage of the soft “studio” light and kept busy photographing each other, the plates being immediately developed, to see results, which were highly satisfactory. Afternoon tea was provided by Mrs. Lawson and during the afternoon Mr. Lawson photographed a group of those present, which photograph proved to be a big success.

On the 7th December Mr. Bostock gave his lecture entitled “Artistic Photography”. The lecturer touched on almost every branch of the art, from the taking of the negative to the framing of the picture. He impressed upon the members the importance of correct composition and the use of the long focus lens as an aid to correct perspective. Mr. Bostock showed examples of straight prints, also those with obtrusive lights toned down.

15th January 1915  Page 50 - Vol. 22 No. 1 The Australasian Photographic Review

Among the matters discussed at the December meeting was the Annual Exhibition of members work and Messrs. Harris, Stockton and Wakeford were appointed a working committee. This promises to be the most successful venture the Club has undertaken.

Mr. Harris, our treasurer, has just returned from a trip to Tasmania, bringing back a fine lot of negatives and it is his intention in the near future to give a lantern lecture. As lantern slides are Mr. Harris hobby, members can look forward to something worth seeing.

The members met on 4th January and arranged the syllabus for the half-year ending 30th June.

Our President, Mr. A.A. Lawson, has very kindly donated £1 for the best picture in the exhibition, also some books which will prove a valuable addition to our library, which, by the way, is in the hands of Mr. Stockton. In addition to Mr. Lawson’s prize, the Club is giving two other prizes, so the competition will be keen.

We will be glad to welcome members of other clubs, also visitors and friends any evening of the exhibition.

15th February 1915  Page 109 - Vol. 22 No. 2 The Australasian Photographic Review

Among the matters discussed at the December meeting was the Annual Exhibition of members work, and Messrs. Harris, Stockton, and Wakeford were appointed a working committee.

This promises to be the most successful venture the Club has undertaken.

Mr. Harris, our treasurer, has just returned from a trip to Tasmania, bringing back a fine lot of negatives, and it is his intention in the near future to give a lantern lecture. As lantern slides are Mr. Harris hobby, members can look forward to something worth seeing.

The members met on 4th January and arranged the syllabus for the half-year ending 30th June.

Our President, Mr. A.A. Lawson, has very kindly donated £1 for the best picture in the exhibition, also some books which will prove a valuable addition to our library, which, by the way, is in the hands of Mr. Stockton. In addition to Mr. Lawson’s prize, the Club is giving two other prizes, so the competition will be keen.

We will be glad to welcome members of other clubs, also visitors and friends any evening of the exhibition.

15th March 1915  Page 143 - Vol. 21 No. 3 The Australasian Photographic Review

Mr. Arthur Harris
Ashfield, NSW

Awarded Second Prize in the A.P-R. Competition for March

15th March 1915  Page 165 - Vol. 21 No. 3 The Australasian Photographic Review

The Ashfield School of Arts Camera Club held its second annual exhibition of pictures in the Lecture Hall from 25th to 30th January and it was a big success. The President’s prize for the best picture exhibited was awarded to C.E. Wakeford for “Dick”: whilst R.A. Ewens obtained second place with “The Valley” and A. Harris third with "Darling Harbour”, the judging being in the hands of Mr. Bostock. The exhibition was well attended and members are to be complimented on the high standard of work shown.

15th April 1915  Page 213 - Vol. 22 No. 4 The Australasian Photographic Review

On 22nd February, Mr. Bostock gave a lecture, entitled “Mounting and Framing the Print”, in which he pointed out the importance of having a knowledge of color harmony, so as to get the print, mount and frame to harmonize. Colors should be avoided as much as possible, also white mounts. Generally speaking, the mount should be as near the middle tone of the print as possible. Individual taste plays a very important part. Under slips are very useful to isolate the print, also to hold the picture together. When framing, fancy and heavy moldings should always be avoided. Passe-partout was a very suitable method of framing, as almost any color could be obtained.

On 1st March, the demonstration on “Retouching” by Mr Gamble, was something out of the ordinary. The lecturer showed the members how to use the knife to advantage in removing obtrusive highlights: also how a negative could be improved by coating the back with matt varnish and working up with pencil or stump.

15th July 1916  Page 381 - The Australasian Photographic Review

A social evening was held at the rooms on 8th June, to which the members of the Illawarra District Camera Club were invited. There were about 60 people present and during the evening the pictures of the inter-club competition. Ashfield v. Illawarra, were judged by Mr. H. Griffiths. The result was a victory for Illawarra, the scores being 43 and 35 respectively. The conditions of the competition were — Six pictures a side, no more than two by one man.