Saturday 27th August 1898  Page 3 - National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW)

A meeting was held last night at the Technical College when the Bathurst Camera Club was formed in conjunction with the Technical College Union, and the following officers were elected: Patron, Mr W.J.C. Ross; president, Mr F.B. Kenny; vice-presidents, Dr. Machattie and Mr E.T. Webb; Hon.Secretary, Mr R.L. Tamer; Hon.Treasurer, Mr J.D. Page; committee, Messrs. R. Stephens, G.E. Haughton, W. Cook, S. Marsden and J. Fox. The annual subscription was fixed at 5s for seniors and 2s 6d for juniors per annum. Membership is open to any amateur photographer upon payment of the annual subscription. A dark room has generously been placed at the disposal of the club by the authorities of the college.

25th May 1899  Page 26 - The Australasian Photographic Review

We have received a copy of the report of the judges of the photographic exhibits at the "Bathurst Agricultural Horticultural and Pastoral Association" annual show on the 19th, 20th, and 21st April. They say: “The large exhibit contains such a quantity of work, and that of so varied a nature and high a quality, that the remaining exhibits are absolutely distanced. The Society is to be congratulated upon having attracted so excellent an exhibit of professional work”. Of the amateur division, the judge says; “The amateur exhibits are larger, show more variety and are of a higher quality as a whole than at any previous exhibition that I have seen. It must be understood, however, that although first prizes have been awarded in all sections, they have been given in some instances to prints that are not up to the standard of first prize work, many of the exhibits show considerable room for improvement. Some of the enlarged landscapes are sadly wanting in breadth, and consist of little else than confused areas of detail. This, indeed, characterizes many of the prints submitted, more especially the half plates. It seems scarcely fair to have to award a prize to such subjects as are rendered by the majority of the users of the Pocket Kodak, and the enlargement which, in consequence of the absence of competition, has been awarded first place, is quite unworthy of the position. If the exhibitor of this is capable of better work, it is a pity that this was shown”.