Saturday 16th December 1899
Page 2 - Morning Post (Cairns, Queensland)

The monthly meeting of the Cairns Amateur Photographic Society was held at Mr G.P. McLean's residence on Thursday evening, there being present Messrs A.W. Thynne (President), C. Forrest. A.L. Taylor, G.E. Houston, A.H. Jerome, J. Phillips. G.P. McLean, and A.F. Hunt (Secretary). After the formal, part of the meeting had been concluded Mr Taylor read a short and exceedingly interesting paper on the art of photography, from the exposure of the plate to the finishing of the print, which contained many valuable hints to beginners. After the paper had been fully discussed, Mr Taylor was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for the trouble he had taken in the matter. The matter of obtaining a club room was talked over, and it was decided that before taking any steps in this direction the members should see what expenses would be incurred, and where the money was obtainable. The President announced that it was the intention of the Society to have a paper read at every monthly meeting, the first to be one by Mr Hunt. After some further discussion of a conversational nature the meeting closed in the usual manner.

Saturday 20th January 1900
Page 2 - Morning Post (Cairns, Queensland)

The meeting of the Cairns Amateur Photographic Society, which was to have been held on Thursday evening at Mr G.P. McLean's residence, lapsed for want of a quorum. The inclemency of the weather doubtless was the cause of the members not putting in an appearance.

Saturday 8th May 1900
Page 5 - Cairns Morning Post (Queensland)

The first meeting, after formation, of the Cairns Amateur Photographic Society was held in the School, of Arts on Thursday night, when a good number of members put in an appearance. Amongst the correspondence received was a letter from Mr Crittenden, of Harrington and Co. Limited, Brisbane, which contained many useful hints as to carrying on the Society successfully. It was decided to send Mr. Crittenden a letter of thanks for his kindly action. Rules and regulations were left over to be considered at next meeting. A sub-committee was appointed consisting ?????????????????? ???????????????

Saturday 22nd May 1900
Page 4 - Cairns Morning Post (Queensland)

The second meeting of the Cairns Amateur Photographic Society was held in the School of Arts on Thursday night lase, when a good muster of members put in an appearance. The fortnightly outings so far have proved a great success, and the amount of interest being shown by members is evidenced by the way they attend the meetings. The results of last Saturday's outing were criticized and discussed. Negatives and prints were submitted and passed around for examination, faults were pointed out, and remedies to prevent like defects again suggested. Mr. G. Davies exhibited some splendid lantern slides, colored, taken by himself, which surprised some of the older members with experience in the art. One member remarked, "Just the thing that we wish for and our young member has been hiding his talents from us all". The Society wishes every member to bring any specimens along and later on more interest and growing membership will accrue. It was decided to procure a club album in which the best pictures taken during the outings will be placed, and kept as a collection of the beautiful picturesque northern scenery. The next outing was arranged for Saturday 29th, when members will journey by train or bicycle to Freshwater. The next general meeting was fixed for Thursday, 3rd June in the School of Arts at 8pm.

22nd June 1909
Page 316 - Vol. 16 No. 6 The Australasian Photographic Review

During the latter part of last century there was, once upon a time, an Amateur Photographic Society flourishing in Cairns (North Queensland). For various reasons, amongst others, the tired feeling so well known to Northerners, lack of enthusiasm shown amongst many members, and those who belonged to it being in so many other Societies, the Society did not flourish as it should have. Now the town has advanced so rapidly, and so many newcomers arrived and arriving, that a few old and new enthusiasts thought the time was ripe to make a fresh start. With views and surroundings in this district second to none in Australia, there is nothing to prevent the Society from becoming a credit to the town, providing members will put their shoulders to the wheel and work as though it were their daily occupation.

About a dozen “Camera fiends” met in the local School of Arts recently, and, after discussing the matter, decided to form a Society, to be called Cairns Amateur Photographic Society. Apologies were received from others unable to attend, but who promised their support.

Officers were appointed as follows:


Mr. R. Catt

Vice President:
Mr. H. Manners
Hon. Secretary:
Mr. A.F. Hunt
Hon. Treasurer:
Mr. A.F. Hunt
Mr. G.W. Ferris
Mr. Wentworth Allen
Mr. T. Gleeson
Mr. G.A. Ellwood
Mr. W.G. Davis

The subscription was fixed at 5s. per half-year, payable in advance, and after a general conversation over photographic matters, the next meeting was arranged for Thursday night, May 6th, when rules and general matters would be arranged.