1st September 1948
Page 545 - Vol. 55 No. 9 The Australasian Photographic Review

On Wednesday 4th August, the Open Photographic Competition sponsored by the society was judged, and it proved very successful and interesting. Numerous entries were submitted covering a wide range of subjects.

It was fortunate that the competition coincided with the visit of Mr. Eric Jolliffe of “Pix” fame, Mr. Frank Bagnall (Department of Information), and Mr, S. Samuel, who kindly consented to jointly carry out the judging. Prizes were awarded to Captain Tom Shaw and Mr. V. Tarhanoff, Senior (Open Section); Mrs. J.S. Litchfield (Box Camera); Miss T. DeLaine (Ladies Open) and Master V. Tarhanoff (Junior).

Some excellent colored travel stills screened by Mr. S.B. Gamble were enjoyed by all, and Mr. Johnnie Wilkshire is to be congratulated on his very fine initial effort with color movie film. Two movie films from Adelaide, “Trick Photography” and “Diving Displays”, completed the program.

It is felt that competitions such as this will go a long way towards raising the standard of photographic and cine production in the Territory.

Mr. Derham Greene, on behalf of the Society, welcomed many visitors, including Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Mountford, who have returned from Arnhem Land for a few days.

Northern Standard, Darwin, August 6th 1948

1st October 1948
Page 618 - Vol. 55 No. 10 The Australasian Photographic Review

On Wednesday evening, 1st September at the Club Room, a representative gathering of the Darwin community was welcomed by Mr. V. Tarhanoff and committee members.

Two interesting and instructive lectures were delivered during the evening. Mr. J.P. Samuel, A.R.C.A., chose “Composition” as his subject, and stressed the importance of line, mass effects, perspective and tone, illustrating the various points with some of his own etchings aid paintings. It is very much regretted that Mr. and Mrs. Samuel will be leaving Darwin at an early date. The “Talk for Beginners”, by Mr. S. Manning, one of the Club members, should, no doubt, prove of great benefit to those concerned.

The movie portion of the program was kindly carried out by the Rev. A. Grant, who projected three very interesting shorts — “The History of British Pedigreed Stock", “Life at Oxford", and a color film of the “Canadian Lobster Industry”.

1st November 1948
Page 685 - Vol. 55 No. 11 Australasian Photo-Review

On Wednesday, members and friends again spent a happy and instructive evening at the Club Room. Those who had not attended the picnic at Fanny Bay heard of the “doings” of that afternoon, experiments in silhouette photography and “shooting” among the rocky cliffs.

A delightful color film (loaned by the Adelaide Filmo Club) of the Children’s Christmas Pageant through the streets of Adelaide, depicting every conceivable nursery rhyme, was the highlight of the evening’s screening. “Wanderings through Bali”, “Meandering through London by Night and Day”, “Night at the Circus”, “Artificial Hatching of Salmon”, “Trip Along the River Murray” were the other films on the program.

1st May 1949  Page 322 - Vol. 56 No. 5 Australasian Photo-Review

The Society held its first meeting for the year on Wednesday, April 4th. The program for the evening was greatly appreciated by members and visitors alike. Films shown by permission of the Shell Co. were thoroughly enjoyed. They included a motor trip through “The Centre”, with buffalo shooting and crocodile hunting, coral creatures and fish, and odd plants and creatures of nature.

Miss Thelma De Laine has resigned as secretary, owing to pressure of work and uncertainty of her movements. The writer is acting in a temporary capacity until the next general meeting.

1st September 1949  Page 592 - Vol. 56 No. 9 Australasian Photo-Review

The annual meeting was held at the club room on July 20th,when a large number of members and friends were present.

Mr. S. Turnbull was voted to the chair. The Secretary read a report from the former Secretary, Miss T. DeLaine, on the year’s events. Outstanding among the guest visitors for the year, were Mr. Charles Mountford and other members of the Scientific American Expedition; Mr. Eric Joliffe, of “Saltbush Bill” fame; Mr. S.P. Gamble and Mr. J.P. Samuels A.R.C.A., both of Sydney, and Mr. Frank Bagnall, of the Department of Information. Among the lectures given during the year were “Talks for Beginners” “Choosing Your Movie Camera", “Elementary Photography”, “Composition” and “Making a Picture”.

The statement read by the Treasurer, Mr. J. Lucas, showed that the Society ended the year with a small credit balance.

The election of office-bearers resulted: President, Mr. V. Tarhanoff; Vice-President, Dr. MacKenzie; Secretary (temporarily), Mrs. J. Litchfield; Treasurer (temporarily), Mr. J. Lucas; Committee: Messrs. A. Hinch, S. Stoney, S. Manning, and V. Tarhanoff Jnr.

After the business of the evening had been concluded, a showing of short films was given by the President.

Despite other attractions, there was an excellent attendance of members and visitors at the August meeting.

After a hearty welcome to the visitors and members, the President showed some remarkably good color films which had been lent to the Society by courtesy of the Secretary of the Perth Cine Society. These films, all of which were in color, showed views of Rottnest Island, Yanchep, salmon-fishing at Hopetown, W.A., the Perth Royal Show (which was a glitter of color and light), a tour of Tasmania, and views of picnickers at holiday scenic areas, including some excellent waterfall scenes.

Among the visitors welcomed to the Club, were Messrs. E. and A. Jolly, Mr. Friebe, and Mr. and Mrs. Eddy.

1st October 1949  Page 610 - Vol. 56 No. 10 Australasian Photo-Review

The Society held a photographic picnic at Tumbling Waters, some thirty miles from Darwin, on Sunday, August 14th, when twenty-three members and friends spent a happy day on the banks of the Blackmore River.

The photographs taken at the picnic were on display on the monthly meeting night, 7th September, when ninety-one photographs, both contact prints and enlargements, were open for inspection and for judging by popular vote. Also on display were twenty-three photographs of Mrs. V. Tarhanoff’s salon, entered for a special trophy. This was won by Mr. Derham Green for an excellent enlargement of a view of the salon, showing the large trees which shade the building. Mr. Green was also winner of the Tumbling Waters competition, both for the best photograph on display and for the best human interest photograph.

After the judging had been completed, Mr. H. Turnbull gave a talk, with practical demonstrations, on “developing films”, a demonstration that was watched with eager interest by all present. Mr. Turnbull robbed the developing of films of much of its mystery, showing his audience that the main necessity was to follow all instructions to the letter, and carefully to observe cleanliness in the handling of films and solutions, so as to produce satisfactory negatives free from fog, streaks and frilling.

1st November 1949  Page 722 - Vol. 56 No. 11 Australasian Photo-Review

Twenty-nine members and friends attended the picnic of the Society, which was held at Tale Head on Sunday 18th September. Swimming, fishing, rock-climbing and photography kept the party interested and amused.

As a result of the picnic, some forty photographs were on display at the Society’s clubroom on Wednesday, October 5th, when the monthly social gathering was held. Mr. and Miss Hinch had donated trophies for the best contact prints, and for the best enlargements. Judging was by popular vote. The trophy for the best contact print went to Miss Thelma De Laine, and the trophy for the best enlargement went to Mr. G. Carlton.

The program for the evening was an excellent one; first came a showing of films kindly lent by the Adelaide Filmo Club. This was followed by a short talk by Mr. Manning on a new color process, Kodacolor, now available in U.S.A.

Mr. H. Turnbull then gave a practical demonstration of printing contact prints from the negative, explaining why certain negatives needed certain classes of printing papers if the best results are to be secured.

1st December 1949  Page 787 - Vol. 56 No. 12 Australasian Photo-Review

Manton River was chosen as the site for the October outing. Members left the hall at 9am, a short stop being made at the Manton Dam, where they climbed the wall of the dam itself, and took a number of exposures of river and dam, then on again to the chosen site on the bank of the Manton River, under the shade of giant gums. Here, swimming, boating and photography occupied the party’s attention, and a splendid day’s outing was enjoyed by all. Two boats, a yellow rubber dinghy, and a small white wooden one, made many excursions up and down the river-reaches, the quiet back-waters, with their wide stretches of blue-and-white water-lilies, being a great attraction to the photographers. The billy was boiled, and an alfresco lunch enjoyed. Shortly before sunset, a move was made homeward, after an excellent day’s outing.

The photographs made at the outing were on view at the Society’s clubroom at its November gathering, and these filled two sides of the hall, almost one hundred photographs being on show. The judging was by popular vote, and proved very close. Mrs. Litchfield gained the prize for the best human interest study by one vote only; three entries at first tied for the best enlargement, the award finally going to Mr. Rowett. The award for the best landscape went to Mr. Cross. After the judging was completed, the Rev. A. Grant showed a number of Kodachrome slides, lent by several members of the Society, and gave a running commentary on them. The vote for the best Kodachrome slide went to Rev. A. Grant, for an excellent study of yellow water-lilies. A vote of thanks to all who had made the meeting so enjoyable closed the evening’s entertainment.

1st January 1950  Page 7 - Vol. 57 No. 1 The Australasian Photo-Review

In the absence of the President (Mr. V. Tarhanoff) from the Christmas meeting, the Secretary (Mr. George Carlton) welcomed the guests, who spent much time examining the display of photographs and who expressed amazement at the remarkably varied selection of architectural studies displayed.

Mrs. Kennon then showed a series of color films of various beauty spots in Australia, including scenes of pre-war Darwin, and a few, uncolored, of the bombing of Darwin, which showed plainly the destruction caused by the Japanese bombs. Her display of films evoked much interest and appreciation.

Following supper, a very hearty vote of thanks was expressed to Mrs. Kennon for the splendid display of films shown, and to Mrs Jarvis for the delicious supper, to which all had done full justice.

The Photographic Society, in common with most other societies in Darwin, goes into recess during the wet season, so will not be holding another meeting until March next.

1st September 1951  Page 578 - Vol. 58 No. 9 Australasian Photo-Review

At the Annual Meeting held on the 18th July, the following office-bearers were elected for the ensuing twelve months:

President, Mr. C. Bannerman; Vice-President, Mr. S. Manning; Hon. Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. C.F. Meade; Committee, Mesdames C. Bannerman and I. Dalrymple, Messrs. R. Reynolds, H. Armstrong. Mrs. Dalrymple also assumed duty as Hostess.

The retiring Hon. Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Clare Riedy, earned a special vote of thanks for the manner in which she performed her duties — it was only because of her pending departure South that she was unable to carry on her good work.

Several successful salons have been held, and the high standard of prints submitted is tangible evidence of members keen interest. Quite a few new members have been enrolled and are annexing their fair share of major awards. Frequent screenings of transparencies have been greatly appreciated.

A most successful year has been concluded, and members are very keenly looking forward to increased activities.