October 1950  Page 650 - Australasian Photo-Review

A new note in competitions was inaugurated on the 29th when the The Camera Club of Sydney and the Photographic Society of New South Wales staged their first Inter-Club Competition. Each group submitted 30 prints to be judged by a panel of three, one judge nominated by each Society and one independent. The judges were Messrs. A.W. Gale, Keast Burke and J. Metcalfe. As was expected, competition was very close and until the final counting it was any body's victory. This Society did eventually win by a narrow margin, but the Camera Club threatens vengeance next year. The highly successful launching of this inter-club competition should be a photographic milestone in Sydney and next year the Camera Club and this Society hope to have gained the co-operation of other groups in joining in and planning a competition of all Sydney clubs for a substantial trophy.

1st May 1951  Page 266 - Volume 58 No. 5 - Australasian photo-review



The evening of April 9th at the Y.M.C.A. Hall, Sydney, was the setting for the judging of the Inter-club Competition, probably the most important event in the history of pictorial photography in New South Wales. (See full details in Table A).


Inaugurated at a meeting called by the Photographic Society of New South Wales and held on 9th October, 1950, by representatives of: the Photographic Society of New South Wales, The Camera Club of Sydney, Y.M.C.A. Camera Circle, St. George Photographic Society, Manly Camera Club.

In addition to the above, Sydney University Photographic Society, Newcastle Photographic Society, and Wollongong Camera Club were invited to participate, and accepted.

Consists of two (2) members each from clubs of over 60 members and one (1) from each of the other smaller participating clubs, to be elected yearly. Chairman and secretary to be appointed by committee each year.

A continual trophy was presented by the Photographic Society of New South Wales.

Three (3) judges, each to act independently.
Points for Judging: Twenty (20) each judge for each individual print.
Judges for 1951: Mr. Keast Burke B.Ec., ARPS, APSA; Mr. J.W. Metcalfe, Mr. Henri Mallard.

To be mounted on uniform mount, 16 inches by 20 inches.

Any print shown previously in Inter-club Competition not eligible for any future competition.

No distinction between senior and junior workers.

Title: Optional, but no worker’s name to appear on face of print or mount. Worker’s name and club to appear on back of print.

Any photographic process. Hand-colored prints inadmissible. Prints to be hung indiscriminately.

Committee feels the work should be a cross section of all workers rather than a fewer number of first-class workers, and allotted a maximum number of prints to each society and a limit on the number of prints per member, as under:

For the year, 1951
Maximum Prints
25 - Photographic Society of New South Wales.
25 - The Camera Club of Sydney.
20 - St. George Photographic Society.
20 - Sydney University Photographic Society.
20 - Y.M.C.A. Camera Circle.
20 - Newcastle Photographic Society.
15 - Manly Camera Club.
15 - Wollongong Camera Club.

Limit per Member
2 - Photographic Society of New South Wales.
2 - The Camera Club of Sydney.
3 - Y.M.C.A, Camera Circle.
3 - Newcastle Photographic Society.
4 - St. George Photographic Society.
4 - Sydney University Photographic Society.
4 - Manly Camera Club.
4 - Wollongong Camera Club.

Optional for a member of two (2) clubs to contribute with both clubs.

Aggregate marks for each club divided by the number of prints committee allotted to each club arrives at a club’s numerical index. Club with highest numerical index is winner and retains trophy for one (1) year.

Stickers will be placed on prints exhibited.

The chair was taken by Dr. A.E.F. Chaffer in his capacity of Chairman of the Organizing Committee. By the time his opening remarks were concluded the three judges, who had been at work since 7pm, were in a position to hand in the results of their consideration of each individual print. These results were quickly chalked up on a giant scoreboard by a team of helpers to the accompaniment of a buzz of interested comment as each print received its series of figures. It was interesting to observe that with regard to the outstanding work there was a very high degree of unanimity on the part of the judges. These high ranking prints were later the subject of individual comment from the judges, while the numerical index figures were being calculated. When the final result was announced it became known that the Photographic Society of New South Wales was the victor by an exceedingly narrow margin, amounting only to 0.9 in the numerical index score. (See full details in Table B).

A vote of thanks to the three judges was moved by Mr. H. James and seconded by Mr. G.S. Gow. Both speakers were in excellent form; probably never before in the history of photographic judging had judges been the recipients of so many “kind words”. In conclusion, the chairman referred to the possibility of the 1952 competition being extended to include other country clubs in New South Wales, and perhaps also to embrace leading societies in other States.

March 1952  Page 133 - Australasian Photo-Review

The following circular letter was sent, on 22nd January, to all known N.S.W. camera clubs by Harold N. Jones, Hon.Secretary.

In 1951 a very successful competition between five Sydney Societies, also Wollongong and Newcastle Clubs, was held and it has been decided to increase the scope of the 1952 competition so as to include clubs throughout N.S.W. Attached hereto is a copy of the rules which governed the first competition and which will probably apply in future, subject of course, to any modification or changes which the new committee may decide.

The maximum number of prints and limit per member were arrived at after full consideration, with a view to small clubs with not a large number of A grade workers being able to compete reasonably with larger clubs and it was found to work very well.

As it is expected that a large entry will be received, the committee is endeavoring to engage a large hall for the occasion and probably, after the competition night, make a public exhibition for about a week of those prints which it is considered are up to Salon Standard.

This circular will be sent out to approximately thirty clubs in N.S.W., and the committee would like prompt replies from those receiving a copy whether they would like to enter the competition; also whether they wish to appoint a representative to the committee.

1st August 1952  Page 458 - Volume 59 No. 8 - Australasian Photo-Review

New South Wales Amateur Photographic Societies


This eagerly-anticipated annual function was this year held on June 20, the general basis being along similar lines to those of last year ( see A.P.-R., Vol. 58 p. 266). The same judging panel (Keast Burke, Henri Mallard and J.W. Metcalfe) was in operation, the only difference on this occasion being that the prints were judged at a prior stage; in consequence, when the audience arrived, they found each print to be duly “tabbed” with specially printed cards showing the individual markings of the three judges. Once again the opinions of the judges showed a substantial degree of agreement — a result that was gratifying both to them and to the contestants.

The following tables give the complete story:

The record of this interesting annual function would be incomplete if due tribute were not paid to Photographic Society of New South Wales, Hon.Secretary, H.N. Jones, who carried the full burden of the organizing and clerical work, and to the Sydney Y.M.C.A. and “Y” Camera Circle, who were the cordial hosts for the occasion.

October 1952  Page 589 - Australasian Photo-Review

During the year the Canberra Photographic Society entered for the first time in the inter-club competition with N.S.W. clubs and achieved fifth placing on very close judging.

Monday 14th September 1953  Page 4 - The Canberra Times (ACT)

The Canberra Photographic Society won the N.S.W. Inter-club championship on Friday at a display organized by the Photographic Society of New South Wales. The club entered eight prints in competition with 16 other groups, including eight metropolitan clubs. Entries were in ratio to club membership. Judges Messrs. Keith Burke, A.W. Gale and C.S. Christian; awarded Canberra Photographic Society 33.62 points, the Y.M.C.A. Camera Circle 30.1; and The Camera Club of Sydney 29.25. The winning prints belonged to K. Bogg, K. Dinnerville, L. Leslie, A. Redpath and B. Robottom. L. Leslie won the trophy for the best print of the show. Several of the Canberra club's prints were taken from, the annual exhibition now on show at the club's quarters at Riverside.

1st October 1953  Page 640 - Volume 60 No. 10 - Australasian Photo-Review

The Annual N.S.W. Inter-Club Competition was held in the Y.M.C.A. Hall on September 19 and 20. The participating clubs numbered sixteen, which is an increase of five clubs as compared with 1952. Two clubs who indicated their willingness to compete unfortunately had to withdraw at the last minute.

The general quality of the work was very good and indicated a definite move towards progress. The Judges, Messrs. Keast Burke ARPS, APSA; C.S. Christian and A.W.W. Gale ARPS, had a big task in deciding the placing of the 183 prints submitted. The results, representing the average per print awarded by the three judges, with a maximum of sixty points, were:

Canberra Photographic Society 33.62
Y.M.C.A. Camera Circle 30.10
The Camera Club of Sydney 29.25
Wollongong Camera Club 28.70
Photographic Society of New South Wales 27.50
Manly Camera Club 26.10
Kingsgrove Photographic Club 25.11
St. George Photographic Society 23.08
Public Works Department Photographic Society 22.90
Eastern Suburbs Cameramateurs 21.45
Australian Portfolio Photographic Society 21.37
Quirindi Camera Club 21.37
Marrickville District Photographic Society 21.30
N.S.W. Police Photographic Club 21.27
Railway House Photographic Society 19.37
Griffith Camera Club 6.25

The print of highest distinction was submitted by Mr. J. W. Metcalfe of the Photographic Society of New South Wales, who was awarded 46 points for "The Daggers Dance". He was closely followed by Mr. C.L. Leslie, of the Canberra Photographic Society, with his print "Joan", which gained 45 points.

The Inter-Club Cup will be held by the Canberra Photographic Society for the ensuing twelve months.

November 1954  Page 654 - Australasian Photo-Review

Prints from the annual Inter-Club Competition sponsored by the NSW Photographic Council will be on display in the Department of Education Galleries for one week from 6th to 10th December.

The exhibition will be open to the public. Approximately 400 prints will be on display, of which 300 will represent the clubs exhibits. There will also be an invitation panel of prints from commercial photographers. The program will include a screening of color slides. Prints will be submitted on a proportional basis from member clubs of the NSW Photographic Council.

This will be the photographic event-of the year and it is expected that a great deal of public interest will be created. Clubs who are not members of the Council should immediately contact the Secretary, Mr. H.A. Little, PO Box 74, Marrickville, N.S.W.

December 1954  Page 761 - Australasian Photo-Review


Wednesday 12th December 1956  Page 2 - The Canberra Times (Australian Capital Territory)

The Canberra Photographic Society won three of the four sections in the NSW Inter-club Annual Photographic competition.

This year was the first year that color slides were introduced into the competition, but in the previous three years the Canberra society has won the awards for the two sections - the best print of the year and the black and white section.

Tuesday 13th January 1959  Page 5 - The Canberra Times (Australian Capital Territory)

The Canberra Photographic Society crowned its activity for the year by winning the 1958 black and white and color sections of the NSW Photographic Council Inter-club Competition. The entry in both sections was a group entry from club members.

Thursday 19th March 1959  Page 27 - The Canberra Times (Australian Capital Territory)

The opportunity was taken at the Canberra Photographic Society meeting on Tuesday night to present to Mr. Alfred Clegg Redpath a trophy won by him in 1955, but which could not be presented earlier be cause of his transfer to Singapore.

The trophy, a silver tray, was awarded by the NSW Photographic Council for the "Print of the Year" in their State Inter-club trophy competition. In presenting the trophy the president of the society, Mr. C.L. Leslie, congratulated Mr. Redpath.

Tuesday 14th November 1961  Page 14 - The Canberra Times (Australian Capital Territory)

The Canberra Photographic Society won the New South Wales Inter-Club Competition black and white and color awards this year for the fourth time. The society won the awards in 1958 and in the two previous years.