1st May 1953
Page 266 - Vol. 60 No. 5 The Australasian Photographic Review

Our club has been functioning for five months and although the active membership is only twelve all are very keen. Some of us have had previous photographic experience but others have only become interested since the formation of the club. One of our members, namely M. Monsour, is a professional photographer and at a recent meeting he gave us an interesting lecture on the developing and handling of an exposed film.

Our object is to obtain our own darkroom, completely fitted. We are at present working on a room and have obtained a very good enlarger which at present circulates between members homes. We conduct a monthly print competition and hope to collect a number of enlargements for exchange with other clubs.

At a meeting, in the near future, we are to hold a debate between owners of miniature and owners of larger cameras, to allow members to voice their opinions on the attributes of each type of camera.

1st August 1953
Page 460 - Vol. 60 No. 8 The Australasian Photographic Review

The last meeting of the club was held on 4th June. Members present were Mrs. R. Watson, Miss J. Lawrie, Messrs. F. Rees, H. Mellor, C. Woollett, R. Watson, J. Wedemeyer, K. Day, R. Lieberam, and P. Dimitrios.

The subject for the monthly competition was Landscape and awards were: 1. F. Rees; 2, C. Woollett; 3, P. Dimitrios. It was decided that a separate competition be held each month for those members interested only in color transparencies.

During the night a movie film and a number of color slides, shown by C. Woollett, were enjoyed by all. These films were taken at the Scout’s Easter Camp at Ideraway. A lively discussion took place during the evening regarding the attributes of different types of cameras.

1st September 1953
Page 524 - Vol. 60 No. 9 The Australasian Photographic Review

At the monthly meeting on 9th July, it was decided that the funds collected at the club’s next Film Evening be used to procure film to make a movie of the present town and district. For our first monthly Kodachrome Competition, the subject was Scouting and entries were received from all enthusiasts. The results were; 1, J. Wedemeyer; 2, H. Mellor; 3, C. Woollett.

The Black-and-White Competition was deferred until the following month, an extra feature being the choice of two subjects, Still Life or A Portrait.

Mr. R.H. Beaton, local business man, has offered his central window for a display of photographs. This was appreciated by members who plan to obtain a number of enlargements for this purpose.

Amongst our members we have one who is keenly interested in snakes. He was well satisfied with a recent number of the A.P.-R. to find an article on how to photograph them successfully.

1st October 1953  Page 636 - Vol. 60 No. 10 Australasian Photo-Review

The meeting of the Club was held on 4th August, when it was decided that any member not having an entry in the current monthly competition must forfeit a sum equivalent to an entry fee. Members present were Mrs. H. Mellor, Miss J. Lawrie, Messrs. F. Rees {President), K. Day, R. Watson, H. Mellor, C. Woollett, J. Wedemeyer, M. Monsour, R. Lieberam, and P. Dimitrios {Secretary).

The main business of the evening was the judging of the monthly competitions. In the Color Class, the standard was high, the subject being A Water Scene. The placings were: 1, H. Mellor; 2, J. Lawrie; 3, J. Wedemeyer. The Black-and-white Competition was not as keenly contested. The results of the ballotings were:
STILL LIFE: 1, C. Woollen; 2, F. Rees; 3, R. Watson.
A GRADE PORTRAIT: 1, R. Watson; 2, F. Rees; 3, C. Woollen.

The subject for next month’s competition was set down as A Scene from Everyday Life and for the following month Clouds.

After the judging the prints were discussed and criticized and many faults will be obliterated from future competitions by the useful information given by M. Monsour.

It was suggested that the Club conduct an outing on a suitable Sunday after the exhibition period, to enable members to get together for their mutual pleasure and education in photography.

1st November 1953  Page 697 - Vol. 60 No. 11 Australasian Photo-Review

On September 8th the Club held its first Annual meeting at the residence of Mr. R. Watson. The officers elected for the ensuing year were: President, Mr. F.O. Rees; Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. P. Dimitrios. The President submitted his report and stated that he was well satisfied with the progress in the last twelve months; the darkroom was near completion and the membership had grown.

The monthly competition was A Scene from Everyday Life and the results of the ballot were:
BLACK-AND-WHITE SECTION: 1, P. Dimitrios; 2, R. Watson; 3, P. Dimitrios.
COLOR SECTION: 1, J. Wedemeyer; 2, (Equal), M. Mellor and J. Lawrie.

After the main business of the evening members gathered around to have their portraits taken by M. Monsour.

1st January 1954
Page 57 - Vol. 61 No. 1 The Australasian Photographic Review

Members of the Club and friends held a pleasant outing on the banks of Barambah Creek on September 27th. The weather was ideal for picnics, but not quite suitable for some members who would have liked to have seen more clouds. During the day cameras were active. Subjects included water scenes, clouds, trees, rocks, fellow club members, iguanas, cows, and last but not least, children and their antics. One of the attractive members of the club acted as model. It was decided to have outings more regularly, thus promoting the social side of the club activities.

At the monthly meeting on November 10th a practical demonstration of films in the darkroom was given by Mr. N. Monsour, who is our local professional photographer. Now that the darkroom is in working condition, members are taking a more active part in preparing entries for monthly competitions, and it is hoped that the club will benefit in membership.