1st October 1947  Page 544 - Vol. 54 No. 10 The Australasian Photographic Review

At the initial meeting held on September 11th, the Griffith Camera Club was formed, and the following office-bearers were elected ; Patrons, W.J. Carney, A.B. Turner; President, J.P. Carney; Vice-Presidents, Dr. G. Oxenham, R.A. Macfarlane; Secretary, E.G. Clare; Publicity, E. Wilson; Program Committee, L. Cohen, Dr. G. Oxenham.

At the meeting a representative from the Research Station, Mr. D. Walters, pointed out that the Club may be able to help the photographic section of the station with its many problems.

1st November 1947  Page 631 - Vol. 54 No. 11 Australasian Photo-Review

At the October meeting of the Griffith Camera Club members brought along their cameras, and a record of each member’s equipment, photographic capabilities and interests was made.

The first monthly contest was judged by Mr. J.P. Carney ARPS, the results being:
1, E.G. Clare; 2, Dr. G. Oxenham; 3, L. Cohen.

Mr. Clare’s study was a very fine infra-red landscape taken near the South Coast of N.S.W. some years ago. Members then viewed with interest a portfolio of prints by A.P.-R. and also a pictorial collection from a group of leading American photographers. These prints were made available by Kodak Pty. Ltd., and a vote of thanks was passed for their courtesy.

1st February 1948  Page 60 - Vol. 55 No. 2 Australasian Photo-Review

At the very successful and well attended January meeting three new members and many visitors were introduced. Mr. Roy Stacey then screened his 8mm movies (mostly Kodachrome) taken in Japan. Dr. Oxenham followed with a demonstration and lecture on “Chemistry”.

Competition results were: “CHILD STUDY”:
A GRADE: 1, Mr. E.G. Clare; 2, Mr. L. Cohen; 3, Mr. E.G. Clare.
B GRADE: 1, Mrs. G. Oxenham; 2, Miss Z. Lasscock; 3, Mrs. L. Cohen.

Monday 23rd February 1948  Page 3 - The Canberra Times (Australian Capital Territory)

The first exhibition of the Canberra Photographic Society, which is to be opened to-night by the High Commissioner of the United Kingdom (Mr. E.J. Williams) at the 2CA Theatrette, will contain 209 prints by local enthusiasts as well as exhibits from the Griffith Camera Club and from the Photographic Society of New South Wales. The exhibition also contains outstanding new pictures from America, as well as panels by leading Australian newspapers and the Department of Information. Aerial photographs by the R.A.A.F. of Canberra bring another aspect to the exhibition which is one of the most interesting seen in Canberra.

1st April 1948  Page 220 - Vol. 55 No. 4 Australasian Photo-Review

The February meeting, which was attended by about 30 members, was held on Wednesday, 25th, at the home of the President, Mr. J.P. Carney ARPS, Garrathool Street. New members admitted to the club were Messrs. D. Bell, S. McDonald, and A. Leech. Visitors included Mesdames Sertori, Faulks and Matron Dalton, of Hillston.

The President announced that the competition for next month would be “A Person” (preferably a member of the Camera Club).

The club arranged to be represented at a special meeting to be called in Sydney by the Photographic Society of New South Wales, with the object of obtaining greater co-ordination between the camera clubs of N.S.W.

Two interesting lectures were delivered during the evening.

In the first, Mr. L. Cohen explained clearly and fully the development of negatives, concluding his lecture by developing, in a tank, a film submitted by a club member.

Mr. S. Evans, who is at present in Griffith, making a colored movie film of activities at the Research Station and of irrigation methods in the area, for the C.S.I.R. film unit, gave interesting details regarding the exposing of Kodachrome.

1st July 1948  Page 408 - Vol. 55 No. 7 Australasian Photo-Review

Club members met on 29th May, and again a good attendance was noticed. Club membership increased by four and a number sent apologies for non-attendance.

Guest of honor was Mr. J.M. Joshua, of Temora. Mr. Joshua was an advanced amateur and A.P.-R. competitor, but is now a professional photographer in Temora. He gave a very interesting lecture on portraiture by artificial light, using as a model an attractive blonde girl. He demonstrated the effect with the use of one light only, and then added a second light to build up the shadow area. He used a field camera and took a flashlight picture of the club members — this is reproduced herewith.

The competitions, which were again judged by Mr. Carney, were won by Mr. E.G. Clare, 1st; Mr. L. Cohen, 2nd; Mr. E.G. Clare, 3rd. In the beginners section, awards were: 1, Miss Lalor; 2, R. Alderson; 3, E. Blair.

The Club is making rapid progress and the members are looking forward to a visit by the Editor.

Members of the  Griffith Camera Club
Flashlight photograph by J.M. Joshua.

1st December 1948  Page 751 - Vol. 55 No. 12 Australasian Photo-Review

About 30 members attended the November meeting of the Griffith Camera Club. On this occasion Mr. J. P. Carney described his recent southern trip, which included visits to the Sunraysia Camera Club (Mildura) and to the Adelaide Camera Club. He subsequently presented the exchange portfolio of the First Australasian-American Circuit. The various criticisms relating to each print were read and proved to be most informative.

Mr. E. West, of the Citrus Research Station, who has just returned from the United States, screened thirty or so Kodachromes of American subjects, which were very well received. Mr. West commented that this was his first attempt at color work; his results showed very careful selection and exposure.

The Club has prospects of obtaining a local small hall, which will be ideal for future meetings.

Monday 21st February 1949  Page 3 - Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW)

A photographic exhibition will be held in Griffith in the autumn and the support of the Griffith Camera Club has been assured.

1st April 1949  Page 255 - Vol. 56 No. 4 The Australasian Photo-Review

The Annual Meeting of the Club was held on February 22nd.

The following office-bearers were elected: President, J.P. Carney ARPS; Vice-Presidents, R. Macfarlane, Dr. G. Oxenham; Secretary/Treasurer, E.G. Glare; Publicity, E. Wilson; Catering, F. Beverley; Management, Messrs. Carney, Macfarlane, Oxenham, Clare, Walton, and Stacey.

An announcement was made to the effect that the Club has been able to secure the use of a very suitable hall. It is now hoped that the present membership of thirty-two will be greatly increased.

Saturday 14th May 1949  Page 9 - Border Watch (Mount Gambier, South Australia)

An exhibition of photography will be held in the Civic Hall supper room on May 20 and 21. The exhibition, sponsored by the Australian Portfolio Photographic Society, will contain 90 prints, including collections from the Anglo-Australian Portfolio Photographic Society; Mr. John P. Carney, one of Australia's best known amateurs and Mr. Keast Burke, editor of the Australian Photo Review. Competition prints have been judged by Mr. E.C. Cameron and Mr. I.H.J. Caldwell, of Hamilton. Until recently, Mr. Caldwell was president of the Sunraysia Camera Club at Mildura. The exhibition will be open on Friday afternoon and evening and on Saturday morning, afternoon and evening. On Friday evening color transparencies will be screened. Mr. Carney has been exhibiting successfully since 1934. He is an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society, a member of the Photographic Society of America, and President of the Griffith Camera Club. During the past six months Mr. Carney has had 22 prints accepted at ten international exhibitions.

1st July 1949  Page 404 - Vol. 56 No. 7 Australasian Photo-Review

Attracting many appreciative visitors and wide interest, the Exhibition of photographic art, presented by the Griffith Camera Club, was a tribute to the enthusiasm of President J.P. Carney ARPS, and Secretary, E. Clare.

Some four hundred odd photographs were hung in the Soldiers Memorial Hall, amongst which was to be seen work by such well-known pictorialists as Monte Luke, H. Cazneaux, Ainslie Roberts, Dr. Love, W.T. Owen, J.B. Eaton, J. Carney, M. and L. Lyons.

Camera clubs and their members were represented as follows:
Adelaide Camera Club, 11 members.
Camera Club of Sydney 5 members.
Canberra Photographic Society 4 members.
Griffith Camera Club 5 members.
Melbourne Camera Club 8 members.
Newcastle Photographic Club 5 members.
Sydney University Camera Club 4 members.
Tamworth Photographic Society 3 members.
Warwick Camera Club 2 members.
Wollongong Camera Club 7 members.
Photographic Society of New South Wales 10 members.

The high standard of print quality left nothing to be desired, and the variety of subject matter was sufficiently comprehensive to satisfy all tastes. In the writer’s opinion, the most interesting point of difference between the Griffith Exhibition and an International Salon was that the average visitor had no difficulty in finding a print that appealed. After all, the “Man in the Street” is entitled to some views of his own at some time, and he is not concerned with such weighty and awe-inspiring details as whether the print has all the well-known forms of composition, balance, tonal quality, ad infinitum; and is developed in D-72, on Super Velvet paper, or is printed on cardboard and developed in D.D.T.

All of which prompts me to suggest that we could do with more of these “all-in” shows, particularly in the larger country towns. Probably a greater number of prints has never before been assembled in one exhibition outside a capital city. With such wholehearted and spontaneous response from all photographers who so generously supported the Griffith Exhibition, this should not prove a very difficult task.


Wednesday 7th September 1949  Page 4 - The Canberra Times (Australian Capital Territory)

"Afternoon Stroll" entered by K. Dinnerville, was judged the best picture of the year at the annual meeting of the Canberra Photographic Society at the 2CA Theatrette last night. A print by G. Kimber was placed second and a print by K. Carnall, third. The second and third prizes were donated by the Griffith Camera Club.

The judging was made by Mr. John Carney, a well-known amateur photographer from Griffith Other visitors were Mrs Carney, and Mr. and Mrs. McNamara, of Griffith, and Mr. J. Joshua, of Temora. Mr. Carney gave helpful criticism on all the prints submitted and gave instances, of hideously experiences in photography. He also conducted a screening of color transparencies.

The John L. Davies Trophy for the highest points of the year was won by K. Dinnerville in the senior section, and the R.G. Heaney Trophy in the section for beginners was won by R. Howlett.

The financial statement revealed a profit on the year of more than £9.

Office-bearers elected were President Mr. C Bennett, Vice-Presidents, Mr. W. Jessop and Mr. R. Stevenson; Secretary, Mr. K. Carnall; Treasurer, Mr. A. Redpath; Committee, Mr. H. Collis, Mr. K Dinnerville, Mr J. Webb, Miss Val Eustace and Mr. J. Webb, Print committee, Mr. H. Collis, Mr. K. Dinnerville and Mr. E. Saxon; Auditor, Mr. A. Allison.

1st November 1950  Page 720 - Vol. 57 No. 11 The Australasian Photo-Review

A meeting of the Griffith Camera Club was held on the 20th September at the C.S.I.R.O. Research Station, when over twenty-five members and visitors attended. The President, Mr. J.P. Carney, in his opening address thanked all for coming, and said it was indeed pleasing to note the gradual increase of members, and hoped that the popularity of the club would grow still further.

The main feature of the evening was the interesting and instructive talk given by the guest speaker, Mr. A.V. Clutterbuck, on “Portrait Photography”. Mr. Clutterbuck is a former President of the Adelaide Camera Club, and is now residing in Albury. During the course of his talk, our speaker was photographed by Mr. T. Roberts with electronic flash.

The remainder of the evening was occupied in the screening of 8mm Kodachrome films, which were made in the Griffith and Tumut districts by Mr. A. Pedley and Mr. J.P. Carney.

Monday 22nd January 1951  Page 6 - The West Wyalong Advocate (NSW)

Mr. J.P. Carney, of Griffith, who has exhibited art work at the West Wyalong Agricultural Shows, has earned world recognition.

He has received a Certificate of Honor for a photographic print exhibited at, the International Salon in Luxembourg, and a Certificate of Merit in the World Masters contest conducted at Sweden.

Nor is this all. Mr. Carney has been advised that three of his prints will be exhibited in the forthcoming International Salon of Photography at Canberra, while he has again been invited to contribute to the American "Tops in Photography" exhibition to be held in the New Year.

Of the three prints accepted for exhibition at Canberra, one is a study of a local child, which was considered of such outstanding merit that it was classed as an honors print.

Incidentally, in addition to Mr. Carney, another member of the Griffith Camera Club, Mr. E.G. Clare, has had a print accepted for the Canberra exhibition.

Invitation to Mr. Carney to be represented in the "Tops in Photography" exhibition is a rare tribute to his skill and artistry with the camera, for only the very best of the world's camera art is accepted.

Recently, Mr. Carney exhibited two prints at the Paris Salon, with the result that he has now received a letter from a leading Parisian photography magazine inviting him to contribute articles on his aims and methods.

1st February 1951  Page 119 - Vol. 58 No. 2 Australasian Photo-Review

The Griffith Camera Club held its Annual meeting on Wednesday, 8th November, 1950, and the election of officers for the ensuing twelve months resulted as follows:

President, T. Roberts; Vice-President, W. McNamara; Secretary/Treasurer, M. Walton; Committee, L. Kubank (Movie Section), G.E. Lethaby (Print Competitions), Mrs. Evans (Hostess), L. Kubank (Host), R.J. Ezzy Publicity Officer.

It was unanimously agreed to place on record the members appreciation of the work done by the retiring President, Mr. Jack Carney, and the retiring Secretary/Treasurer, Mr. E.G. Glare, both of whom have held those offices since the inception of the Club.

It is the aim of the present Committee to aid newcomers to the field of photography as much as possible and it thereby hopes to induce many others interested in this subject to join the Club.

A program has been drawn up for the next twelve months and is expected to go to print within the next few days.

Every effort has been made to have this program as comprehensive as possible, and an endeavor is to be made to induce as many members as possible to take part in the outings which will be arranged at regular intervals.

Tuesday 30th September 1952  Page 4 - The Murrumbidgee Irrigator (Leeton, NSW)

A combined meeting of the Leeton Camera Club and Griffith Camera Club was held in the Leeton C.W.A. Rooms on Friday night of last week.

Main feature of the evening was the showing of Kodachrome color slides by Messrs. K. Piltz, P. Feiltn, C. Colditz, and B. Ashton of Leeton Club and a member of the visiting club.

Mr. J.P. Carney ARPS, of Griffith, whose photographic work has gained him world-wide renown displayed a folio of photos, many of which have received high awards in overseas exhibitions. Mr. Carney gave a very interesting address, outlining the various features of each print.

A series of prize winning prints acquired on loan from Australasian Photographic Review magazine competitions, were also displayed and inspected with keen interest by those present. This was followed by general discussion among the local club members and visitors, while supper was served by the ladies of the Leeton Club.

In opening the proceedings, Mr. P. Feilen, president of the Leeton Camera Club, extended a hearty welcome to the 15 visitors from Griffith Club, who had journeyed to Leeton for the meeting. He pointed out that a number of Leeton Club members had attended a Griffith Club meeting some months ago and he was pleased to see so many Griffith members making the return visit.

At the conclusion of the evening, Mr. J.P. Carney and other members of the visiting club, expressed their appreciation of the hospitality extended to them and the hope that the two clubs would meet together again in the near future.

Tuesday 25th May 1954  Page 2 - The Murrumbidgee Irrigator (Leeton, NSW)

A combined meeting of the Leeton Camera Club and Griffith Camera Club was held in the Leeton C.W.A. Rooms last Friday night saw a film slide lecture on photographic composition.

The slide lecture was prepared by Kodak, Sydney, for distribution among country camera clubs.

Of the thirty photography enthusiasts present, sixteen were visitors from the Griffith Club, who were welcomed by the President of the Leeton Camera Club, Mr. C. Graham.

Following the slide lecture, a series of Kodachrome color slides, comprising award winners from the Adelaide and a recent American exhibition were screened. These drew much comment and interest, particularly from the Griffith visitors, who recognized several of the slides as the work of Griffith photographer, Jack Carney.

Club officials plan to organize inter club competitions in color slides in future. These will be judged at combined meetings to be held quarterly.

Friday 29th October 1954  Page 6 - The Murrumbidgee Irrigator (Leeton, NSW)

A combined meeting of the Leeton Camera Club and Griffith Camera Club was held last Friday in the Leeton C.W.A. Rooms.

Over 40 club members and other citizens interested in the club's activities attended. An inter-club, color slide competition was won by Leeton Camera Club President, Cleve Graham. The competition was judged by Mr. Max Slender of Leeton and Mr. Clair, of Griffith club.

The night's program included the screening of the Leeton Cannery film "Down Under" and a color film on Belgium, loaned by Mr. Slender. Color slides taken on a recent tour of England and Europe were shown by Miss Mavis Hughes and a series of slides on the Snowy Mountains Scheme were also screened.

Supper was provided by the ladies of the Leeton Club. This was the second inter-club meeting to be held. It is planned to hold inter-club meetings and competitions quarterly.

The Leeton club's monthly field day, last Sunday, was more ambitious than in previous months, comprising a day's tour of the Tumut-Talbingo district.

Thursday 22nd June 1967  Page 3391 - Government Gazette Tenders And Contracts

Supply of twenty MIA slide sets with taped commentary.

Amount of Contract $900.00