1st September 1954  Page 576 - Vol. 61 No. 9 Australasian Photo-Review

The club was introduced to the art of composition at the July meeting in a talk by a qualified art-school teacher. One of the members submitted a collection of prints which the others were then able to criticize in the light of the knowledge they had gained.

During the evening there was a screening of color slides and movies by members. Amongst these were some very interesting slides taken by candle light and other kinds of artificial light. In one shot, taken with a standard 50mm lens, a landmark known to be 75 miles away was clearly visible. The movies included many feet of successful “trick” effects.

Later in the evening one of the members, who is well known for the faultless photographs taken with his single lens reflex camera, startled everyone when he proved, at least to our satisfaction, that the image remained in his viewfinder while the shutter was taking a picture.

1st October 1954
Page 643 - Vol. 61 No. 10 The Australasian Photographic Review

At the August meeting it was decided to exhibit some of the club’s work in the Kadina Show next month. The club gained a new member who was one of the twenty-six present that night. The meeting consisted of a competition entitled Landscape; this was the club’s first competition and it was run in three black-and-white sections and a color-slide section. Winning landscapes were taken at widely separated parts of Australia as well as quite close to home. The highlights of the evening were talks given by each member on Why I have chosen this camera, and this gave members a chance of sizing-up his fellows and to see what equipment he will be competing against in future competitions. Although, as shown by the talks, the accent was on money considerations, a very imposing array of cameras was brought forward, in many cases reflecting the energetic and greatly appreciated salesmanship of some of the members. Color slide enthusiasts showed some interesting slides and scored a victory over the “movie men”, this being the first meeting where no movies were screened.

1st November 1954
Page 705 - Vol. 61 No. 11 The Australasian Photographic Review

The highlight during September was the display held at the annual Kadina Show, where two large boards held a fine collection of black-and-white prints. Color slides were particularly well shown in an illuminated display contrived by a club member.

At the monthly meeting, Mr. D. Mooney delivered a talk on “Developing” and gave a thorough description of photographic emulsions and the chemical processes involved in exposure, development and fixing. An additional competition was held, this time entitled “Tree Study”, and members were so keen that there was even one entry in an unofficial movie section.

The club's first outing has been arranged and movie members will later have the opportunity of holding a competition from the results of this outing.

1st December 1954
Page 768 - Vol. 61 No. 12 The Australasian Photographic Review

Our first outing was held last month when a large number of enthusiasts took their cameras to picturesque country near Lochiel. A competition is to be held soon on the results of this outing and though most photographers should have a comprehensive record of the landscape, only a fortunate few were able to capture on film the excitement of an unexpected snake-killing by the roadside.

It was “question night” at the regular monthly meeting and judging from the complexity of the few questions put forward, club members have a knowledge of photography which is almost perfect. Two knotty problems were sufficient to occupy the discussion period for the first part of the evening. The second half resulted in much enjoyment when three experts demonstrated the technique of recording sound on tape to accompany an 8mm film.