1st August 1954
Page 462 - Vol. 61 No. 8 The Australasian Photographic Review

The club held its inaugural meeting in February this year, and now meets on the second Tuesday of each month in the Victory Hall, Lakemba. Since its inception the club has grown rapidly and now has a healthy membership. At each meeting a gratifying number of prints are offered by members, and the print standard is rising rapidly. Mr. B. Townsend of the Kodak Lecture Service is at the moment giving an interesting series of lectures designed to instruct the less experienced members in the basic principles of photography, and has been very helpful to us in criticizing our Monthly Print Competitions. Visitors or intending members are invited to contact Mr. T. Shanahan, Astill’s Pharmacy, 62 Haldon Street, Lakemba.

1st October 1954
Page 592 - Vol. 61 No. 10 The Australasian Photographic Review

The feature of our July meeting was a lecture on Enlarging given by Mr. B. Townsend of the Kodak Lecture Service, and this interesting lecture completed his present series, which has proved of great interest to both newcomers and more experienced members. It was decided to defer our outing trip to a date in early Summer in the hope that the weather may then prove kinder.