15th November 1921  Page 568 - The Australasian Photo-Review

A photographic body bearing the above title has lately been inaugurated in Manly.

At its first meeting Rules and Regulations were drawn up and office-bearers elected as follows; Mr. K.M. Cribb, President; D.M. Richardson, Hon.Secretary; Miss D. Williams, Hon. Treasurer and a committee of four, Messrs. N. Gormley, R.J. Howard and Misses Austin and M. Smith. Mr. Cribb, in opening the meeting, delivered a brief address outlining the objects of the club, incidentally referring to matters concerning amateur photography generally.

At the club’s second meeting the subject of the evening was a lecture by the President, Mr. K.M. Cribb, on the choice of a camera and the construction of a dark room.

Shortly after this meeting an outing was arranged. Conditions were not the best, but occasionally the sun's rays would struggle through a break in the clouds. Some three dozen photographs were taken, many being worthy of notice. At a meeting held a few days later the photographs taken at the outing were criticized.

A lecture was given on the 6th October by Mr. Moase on “Developing and Printing". Mr. Moase very concisely explained the action of light vibrations on the photographic plate and the developing of the latent image. He also spoke on the various developers used, giving in detail their advantages and disadvantages. He criticized the different methods of development, Tank, Factorial and Development by Inspection and emphasized the necessity of an acid-fixing bath, especially in hot weather as a preventive of frilling, reticulation. etc.

The Club has lately acquired a dark-room and will henceforth be in a position to hold practical demonstrations on developing, enlarging, printing. It is steadily forging ahead in the photographic world and judging by its increasing membership, it will, in the near future, be a club of note.

15th November 1921  Page 568 - The Australasian Photo-Review

At a Social Evening on the 3rd November, an Advertisement Competition was won by Mr. K. Brewer and Miss M Barrett, Miss M. Smith securing the booby prize.

At the usual monthly meeting Mr. K.M. Cribb demonstrated “Vignetting” and Mr. D.M. Richardson “Reduction of Prints”. To illustrate his remarks Mr. Cribb used a professional portrait negative, explaining in detail the procedure necessary to obtain a white background and the softly - graded - off effects that appeal so much to the portrait worker. He also showed how, by using diffused light in conjunction with a mask separated from the negative by about two or three inches, an objectionable background might be blocked out without leaving evidence that betrayed the presence of the faker’s hand.

Mr. Richardson showed how a print may be much improved by the use of a little reducer and a brush. The lightening up of a shadow or the bleaching of a muddy high light could transform a flat print into a pleasing picture of good contrast.