Friday 4th November 1887  Page 4 - The Ballarat Star (Vic.)

The usual monthly meeting of the Ballarat Amateur Photographic Association was held at the School of Mines on Wednesday evening last, Mr H. Sutton in the chair and a good attendance of members present. The Ven. Archdeacon Julius and Mr W.H. Irvine were elected members of the association and three propositions for membership received.

An invitation was received from the MELBOURNE CAMERA CLUB, inviting the members of the society to join them at a field meeting to be held at Lal Lal on the 9th November, which was accepted and arrangements made to proceed to Lal Lal by rail by the first train on that date.

After several minor matters had been disposed of Mr. Burbidge proceeded with a demonstration of toning, first giving a short description of the various sensitized papers used and the operation of printing. The toning bath used by Mr Burbidge was the “borax”. An explanation was given of the different functions of the chemicals used, the demonstrator pointing out the advantages of this bath over others. The process of fixing was also explained and performed, the operator pointing out that if this was imperfectly done the prints would not be permanent. Particular stress was laid upon the necessity of thoroughly eliminating the hypo sulphate of soda from the paper and a washing of not less than 12 hours was recommended. Mr Crisp then developed some cyanotype or blue prints. These are printed upon some specially prepared paper, being printed in the ordinary way and developed by a copious application of water, the resulting pictures being of a beautiful blue color. A number of questions were asked during the various operations and the subjects under notice were fully discussed.

At the next meeting an exhibition of the work done at Lal Lal on the 9th November, will be held.