1st April 1954
Page 200 - Vol. 61 No. 4 The Australasian Photographic Review

The club was formed initially in August, 1953 with the idea of promoting competition and photographic activity amongst the interested employees of National Motor Springs Pty. Ltd. Almost immediately it was decided to admit members from outside and we now have several very valued members who are not employees of the Company. As most of the members were associated with industry we ran a first competition entitled An Industrial Subject. This proved a most satisfactory competition and we all enjoyed it immensely.

Since that time regular competitions have been held, and on each successive occasion the standard of photography showed healthy improvement. Demonstrations and lectures have been held with movie, and Kodachrome slide showings interspersed. Two field days have been held. The first was a very enjoyable day at Camden aerodrome in conjunction with the “Hinkler Gliding Club”. The members brought their families and combined with a very pleasant picnic on the banks of the nearby river. The second field day held in January was equally pleasant. Motor launches were hired on the Nepean River, and what started out to be a hot and dusty day turned into a delightful jaunt along one of our most beautiful waterways.

This year’s print competitions are arranged to fit in with the A.P.-R. Set Competitions, and scheduled so as to be far enough ahead to give our members time to get their worthwhile prints placed before the A.P.-R. judges.

At this stage we should like to make a special point in regard to membership, and extend a cordial invitation to any interested persons who would like to join a camera club. We need more members, and anyone who cares to come along will be assured of a very hearty welcome. Membership inquiries can be made either to Mr. J. Coleman, our Secretary, or to the President, Mr. P.T. Storey. In conclusion we would like to express our thanks and appreciation to Mr. Keast Burke for his help in judging our competitions and supplying us with prints and slides for our perusal and entertainment.

1st July 1954
Page 446 - Vol. 61 No. 7 The Australasian Photographic Review

On 10th March, we held a competition on Outdoor Night Photography. Most of our members had not attempted this type of subject before, but their results were quite satisfactory. One of our more advanced members gave a demonstration of print coloring by photo oils on 1st April. A very interesting evening was had by those present and a few new enthusiasts were added to the ranks of colourists. Mr. R. Hatch gave a demonstration of Portrait Lighting to members on 22nd April. A most instructive evening was the vote of those present. After this evening it is whispered that certain members are looking around for a photogenic model, female species.

Our meeting on 13th May was highlighted by the screening of Mr. Keith Storey’s Kodachrome slides, taken on his travels through England, Scotland and Wales. A fine selection of Kodachromes, taken in all seasons, was seen by those present.

At this point we would like to once again extend our thanks to the Editor for his help to us in judging our competitions.

We can assure any intending members a very cordial welcome. For further information ring J. Coleman, Tel. MU 2201, or after business hours, P. Storey Tel. XL 4052.

1st September 1954
Page 526 - Vol. 61 No. 9 The Australasian Photographic Review

On 27th May, we displayed the prints from our competition Australian Landscape. Judging by the pleasing array of prints on view, we feel that our standard is improving. Mr. Keith Storey was with us again on June 10th. This time he screened a selection of his Kodachromes taken during his visits to Denmark, France and Honolulu.

On 1st July, through the courtesy of Kodak Ltd., Mr. J. Clucas delivered the first of a series of lectures on Elementary Photography. This was well received by our beginners, while our more advanced members also benefited, as the lecture served as a revision course for them.

Anyone interested in joining this club can be assured of a very cordial welcome. For further information ring Mr. J. Coleman, Tel. MU 2201; or Mr. P. Storey, Tel. XL 4052 (after business hours).