Thursday 14th September 1905  Page 4 - Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate (NSW)

At a meeting of the Newcastle and District Camera Society, held on Tuesday last. Mr J.T. Williams gave a demonstration on development, showing the different stages from under to over development. The society is showing a steady increase in membership.

21st March 1906  Page 110 - The Australasian Photographic Review

The Newcastle and District Camera Society held its first exhibition on 27th February at the room, 43 Hunter Street, Newcastle, when some excellent work was shown by the members and viewed by a large number of visitors. The awards were as follows:
Class A: Division 1: G. Dawkins, 1st; T.F. Boden, 2nd.
Class A: Division 2: G. Dawkins, 1st; T.F. Boden, 2nd.
Class B: Division 1: G. Ardron, 1st; T. Howies, 2nd.
Class B: Division 2: W. Dickinson, 1st; G. Ardron, 2nd.
Class C: postcards: W. Fraser, 1st; G. Dawkins, 2nd.

There were also several non-competitive exhibits. Amongst them, two cloud scenes by Mr. J. Swain were worthy of special mention and also a series of stereoscopic transparencies by Mr. R. Gow, which were much appreciated by the visitors. There were altogether upwards of 100 pictures exhibited, all being the work of amateurs. Mr. Tuckham acted as judge and gave general satisfaction. At the close of the exhibition votes of thanks were passed to Mr. R. Gow, Mr. Tuckham, the Press and the President. The Society started six months ago with 12 members and now has increased in membership to 29, an increase of 17 for the six months.

The officers being: Mr. J.T. Willliams, president; Messrs. J. Swain and T.J. Crawford, M.A., vice-presidents; and Mr. M. Cramp, Hon.Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.

The usual meeting of the Newcastle and District Camera Society was held at the room on 13th March, Mr. Williams presiding. A discussion on Lenses took place, some valuable information being gained from Mr. Suffrin. Mr. Boden gave a short lecture on Nature’s Lens, viz., the Pinhole. Mr. Boden was conversant with his subject and gave some valuable hints on pinhole work and also described his method of making the pinhole.

Wednesday 9th May 1906  Page 4 - Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate (NSW)

A meeting of the Newcastle and District Camera Society was held at Messrs. W.H. Soul and Co.'s premises last night. Mr J.T. Williams delivered an interesting lecture on "Photographic chemicals and their action" and at the conclusion was accorded a vote of thanks.

21st May 1906  Page 190 - The Australasian Photographic Review

The Newcastle and District Camera Society held their usual fortnightly meeting on the 8th May, at the room, Mr. Williams presiding. At the conclusion of the usual business, Mr. Williams gave a lecture on photographic chemicals and their actions. The time at the lecturer’s disposal being short he only touched briefly on each chemical in alphabetical order. Mr. Williams showed an interesting, capable and instructive method of handling his subject and also a thorough knowledge of it. Several members expressed great regret at not being able to have the lecture reproduced in print for future reference and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Williams at the conclusion.

21st June 1906  Page 230 - The Australasian Photographic Review

The usual fortnightly meeting of the Newcastle and District Camera Society was held at the room on Tuesday 22nd May, Mr. T.T. Williams presiding. At the conclusion of the usual business, Mr. Dawkins gave a demonstration on "flashlight photography".

The members of the club present were grouped at one end of the room and an exposure made on a Special Rapid plate, a flashlight cartridge of 4 seconds being used. A portrait of the president and one of the vice-presidents was then taken on Zenith plates. The three plates were developed with the following developer:
(l) Soda carb., l 1/2 oz.; pot. carb., 1 1/2 oz.; yellow prussiate pot., 1 1/2 oz.; water, 16 oz.
(2) Soda sulphite, 1 1/2 oz.; water 16 oz.

Used in the following manner: No. 1, 1 oz.; No. 2, 7 oz. to 16 grains pyro.

This developer is the old and tried friend of the demonstrator. The demonstration was very interesting and instructive to the members present and probably the most popular one for the quarter.

The usual fortnightly meeting was held at the room on 5th June. This night being devoted to general business, when it was decided that the usual meeting night should be devoted to the syllabus subject only and all the business of the society transacted by the committee.

21st August 1906  Page 313 - The Australasian Photographic Review

The Newcastle and District Camera Society held its usual fortnightly meeting on 17th July, when Mr. R. Gow gave a very interesting and instructive demonstration on lantern slides and transparencies. The lantern slides were made by reduction from an illustration and a printed hymn and the transparencies by contact. The exposures were made by means of magnesium ribbon, the developers employed being metol-hydrokinone single solution and Powell’s lantern slide developer. Some excellent results were obtained and the transparencies were examined through the stereoscope at the conclusion of the demonstration by the members present.

Wednesday 12th September 1906  Page 5 - Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate (NSW)

The first annual meeting of the Newcastle and District Camera Society was held in the rooms, 43 Hunter-street, last evening. The president Mr J.T. Williams, occupied the chair and there was a full attendance of members.

The Hon.Secretary, Mr M.W. Cramp, read the report, which showed that the society was formed on August 29th, 1905, with a membership of 13 and although seven had resigned, the members now numbered 28. An exhibition had been held, at which certificates had been issued and 18 demonstrations on the various processes connected with the art had been well attended. The balance-sheet showed that the income for the year was £10 4s 6d and the expenditure £6 12s 5d, leaving a credit balance of £3 12s 1d. Thanks to their president, the society hand been favored with the use of a room, rent free. The report was received. The election of officers then took place and resulted as follows: President, Mr J.T. Williams; vice-presidents, Messrs. J. Swain and T.F. Boden; committee, Messrs. A.E Ash, G.H. Dawkins, R. Gow, H.S. House and J.W. Maudson; Hon.Secretary and Hon.Treasurer, Mr M.W. Cramp; auditors, Messrs. A.E. Ash and T. Rowles. The former having been elected to the committee, resigned his appointment as auditor, which would subsequently be filled up by the committee.

The consideration of amendments in the rules and bylaws was then proceeded with, among them being the alteration of the name from the Camera to the Photographic Society. Several matters dealing with the internal management of the society were then dealt with, including the status of professional members and associates. The rules and bylaws were ordered to be printed and an offer by a member to provide members tickets was accepted. A vote of thanks to the press and the president and retiring officers having been carried and suitably acknowledged, the proceedings terminated.

Wednesday 9th January 1907  Page 6 - Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate (NSW)

The Newcastle Photographic Society's Meeting for 9th January, postponed till 15th January.


21st October 1907  Page 395 - The Australasian Photographic Review

This society held its half-yearly exhibition of competition pictures at their rooms, Hunter-street, on October 8th. There was a large attendance of members and visitors. After the inspection of the pictures, the chairman, Mr. J.T. Williams, announced the result of the competitions. The prize-winners were; A class. Messrs. A.E. Ash. F. Boden, and W. Dickenson, each obtaining highest possible marks. B Class: Bert Green 1st, C. Moore 2nd, N. Potter 3rd. Best Enlargement: G.H. Dawkins 1st, J. Swain 2nd. The successful competitors were congratulated and invested by the President, Alderman Arthur H. James, the Mayor, also took the opportunity of complimenting the members of the Society upon the excellent work which had been accomplished, and wished the Society every success. A vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. F. Tuckham for his services as adjudicator.

Wednesday 29th April 1908  Page 5 - Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate (NSW)

A lecture was given last night, in the Brown-street schoolroom, by Mr A.S. Burrows, upon "The Human Eye Compared with the Camera". There was a large attendance of persons interested in photography and of visitors. Mr J.T. Williams, president of the Newcastle and District Photographic Society, was in the chair, the lecture being given under the auspices of the society.

The lecturer gave a full and clear explanation of the construction of the human eye and illustrated his remarks by means of a model showing the actions of the eye and the working of the muscles which allow objects at various distances to be correctly focused, The camera, he pointed out, was really modeled upon the human eye; for each part of it was represented in the eye. Afterward, Mr Burrows explained what occurred in the development of photographic plates and in the printing of papers. He mentioned a number of new products for use in such work and then gave a practical illustration of the toning of bromide prints. At the conclusion of the lecture, Mr Burrows answered a number of questions. A vote of thanks was accorded him for his address.

21st May 1908  Page 193 - The Australasian Photographic Review

The Newcastle Photographic Society meets fortnightly on Tuesday nights at the rooms, Brown Street and is rapidly increasing in popularity. The present membership is 45, with an average attendance of about 40. The recent introduction of lady members has proved a pleasing and helpful innovation and an enthusiastic tone characterizes all the meetings.

On April 20th a lecture entitled “The Human Eye Compared with the Camera” was given by Mr. S.A. Burrowes, of Sydney and proved both interesting and instructive. The lecturer likened the eye lids to the shutter, cornea to outer lens, iris to diaphragm, crystaline lens to inner lens, retina to sensitive plate, chloroid to backing on plate, lateral muscles to tripod.

The half-yearly competition and exhibition of pictures was held on 12th May, and some excellent work was shown and highly commented upon by the adjudicator, Mr. W. Stinson, who awarded the following prizes: Champion picture, A.E. Ash; best three pictures, “A” Class, R. Lamont; “B” Class, A.E. Ash; “C” Class, J. Blissard; lantern slides and transparencies, G.H, Dawkins; enlargements, J. Swain; carbons, G.H. Dawkins; 2nd prizes were obtained by T. Rowles, B. Green, G.H. Dawkins and R. Lamont. The winners were invested by the ladies present and an inspection of the exhibits, which included two beautiful transparency lamps, the work of the members, brought a successful meeting to a close.

Saturday 13th June 1908  Page 11 - The Maitland Weekly Mercury (NSW)

The Newcastle Photographic Society held a launch picnic at Lake Macquarie on Monday. About 25 members boarded the Mermaid at Cockle Creek wharf and after a run down the lake landed at Wangi Wangi, where luncheon was partaken of. Some excellent views were taken of the scenery around the lake.

Wednesday 24th June 1908  Page 4 - Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate (NSW)

At the meeting of the Newcastle Photographic Society, a lecture was given by Mr T. Rowles on the toning of bromide pictures. After the lecture, Mr Rowles toned several pictures, producing pleasing tones in sepia, green, blue, violet and crimson colors. The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the lecturer.

Wednesday 8th July 1908  Page 4 - Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate (NSW)

At the Newcastle Photographic Society's rooms last night, an interesting lecture on the manufacture of lantern slides was given by Mr R. Gow. The lecturer took his hearers over the whole range of lantern slide-making and ran the gamut of criticism afterwards. A large range of finished lantern slides were shown on the screen, some being by local amateurs and others by Mr W.W. Wilson, of London. Mr Gow was accorded a hearty vote of thanks by the meeting.

Wednesday 28th October 1908  Page 6 - Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate (NSW)

The half-yearly competition and exhibition of pictures in connection with the Newcastle and District Photographic Society was held at the rooms, Brown-street, last evening. The chair was occupied by Mr. R. Gow. The pictures exhibited were the work of the members, and some excellent views of landscapes, seascapes, and street scenes were shown, besides enlargements, cartoons, postcards, and lantern slides. The adjudicator, Mr. W. Stinson, awarded prizes as follows:

BEST THREE PICTURES: A CLASS: R. Lamont, 1; A.E. Ash, 2. B CLASS: C. Smith, 1; C. Gow and J. Bleazard 2.
BEST CARTOON: J. Swain, 1; R. Lamont, 2.
BEST SIX POSTCARDS: R. Lamont, 1; A.E. Ash, 2.
BEST ENLARGEMENT: A.E. Ash, 1; G.H. Dawkins, 2.


The winners were invested with ribbons of honor by the ladies and gentlemen present, and a vote of thanks to Mr. Stinson (adjudicator) brought the meeting to a close.

Tuesday 25th May 1909  Page 4 - Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate (NSW)

To-night; An exhibition, under the auspices of the Newcastle and District Photographic Society, of pictures will be held at the Brown-street school hall.

Wednesday 15th September 1909  Page 6 - Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate (NSW)

The annual meeting of the Newcastle and District Photographic Society was held at the rooms, Brown-street, last night. The president, Mr T.F. Boden, occupied the chair and there was a large attendance of members and friends.

The annual report and balance-sheet were presented and the officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Mr T.F. Boden; vice-presidents, Messrs. H.S. Thompson and J. Bleazard; Hon.Secretary, Mr R. Lamont; treasurer, Mr J.W. Maudson; auditors, Messrs. B. Green and D. M'Leod; committee, Messrs. G.H. Dawkins, J.T. Williams, Stokes, C. Gow, Candish.

The report showed the present membership to be forty. Half-yearly, competitions were successfully held and some excellent pictures were exhibited by the members. The gold medal for the year was won by Mr R. Lamont and a silver medal by Mr A.E. Ash. The members were also successful exhibitors at Newcastle, Wallsend and Maitland shows and carried off all the prizes at each place. The fortnightly meetings of members were held regularly throughout the year and demonstrations were given in carbon work, factorial development, flashlight, gaslight and bromide printing, dry mounting, intensification and reduction of plates, enlarging by lantern and a lecture on photo. chemicals. The treasurer's statement showed a credit balance of £9 19s 2d.

During the evening a program of vocal music was rendered by the Brown-street Male Voice Party, assisted by Mr H.S. Thompson and light refreshments brought an enjoyable meeting to a close.