August 1952  Page 457 - Australasian Photo-Review

Although the idea is at present only in the discussion stage, keen Queensland amateurs have given much thought to the possibility of the formation of a Photographic Council of Queensland. In this State, where many small societies are isolated by vast distances, it is believed that such a Council would afford them the facilities of a central body through which close contact could be maintained for the purpose of pooling and circulating the results of pictorial and technical advancement throughout the State. The convener is R. Gregory (Cleveland, Queensland).

October 1952  Page 631 - Australasian Photo-Review

Circular to all Photographic Clubs, Societies, Associations and Bodies in Queensland.
At a meeting of photographers held in Cleveland in June 1952, it was decided to form a PHOTOGRAPHIC COUNCIL OF QUEENSLAND on the following lines:

The necessity of forming such a Council is discussed in an accompanying letter to all Presidents and Secretaries. In this circular the aims and objects, immediate and ultimate purposes of the proposed Council, are hereby set forth:

1. PHOTOGRAPHIC COUNCIL OF QUEENSLAND shall come into being at the first plenary meeting of delegates called for the purpose in the manner as set out hereunder.
2. THE AIMS AND OBJECTS of the Council shall include:
i. To act as a correlating body for all existing and future properly constituted Photographic Societies (which term shall, for the present, include all clubs and associations as constituted) in Queensland.
ii. To provide every facility for the Member - Societies to foster and encourage the development of Photography in Queensland in all its branches and activities.
iii. To establish and run competitions and exhibitions and similar projects amongst Member - Societies, amongst all interstate photographic organizations and to hold International Salons. The selected entries shall be circulated for exhibition amongst all Member - Societies.
iv. To foster mutual good fellowship, information and knowledge amongst all Member - Societies by pooling lecturer and judge resources and to work for the recognition of Australian photography on a level with other National Photographic Bodies, with the ultimate aim of encouraging the formation of a Federal Council of Australian Photography with the power to grant recognition of ability along the lines of FRPS and FPSA.

To achieve these aims, it is suggested that all Societies in Queensland consider the above proposals and if they are in agreement with the formation of such a Central Council and are in sympathy with its aims and objects, they shall appoint delegates from amongst their members to a plenary session to be held at Brisbane during the coming Royal National Show Week. One delegate may be sent for every __ members, with a max. of 4 delegates, from any one Society.

At this first plenary session a Constitution will be discussed and agreed upon, office-bearers elected and all details discussed for the immediate pursuit of the aims and objects for which the Council is being brought into existence.

It will be one of the immediate objects of the Council to seek federation with the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain.

Necessary funds to operate such a Council will be discussed at this meeting, but, in the meanwhile, if any Society is prepared to bring or send any donation to the above address, the amount will be credited as advance payment of such a Society. (Some small funds for printing, paper and postage are all that need be incurred for the moment).

As soon as the Queensland Photographic Council is established, it is proposed to proceed immediately to the formation of various groups within the Council to look after the special interests of the various branches of photography and by the formation of sub-committees on Pictorial Photography, Color, Cine, Scientific and Technical, etc. etc., greater attention can be paid to the varying needs of the different branches and efforts co-ordinated to a greater common purpose.

It is to be emphasized that membership to the Council shall be open only to properly constituted Photographic Societies, Clubs and Associations and not to individuals.

In unity lies strength.

Covering Letter issued by the Chairman

July 1952.

The growing interest in photography in Queensland, the vast possibilities of expansion of photographic societies within this State and the very difficulties created by our enormous distances and small population, have led a group of keen photographers in Brisbane to discuss the formation of a Photographic Council of Queensland with the aims and objects set forth in the accompanying circular.

At a recent meeting of this keen group, I was honored by being requested to take the Chair and it is only because I feel that much good can be done at minimum cost to the cause of photography in Queensland and incidentally in all Australia, that I have agreed to assist in every way the formation of such a Council.

I wish to make it abundantly clear that I am not motivated by personal ambitions, or desire for publicity and the first act of the first plenary session of delegates shall be to elect a chairman and office-bearers. Now there are two major difficulties in the way of fostering better photography in this vast State; Firstly, there is the impossibility of existing clubs singly to organize State and Interstate (to say nothing of International) Salons and Competitions. It is by such Shows alone that the keen photographer can grade his work with acknowledged masters, can see their finished products and learn what can be done. Secondly, local clubs battling on their own have poor chances of obtaining worthwhile judges or speakers for their regular meetings.

It is primarily to overcome these obstacles that it is now proposed to form a Queensland Council of Photography, for once this is established with a moderate backing of funds, it will be possible for the Council to undertake the task of organizing State and Interstate Exhibitions and Competitions and ultimately, to hold International Salons. In every case, each Member - Society will, in turn, get the complete set of accepted entries and be able to see the best work in originals. Judging will also be on an absolutely impartial basis, with (funds permitting) judges being obtained from leading clubs outside Queensland for the more important Salons. Similarly, speakers, local judges and other club “amenities” can be listed and pooled by the central body and arrangements made, again funds permitting, for local member-societies to call upon that pool for their individual benefit. You will see that, properly organized, the amount of good such a Central Body can perform is endless. By maintaining the delegate system, moreover, the Council belongs to, and speaks for, every properly constituted photographic society in Queensland.

You will see that, if we are successful, it will not be long before all the other States will form their own State Councils and this will pave the way for the formation of a Grand Federal Council of Photography in Australia; a body which will have enough weight to grant titles every bit as important as the FRPS and FPSA, now so eagerly sought outside.

We should, therefore, like you to discuss this project carefully and fully at a meeting of your Society. If you agree that the aims and objects are worth pursuing and you are in sympathy with the idea, will you elect as many delegates as possible and ask them to attend the first plenary session in Brisbane, during the Royal National Show Week. If you have no members coming to Brisbane then and you can appoint some friends in Brisbane to act on your behalf, we will be glad to accept them for this meeting as your representative.

As time is very short for the proposed meeting, will you please be good enough to come to an early decision so that we can acquaint you of the exact date and place of our first meeting.

All ideas improving on the scheme as outlined in the Circular will, of course, be most welcome at the meeting.

Yours sincerely,