Saturday 3rd August 1901  Page 2 - The Mount Lyell Standard and Strahan Gazette (Queenstown, Tasmania)

A meeting was held in the parish room of the Church of England last Thursday evening of persons interested in the formation of a camera club in this district. There was a large and representative attendance, and Dr C. F. Hodgkinson was in the chair. On the motion of Mr. J. R. Hart, seconded by Mr. M. Tynan, it was unanimously decided that a club be formed, to be called the Queenstown Camera Club.



Hon. Secretary:
Mr. W. Gellie
Hon. Treasurer:
Mr. M. Tynan
Mr. Eyes
Mr. Cox
Mr. Hart

It was decided to write to the Launceston Camera Club for a copy of their rules, which will be placed before members at their next meeting. It was also decided to endeavor to obtain the use of the parish room for two afternoons and evenings weekly for the use of members. Other business of a routine nature was transacted and after a hearty vote of thanks had been accorded to the Rev. J. Wellesley Smith for his efforts in the formation of the club, and the chairman for presiding, the meeting adjourned

Friday 30th August 1901
Page 2 - The Mount Lyell Standard and Strahan Gazette (Queenstown, Tasmania)

A meeting of the Queenstown Camera Club was held last night in the club room at the Church of England parsonage. A most enjoyable and profitable evening was spent, Mr R. Eyes explaining various matters relating to the toning and fixing of prints. A large number of members were present, and took great interest in Mr Eyes explanation.

Friday 18th July 1902
Page 2 - The Mount Lyell Standard and Strahan Gazette (Queenstown, Tasmania)

A meeting of the Queenstown Camera Club was held last night, at which it was decided to resume active operations. The treasurer reported that after paying all expenses a balance of £3 1s 5d remained in hand. It was decided to reduce the half-yearly subscription to 3s 6d. The date of the annual meeting will be notified in a few days by advertisement.

Wednesday 6th August 1902
Page 2 - The Mount Lyell Standard and Strahan Gazette (Queenstown, Tasmania)

The Queenstown Camera Club hold their annual meeting to-night at the club room, Driffield street, adjoining the English Church. The business to be transacted includes the election of officers and new members, and the proposed purchase of enlarging and reducing apparatus.


Monday 16th January 1939
Page 2 - The Mercury (Hobart, Tasmania)
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)
Page 3 - Examiner (Launceston, Tasmania)


A camera club was formed at a well attended gathering at Queenstown. Movie films taken by Dr. A. Parkinson, Messrs. C. Triffett and J. Winch were screened.

The following officers were elected: Patron, Mr. R.M. Murray; chairman, Mr. R. Weidenhofer; Hon.Secretary, Mr. J. Winch; committee, Dr. T.C. James, and Dr. Parkinson, Messrs. G. Nankivell, C. Triffett, C. Pattinson and L. Chappell.

A still picture competition will be held on 25th January. The subject is: "A scene in Orr St., Queenstown".

Saturday 29th April 1939
Page 5 - Examiner (Launceston, Tasmania)
Page 2 - The Mercury (Hobart, Tasmania)
Page 10 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)

There was a large attendance of members at the monthly meeting of the Queenstown Camera Club on Wednesday night. An instructive lecture on "The Aims of Pictorial Photography" was delivered by Mr. H.W. Thomas.

The winners of last month's competitions were: Beach scene, Mr. C.V. Pattinson; open, Mr. L. Chappell and Dr. T.C. James, equal.

Entries for the grand landscape competition close on June 15th.

Saturday 3rd June 1939
Page 10 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)
Page 8 - Examiner (Launceston, Tasmania)

At the monthly meeting of the Queenstown Camera Club, an illustrated lecture on photography was given by Mr. H.W. Thomas. Arrangements were discussed for the exhibition of pictures, which is expected to be held early in July.

Friday 7th July 1939
Page 2 - The Mercury (Hobart, Tasmania)
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)

An exhibition of lantern slides lent by Mr. H.J. King, of Launceston, was given at the July meeting of the Queenstown Camera Club on Wednesday. The president (Mr. M. Graver) operated the lantern. It was reported that arrangements were in hand for an exhibition of slides at Queenstown towards the end of the month.

Monday 10th July 1939
Page 3 - Examiner (Launceston, Tasmania)

An exhibition of lantern slides loaned by Mr. H.J. King, of Launceston, was given at the monthly meeting of the Queenstown Camera Club on Wednesday night. The President (Mr. M. Graver) operated the lantern. It was reported that arrangements were well in hand for the exhibition of slides to be held at Queenstown towards the end of this month. Prints from well-known photographic firms and several made by Mr. King will be on display.

Saturday 29th July 1939
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)
Page 17 - The Mercury (Hobart, Tasmania)

Monday 31st July 1939
Page 8 - Examiner (Launceston, Tasmania)

Formed but a short time, the Queenstown Camera Club staged a very creditable exhibition of still and movie photos on Wednesday evening. The function was opened by the Warden (Cr. A.R. Bartram) and after those present had inspected the various still exhibits they were entertained to a presentation of prize-winning movie films and reels loaned by Kodak and Mr. H.J. King, of Launceston.

The Warden gave an outline of various aspects of photography, and the advancement made during the past few years.

Still photographs were exhibited by the Queenstown Camera Club and Launceston Camera Club, Kodak Pty. Ltd., A.K. Dargaville, T. Nankivell and H.J. King.

One of the exhibits by Mr. King was a facsimile of a photograph which has been accepted for hanging in the salon of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain.

The results of the competitions were:
MOVIES: C. Triffett, 1; J. Winch, 2; E. Thompson, 3.
PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN, DEVELOPED AND PRINTED BY ENTRANT: H.W. Thomas. As Mr. Thomas is a professional, the award was given to L. Chappell.

Saturday 29th July 1939  Page 15 - The Mercury (Hobart, Tasmania)

The construction of a new darkroom for the Northern Tasmanian Camera Club at the club's headquarters in Elizabeth St. is almost complete, and an official opening will take place next Wednesday, when a demonstration will be given. In addition to fortnightly meetings and monthly pictorial classes, the darkroom will be an inducement to amateurs to become members of the club.

Interest is being taken in the Australia-wide competition inaugurated by the Leica Salon of Australia. Entries will close on September 16th. For the Royal Adelaide Exhibition from March 15th to May 11th next year, there are 10 sections covering almost all phases of photography.

Recent exhibitions of photographs by members of the club included pictures of the moon taken with a telephoto lens with a focus of more than 100in. by Mr. H.J. King, who used a specially constructed camera. Mr. King exhibited also a number of lantern slides of Launceston and environs taken with the same focus. Last week members of the newly-formed Queenstown Camera Club forwarded more than 25 prints for exhibition.

Monday 31st July 1939  Page 8 - Examiner (Launceston, Tasmania)


Despite the fast lens and faster films of to-day, the majority of amateur photographic workers still prefer to utilize the midwinter months with darkroom work rather than any serious outdoor photography. There are, in fact, a very large majority who will not even take a camera out of doors unless the sun is shining, and this attitude is largely justified by the fact that in many pictures there is something undeniably missing where the effect of sunlight is absent. This is even more noticeable in landscape, and in the case of color work it is, in most cases, quite useless to operate without the brilliant colors reflected by the sun. Exceptions to the above are snow pictures where the strong lights reflected from the ground surfaces even on the dullest days help to give brilliance.

Judging from the quality of an exhibition of pictures shown at the Northern Tasmanian Camera Club Hall last week by members of the recently formed Queenstown Camera Club, their future seems assured. Over 25 prints were sent. Generally speaking, the technical side was very good, that of the first half dozen prints being outstanding in this respect. Strangely enough, over 20 of the prints depicted landscape scenery far removed from the West Coast. I do not know whether in preparing the exhibition it was the intention of the committee to send along pure landscape work only, but one would have liked to have seen in addition some pictures showing some of characteristic rugged grandeur of the western side of Tasmania. There were no portraits or human studies, but I expect that the work of the members will become more diverse as the club goes along and that this branch will soon be tackled. Members of the Queenstown Camera Club are keen on cine work - keener than Launceston workers, I am informed - and it will be interesting to see what they can turn out in this sphere. In any case, their exhibition was a most creditable one, and amateur photographers in Launceston are awaiting with keen interest their next portfolio.

Construction work on the new Northern Tasmanian Camera Club darkroom at Overton House is now almost completed, and it should amply fulfill the demands of the most exacting. It is spacious and roomy, being about 12ft. by 8ft. in area, four light and power points have been installed, and the working bench will run the whole length of the room. Directly opposite the sink and benches stands the enlarger and easel. This, it will be recalled, was purchased from the estate of the late Mr. W.A. Caflisch, and represents the best in English workmanship of horizontal machines. The lens is a Ross 10in. focus, working at f5.6 at maximum aperture. Now that it has such a fine extra facility, the Northern Tasmanian Camera Club has much to offer amateur photographers, for in addition to the usual fortnightly meetings, the monthly pictorial classes and darkroom constitute an excellent inducement to amateur photographers to become associated with the club.

The opening of the new darkroom will be held at Overton House next Wednesday evening, and will take the form of a demonstration.

Entries for the lantern slide competition and the Northern Tasmanian Camera Club portfolio will close on the same evening.

The Leica Salon of Australia has inaugurated an Australia-wide competition, entries for which close in Sydney on September 16. A minimum of three prints, none of which may be smaller than whole plate, is expected from each competitor, and contact prints showing perforations must accompany each.

There is a big array of attractive prizes and medals for the Royal Adelaide Exhibition, from March 15th to May 11th next year. There are ten sections for work, covering almost all phases of photography, although notably none for color transparencies, which are becoming increasingly popular daily. Entry forms for both these competitions are obtainable from the Hon.Secretary of the Northern Tasmanian Camera Club.

TELEPHOTOGRAPHYChiefly due to the high cost of the lenses required, telephotography is a branch which is not exploited to any extent by the amateur, but one prominent Launceston worker exhibited last week quite a striking study of the moon. This was achieved by the special construction of a camera with a focus of well over 100 inches, and entertaining, too, were a number of lantern slides of Launceston and environs taken with the same focus. The photographer was Mr. H.J. King, who certainly must be awarded the prize for patience in the successful investigation of this fascinating branch of photography.

Saturday 5th August 1939
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)
Page 8 - Examiner (Launceston, Tasmania)

At the first annual general meeting of the Queenstown Camera Club on Wednesday night, officers for the ensuing twelve months were appointed and a constitution was adopted.

Dr. T.C. James presided over a good attendance of members.

The report of the club since its foundation in January stated that several competitions and an exhibition had been held. Prizewinners were Messrs. W. McGuire, jun. (3), C. Pattinson, F. Thomas, L. Chappell, A. Parsons and Dr. T.C. James. The cine competition was won by Mr. C. Triffett. Field days were held at Lake Margaret and at Lake St. Clair.

It was stated that arrangements had been made for a meeting room at the Mount Lyell staff quarters.

Those interested in photography — still or movie — are asked to get in touch with the secretary (Mr. M. Graver) or one of the committeemen.

Officers elected were: Patron, Mr. R.M. Murray; Chairman, Dr. T.C. James; Hon.Secretary, Mr. M. Graver; Treasurer, Mr. J. Winch; committee, Messrs. L. Chappell, C. Pattinson and C. Triffett.

The next meeting will be on August 30th, when a lantern slide competition will be decided.

Saturday 2nd September 1939
Page 15 - The Mercury (Hobart, Tasmania)
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)

Monday 4th September 1939
Page 3 - Examiner (Launceston, Tasmania)

Considerable interest was taken by members of the Queenstown Camera Club in the lantern-slide making competition. The results were announced at the August meeting.

Dr. T.C. James was in the chair, and there was an excellent attendance.

The competition was won by L. Chappell, with W. Leitch second.

A demonstration of lantern slide manufacture was given by Mr. C. Pattinson. The evening concluded with anexhibition of cine films. An Interesting screening was that of Rabaul, forwarded by Mr. R. Weidenhofer, a former president of the club. Members were impressed with a Kodachrome film sent by Mr. H.J. King, of Launceston.

Monday 2nd October 1939
Page 10 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)

At the monthly meeting of the Queenstown Camera Club, over which Dr. T.C. James presided, Mr. F. Beamish gave a demonstration and lecture on elementary photographic chemistry.

At the conclusion of the meeting members were notified that the winter scene competition had been extended until October 9th.

Various films were screened after the lecture.

Thursday 19th October 1939
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)

Instead of the usual monthly meeting, which is held on the fourth Wednesday, the Queenstown Camera Club members will be entertained to-night at the club rooms in the Mount Lyell Staff Quarters by Mr. Long, the manager of the Hobart branch of Kodak (Australasia). He will give an illustrated lantern lecture, and a screening of movie films will follow.

Monday 23rd October 1939
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)

Members of the Queenstown Camera Club were entertained at an interesting lecture on Thursday night on "Wratten Light Filters" by Mr. E.R. Long, manager of the Hobart branch of Kodak (Australasia). Dr. T.C. James presided over an excellent attendance.

The lecture, which was illustrated by lantern slides, was followed by demonstrations of various aids in visual education and modern color processes as applied to still and cine photography.

A discussion followed the lecture and demonstration.

Monday 18th December 1939
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)

The Queenstown Camera Club conducted a movie evening, which was greatly enjoyed by members. Some interesting films were screened. Several of the members showed a decided improvement in the quality of the work produced, and the general standard is now considered to be much improved. It is the intention of the club to repeat these evenings next year.

Saturday 3rd August 1940
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)
Page 9 - Examiner (Launceston, Tasmania)

Because of adverse weather during the greater part of the year, outdoor photography was almost impossible, it was stated in the report of the Queenstown Camera and Cine Club, presented at the annual meeting. The president (Dr. T.C. James) presided.

The report also stated that the committee decided to postpone its exhibition until September, when it was hoped to make it an outstanding event. An admission charge would be made and the proceeds donated to patriotic funds. The balance sheet showed a credit of approximately £7.

The following officers were elected: Patron, Mr. R.M. Murray; President, Dr. T.C. James; Hon.Secretary, Mr. M. Graver; committee, Messrs. J. Winch, C. Triffett, L. Chappell and C. Pattinson.

Wednesday 23rd October 1940
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)

Through the generosity of the Queenstown Camera Club, Strahan residents will have an opportunity of viewing a fine collections of "stills" as well as a number of movie films, at Pontifex Hall to-night. It is expected that there will be a large attendance, as the exhibition will be highly interesting and proceeds will be devoted to the Strahan Patriotic Club.

Thursday 24th October 1940
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)

Regarded as an outstanding entertainment by the large number of patrons, the exhibition and screening of films held by the Queenstown Camera Club resulted in a cheque for £20 being handed to the Patriotic Fund. The expenses, amounting to more than £6, were met by the club.

The function was opened by the Warden (Mr. R. Bartram), who was introduced by the chairman (Dr. T.C. James). Mr. Bartram congratulated the club on its excellent exhibition, and as chairman of the Patriotic Fund expressed thanks for the offer made to donate the door takings for patriotic purposes.

He was supported in his remarks by Mr. A.H.P. Moline, treasurer of the Patriotic Fund.

Mr. L. Chappell was the outstanding exhibitor in the "stills" competition. He won the landscape and open section, and also the championship, which carried with it a cup donated by Kodak. The portrait section was won by Mr. C.V. Pattinson. The judge was Mr. H.J. King, of Launceston. For the exhibition prints were lent by Messrs. Walter Burke FRPS, and J. Lewis, and the Northern Tasmanian Camera Club.

The door prize of £1/1/ donated by Mr. A.R. Bartram was won by Mr. J.J. Kelly. Mr. R.R. Burke offered a prize of £1/1/ for a similar competition to be held early next year.

A screening of cine films followed the exhibition. Films were lent by the Australian Amateur Cine Society (Sydney), the Victorian Amateur Cine Society, the Government Tourist Bureau, and club members, Dr. James, Messrs. C. Triffett and M. Graver.

Saturday 26th October 1940
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)

Messrs: M. Grover. C. and V. Triffett, W. Williams, L. Chappel and Dr. T. James, of the Queenstown Camera Club, visited Strahan on Wednesday evening, and screened a program of cine films and exhibited a number of pictures, the work of club members. The entertainment was the result of an offer by the club to repeat the Queenstown exhibition in aid of local patriotic funds. There was a good attendance, and pleasure and surprise were freely expressed at the high standard of both cine films and "stills" by amateurs. The Warden (Cr. W.J. Holmes) congratulated the visitors on their work and thanked them for their generous action, which had resulted in a welcome addition to patriotic funds. Dr. James, responding, said the club had been glad of the opportunity to give Strahan residents some idea of its activities. He hoped they had been interested, and assured any who desired to take up the hobby that they could rely on help from members.

Wednesday 6th November 1940
Page 8 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)


A special meeting of the Strahan Parents Association, was held on Friday night to make arrangements for the official opening of the new school on Saturday. There was a good attendance. Mr. R. Pearce occupied the chair.

The foundation of the new school was laid in July by the then Minister for Education (Mr. E.J. Ogilvie). The opening ceremony will be performed by the Minister for Agriculture (Mr. T. D'Alton), and it is expected the Attorney-General (Mr. James M'Donald), the Director of Education (Mr. G.V. Brooks) and officers of the Education Department will be present.

Recently the Parents Association purchased a projector for the screening of educational films, and arrangements have been made with the president of the Queenstown Camera Club for a film to be taken of the ceremony. Pictures of school children will also be taken, and they will have an opportunity to view these on the screen at a later date. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance of adults and children. The new school is modern and attractive in design, and is built to the same plan as Glen Dhu school (Launceston). A special system of electric heating has been installed, and provision made for education broadcasts, loud-speakers having been installed in all classrooms. It is a marked contrast to the old school buildings, which have been in use for more than 40 years.

Monday 11th November 1940
Page 6 - Advocate (Burnie, Tasmania)

The valuable part played by the West Coast in the life and prosperity of Tasmania was outlined by the Minister for Agriculture (Mr. T. D'Alton), when, on Saturday afternoon, he opened the new State school at Strahan.

Among those present were the Director of Education (Mr G.V. Brooks) and the Warden of Strahan (Mr. W.J. Holmes) and councilors.

Built at a cost of nearly £5000, the brick and concrete school is one of the most modern in the Commonwealth. Four classrooms and a library room, together with teachers and cloak rooms, are provided. The building is heated throughout by means of the thermostatically-controlled electric panel type of heaters. The grounds are spacious, and a scheme of lawns and gardens in front of the school has already been started.

In officially declaring the school open, Mr. D'Alton traced the history of education facilities at Strahan. The first school was opened in 1890, after the Government had appropriated £100 to build a room for a school adjoining the police buildings. He attributed the zeal which the headmaster (Mr. B. Kelly) had shown throughout the negotiations for the new building and its construction.

The Director of Education said educational facilities were only of value when fully availed of. In a very short period now schools had been built at Gormanston, Queenstown and Strahan, and additions had been made at Rosebery. The headmaster asked for support in building up a library, which, he said, was a very important asset in education.

Other speakers were Mr. H. Pearce (chairman of the Parents and Friends Association, who welcomed visitors) and the Warden.

A moving picture of the proceedings was taken by the Queenstown Camera Club, and will be presented to the school.

Visitors were entertained to afternoon tea by the Parents Association.

Saturday 22nd March 1941
Page 4 - Examiner (Launceston, Tasmania)

Under the auspices of the Queenstown Camera Club an exhibition of photographs by Mr. W. Burke, illustrating travel in Europe, was held at Queenstown on Wednesday night. The 158 photographs exhibited had been selected from 2000 films exposed during a tour abroad, mainly in Europe, during 1938.

Thursday 4th September 1941
Page 7 - The Mercury (Hobart, Tasmania)

A well-attended meeting of the Southern Tasmanian Photographic Society was held at Hobart. The president (Mr. F.G. Robinson) presided, and welcomed Mr. L.A. Chappell, of the Queenstown Camera Club. A demonstration of treating prints with oil colors was given by Mr. W.R. McKay. Mr. L. Hewer exhibited some color prints.