1st July 1951  Page 449 - Vol. 58 No. 7 Australasian Photo-Review

On May 29th, twelve camera enthusiasts met at Mr. J.M. Joshua’s studio to discuss the formation of a camera club in Temora.

After the chairman had outlined the aims and objects of a camera club, the meeting unanimously decided to go ahead and form a club.

The office-bearers elected are: President, Mr. R.S. Cooper; Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. B. Speira; Adviser and Print Critic, Mr. J.M. Joshua. The election of a committee was left until a later date.

Two outings each month are planned, and prints from these outings and other subjects will be examined and discussed at a meeting on the first Monday night of each month.

After the business of the meeting had been completed, questions were fired at Mr. Joshua. The experience and advice from this member will be a great help to this club.

1st September 1952  Page 576 - Vol. 59 No. 9 Australasian Photo-Review

At the first Annual Meeting of the Temora Camera Club, the retiring President, Mr. R. Cooper, reported on the very successful first year as shown in the attendance at meetings and outings; and in the improvement in the work of members during that period.

Eleven members were present at the inaugural meeting, and the numbers have steadily grown throughout the year. The high proportion of members who are 'active' attests to the enthusiasm and happy spirit of the club. Outings were held regularly, and trips made to Tumut and Canberra; the latter with the help of members of the Canberra Society.

The thanks of the Club are due to J.M. Joshua in his role of print critic and general adviser on all matters pertaining to satisfactory print production. His criticism has been firm and highly constructive, and the improvement in the work of members is its justification. His lectures on composition, basic enlarging, and the Flexichrome process, with full demonstrations, were thoroughly prepared and helpful to all.

The office holders were all returned for a further twelve months. They are: President, Mr. R. Cooper; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. B. Speirs; Album Keeper. Mr. H. Devine.

1st October 1953
Page 635 - Vol. 60 No. 10 The Australasian Photographic Review

The supper rooms of the School of Arts Hall presented a very gay and bright appearance during the five afternoon and night sessions of the Temora Camera Club First Photographic Exhibition. Two morning sessions were also arranged for the pupils of the High School and the Primary School. St. Anne’s School was unable to take advantage of the Club’s offer.

Much good work was done by members in preparing for the exhibition, and the prints were excellently presented, the larger portion of the supper room being used to display the 150 prints kindly loaned to the club by Kodak (Australasia) Pty. Ltd., and the smaller portion provided space for displaying some of the work of local club members. Included with this display were a number of Flexichrome prints, the work of Mr. J.M. Joshua.

The Friday night session was chosen for the official opening and this office was performed by the Deputy Mayor, Alderman C. Wellingham.

Before introducing Mr. Wellingham, the President made reference to the help given by Kodak (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. in loaning to the club the prints that made the exhibition possible and for providing a lecturer to address the assembly.

Alderman Wellingham congratulated the Club on the very fine display and hoped that it would be the forerunner of many others to come. The opportunity was taken to welcome Mr. Vyvyan Curnow, of the A.P.-R. staff, who gave a very interesting address on the Use of Filters and who also screened a very lovely display of Kodachrome transparencies.

Earlier in the evening Mr. Curnow addressed the members of the Temora Rotary Club on the Holtermann Collection. This proved most informative and was very well received.

Portion of the audience at the official opening of the Temora Camera Club Photographic Exhibition.
From the left, facing the camera are the President of the Club, Mr. R.S. Cooper;
the Deputy Mayor of Temora, Ald. C. Wellingham and Mr. V. Curnow of Kodak Ltd.

Photograph: H. Devine