1st March 1953  Page 188 - Vol. 60 No. 3 Australasian Photo-Review

During the month of January the committee met and drew up a program for the next three months and also laid out the constitution of the club so that it can be voted upon without too much time being lost. At the next monthly meeting business will include the election of Outing and Library Committees. Of a series of lectures the first will be on Exposure.

Points will be awarded to winning prints in monthly competitions for the Aggregate Competition which will carry a trophy at the end of the year. A competitor may submit any number of prints. Entry fee for each print will be 6d and this amount will be set aside for the Aggregate Prize.

Our Secretary now has a receipt book and is very eager to try his hand at writing receipts. He can be found at the Wodonga Pharmacy.

The following lectures have been arranged:
6th March, History of Photography;
2nd April, Development of Negative;
7th May, How to Make Better Pictures.

An outing is to be arranged and the results will be displayed on the night of 7th May.

1st October 1953  Page 637 - Vol. 60 No. 10 Australasian Photo-Review

Members held an interesting Instruction Evening recently when Indoor Portraiture was the subject. Floodlights, provided by Vice-President R. Smallpage, were placed in various position to show the correct way of illumination of the subject. Each member brought along his camera loaded with a Kodak Super-XX film, taking eight exposures. Results will be exhibited at the next meeting.

The position of 'Treasurer and Secretary' was amended by previous notice of motion to separate positions, Mr. Ken Moir retaining the position of Treasurer, and Mr. A.W. Smith being appointed Secretary. Both are of High Street, Wodonga.

One of the local storekeepers generously offered a show-case window at his establishment for the display of exhibits in the Open Competition of Contact Printing. This is very much appreciated and displays have already created much interest. Members have derived much knowledge from slides and lectures thereon by the President, Mr. T. Willoughby, and Mr. R. Smallpage. Fortnightly practical nights have been well attended for a Club only a few months formed.

Arrangements are being made for an outing, for members to choose suitable subjects to use their cameras to the best advantage.