Mr. Burt Anderson
Mr. David Brooks LAPS, SSAPS
Mr. George Burns
Mr. Albert Chambers
Mr. Barry Daniel AAPS, SSAPS
Mr. John Devenish
Mr. Don Estell
Mr. Brian Harvey
Mr. Tom Hunt
Mr. Bob Jessop
Mr. Ken Kimmins
Mr. Norm Melvin
Mr. Bruce Shaw
Mr. Ian Simpson

Ms. Dawne Harridge


1st June 1944
Page 160 - Vol. 51 No. 6 The Australasian Photo-Review

This new Club promises to fill a long-felt need with considerable success. Though only just formed, some twelve or more enthusiasts have promised their support. Amateurs in Wollongong and district are invited to join and be assured of enjoyable association with other local workers. Bi-monthly competitions have been arranged and a series of interesting lectures is planned. Meetings are held on the third Friday of each month. Full particulars may be obtained from A. Chambers, Hon.Secretary.

1st August 1944
Page 242 - Vol. 51 No. 8 The Australasian Photo-Review

On 25th April, A. Chambers talked on “Camera Types and Factors Influencing Selection"; on 19th May, a talk was given by Messrs. D. Hair and E. Flynn on “Enlargers and Enlarging” and on 16th June, B. Jessop explained “Developers”.

It was evident in each case that the speakers had put much time and thought into their efforts, which were much appreciated.

The June competition (Open) brought to light fifteen prints from nine competitors. These were judged by John P. Carney ARPS, the results being: 1, H. O’Neill; 2 and 3 (equal), R. Waters, A. Chambers. Points awarded to these and other prints go towards the annual point-score.

1st October 1944
Page 362 - Vol. 51 No. 10 The Australasian Photo-Review

On the 3rd August Mr. Cyril Hughes, of Newcastle, spoke on the “Latitude of printing papers to exposure and development” and “Depth of focus”. These talks were illustrated by material kindly lent by Mr. Don Cameron, of Newcastle Society and the whole was very much appreciated. On the 25th August, Mr. Reg. Waters demonstrated “Portrait Lighting” and members gained many invaluable hints. The club members submitted a small Club entry to Adelaide Camera Club Salon and their work was sufficiently advanced to have twelve prints hung.

Friday 6th October 1944
Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

Wollongong's greatest educational event is drawing closer — in fact it opens next Monday, 13th October.

Residents should also see the exhibit of 180 photographic prints arranged by the Wollongong Camera Club, in the Soldiers Memorial Hall from 9th to 14th October. These are the work of some of Australia's leading amateur photographers, together with work by Port Kembla and Wollongong Clubs. This is something Wollongong has not seen before, something you cannot afford to miss. You will be astounded by the beauty and depth of feeling which the camera can express in sensitive hands. For a new experience in art see the display of pictorial photography any day or evening during Convention week.

1st November 1944
Page 408 - Vol. 51 No. 11 The Australasian Photo-Review

In the recent photographic exhibition arranged by the Club invitation folios were received from the various Camera Clubs.

About 180 prints were hung, composed of folios from The Photographic Society of New South Wales, Sydney Miniature Camera Group, YMCA Camera Circle, Southern Tasmanian Photographic Society, Melbourne Camera Club and Adelaide Camera Club. A folio from L.A. Lyons and B. Christophers and a Wollongong Camera Club folio were the local contributions.

Among these were originals of many well-known A.P.-R. reproductions, such as Ainslie Roberts excellent table-tops and his “Track of the South Winds”, Clarence B. Young’s “Symbol of Beauty”, H.D. Dircks’ “Call of the Mountains”, W. Broadhead’s “Along the Lower Yarra” and L.A. Lyons “Cloud Shadows”.

The exhibition was much appreciated and clearly demonstrated the artistic capabilities of the photographic medium in sensitive hands.

1st May 1945
Page 237 - Vol. 52 No. 5 The Australasian Photo-Review

The Club has made arrangements with the Newcastle Photographic Society for an exchange of folios and the first of these proved the basis of a very successful meeting on 23rd March, all members being keenly interested in the discussions on the prints.

Arrangements for the First Annual Exhibition will be announced shortly. It is proposed to hold the exhibition in late October or early November. Entry forms may be procured from the Hon.Secretary.

1st July 1945
Page 300 - Vol. 52 No. 7 The Australasian Photo-Review

A talk was recently given by Mr. Macinante on color in photography, during which he described the making of color prints by the “carbro” method. In the demonstration it was possible to make only one of the three separation images, but the rest of the process was shown by prints previously made. One interesting point was that, owing to the usual war-time shortages the “carbro” tissues were home-made, the dyed gelatine being coated on cartridge paper. It was explained that, due to the uneven stretch of the paper, it was possible to make color prints only up to about J-plate, but monochrome “carbros” could be made practically any size.

The color theme was followed up by Mr. Christophers, who spoke on the progress of color in amateur cine films. This talk was illustrated by some reels of Kodachrome taken by Mr. Christophers around the district.

The Club will hold a public exhibition from 22nd to 31st October next, entries closing on September 19. Entry forms may be obtained from the Hon.Secretary, B. Jessop, Bourke Street, Wollongong, N.S.W. The exhibition will be selected by Mr. Harold Cazneaux Hon. FRPS, acting as sole selector and judge. He will also make the awards.

1st August 1945
Page 382 - Vol. 52 No. 8 The Australasian Photo-Review

On June 22, a short talk was given by Mr. L.F. James, in which he described an investigation he had carried on into the cause of, otherwise inexplicable, fogged and flat negatives. This was recently traced to condensation on the interior surface of the lens, under certain atmospheric conditions.

Print criticism followed this talk. The prints under discussion were those entered in the club competition and also a folio of club prints, returned, with comments, by the Newcastle Photographic Society.

Friday 31st August 1945
Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

Last Saturday night two members of Photographic Society of New South Wales, Messrs. H.M. Jones and M.J. Metcalfe, were guest speakers at a meeting of the Wollongong Camera Club. They exhibited some examples of the last generation's work. Discussion on this work and local members prints followed.

The club invites persons interested in photography to contact the Hon.Secretary, Mr. B. Jessop, Bourke street, Wollongong.

1st September 1945
Page 390 - Vol. 52 No. 9 The Australasian Photo-Review

For the July meeting, a talk was given by Mr. A. Chambers on subject selection. The point made was that the photographer should choose his type of subject and endeavor to make his pictures express his personal outlook.

The talk was illustrated by a selection of pictures by such well-known photographers as Dr. Julian Smith, Marcus Adams, John B. Eaton, Arnold Longman and others, showing the tendency of each man to specialize in a particular type of subject.

Intending competitors are reminded that entries for the Wollongong Camera Club Salon close on September 24. This date has been extended to allow more time after the close of the Adelaide Salon.

1st October 1945
Page 470 - Vol. 52 No. 10 The Australasian Photo-Review

The August meeting was addressed by Messrs. H.V. Jones and J. Metcalfe, of the Photographic Society of New South Wales, who brought with them a representative collection of the works of the photographic masters, past and present, representing examples of practically every known printing process.

The Club held its 1st Annual Salon, with a very successful showing, from October 22nd to 31st.

A total of 280 prints were received from 72 competitors and of these, 114 were selected by the judge for hanging. In addition, a panel of six prints by the judge, Harold Cazneaux Hon. FRPS, were hung, making a total of 120.

Prints were received from New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania and by arrangement with the Adelaide Camera Club, prints were accepted from two overseas competitors, who had asked for their prints to be sent on.

The judging was done under studio skylight, each print being seen by the judge at least three times, the final judging being done in the hand, so as not to handicap small prints.

Following are some extracts from the judge’s report:
“The selection standard has been kept high — on 'Salon' level — 114 prints being selected out of 280 submitted to me for judging.

The traditional character of camera pictorial work, together with the modern trend of clean-cut technique and ideas, provide a good show, full of quality and interest — well worthy of being shown in any of the cities of the Commonwealth.

Nine of the prints were selected as worthy of special mention. They are as follows;


The Wollongong Camera Club wishes to thank all those, who by their entries, have helped to make this Salon a success. In particular, we appreciate the support extended by other clubs and the help and advice received from the judge, Harold Cazneaux and the Adelaide Camera Club through their president, Ainslie Roberts.

By keeping the selection level high, we hope that we are doing something to improve the standard of pictorial photography in Australia

Friday 12th October 1945
Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

In a few weeks time Wollongong will have the opportunity of seeing some of the finest productions in Australia of what is probably the world's most popular hobby — photography.

Wollongong Camera Club has organized a salon of pictorial photography, to be held in the Wollongong Gaslight Coy's showrooms from October 22nd to 31st. The Salon will be open to the public from 9am to9 pm daily. Admission will be free and catalogs will be on sale.

Many will remember the photographic exhibition which the club organized as part of last year's big Education Convention. That show was non-competitive, but this year the salon is quite competitive, inasmuch as all entries have been judged as to whether they are of high enough standard to be exhibited. Wollongong Camera Club has been fortunate in obtaining as judge, the services of Mr. Harold Cazneaux, who is an international figure in pictorial photography. Mr. Harold Cazneaux has made special awards to nine of the outstanding prints of the salon.

Approximately 280 entries have been received and it is known that every State in Australia will be well represented. Some entries have also been received from Canada and Sweden.

This is an entirely fresh venture for the Wollongong Camera Club. If it succeeds, the salon will be made an annual event of international standing and we shall be seeing more and more of the photographic masterpieces of the world.

Friday 19th October 1945
Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The salon of Pictorial Photography, arranged by the Wollongong Camera Club, will be officially opened by Mrs. A.S. Hoskins at 8pm on Monday, October 22nd.

The exhibition will be open daily from 9am to 5.30pm and 7 to 9pm until Wednesday, October 31st.

The salon attracted a very large entry, prints being received from all over Australia. These were judged by Mr. Harold Cazneaux Hon.FRPS, who has selected a very representative show of high quality.


Following are some of the extracts from the judge's report:

The selection standard has been kept high — 114 prints being selected for hanging, out of a total of 280 submitted to me for judging.

The show is well representative of the many branches and styles of pictorial photography. The traditional character of camera pictorial work, together with the modern trend of clean-cut technique and ideas, provide a good show, full of quality and interest — well worthy of being shown in any of the cities of the Commonwealth.

Friday 26th October 1945
Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

At the Wollongong Gaslight Coy's Rooms, Crown Street, Wollongong, is to be seen a remarkable collection of examples of photography, gathered together and displayed at the Wollongong Camera Club's first annual Salon of Pictorial Photography. It is not merely an exhibition of photography, for the club decided to set a standard for the prints accepted for this display and a well-known Australian photographer, Mr. Harold Cazneaux Hon.FRPS, was selected as judge. In his report he stated: The selection standard has been made high — on Salon level — 114 prints being selected for hanging out of a total of 280 submitted for judging. The traditional character of camera pictorial work, together with the modern trend of clear-cut technique and ideas, provide a good show, full of quality and interest, well worthy of being shown in any of the principal cities of the Commonwealth.

On Monday night the official opening was performed by Mrs. A.S. Hoskins, who referred to ancient examples of the arts which were treasured for their beauty and expressed the opinion that some examples of photographer's art were approaching that standard. She also referred to the exhibits of photographs staged at the Education Convention held at Wollongong last year — the work of the Wollongong Camera Club. She congratulated the club members on their effort in staging the salon.

At the close of the official opening, Mrs. Hoskins was presented with a bouquet of flowers by little Miss Pamela Waters. Mr. B. Jessop, on behalf of the club, presented her with a framed photograph of a local view, depicting Mt. Keira.

Mr. B. Jessop, Hon.Secretary of the Wollongong Camera Club, in thanking Mrs. Hoskins, referred to the fact that there was not a suitable hall for the staging of this and other exhibitions and urged the City Council to consider the establishment of an Art Gallery with a suitable building for staging of such an exhibition. He also thanked the Wollongong Gaslight Coy. and the manager, Mr. Warner, for placing the company's showroom at the club's disposal.

Mr. E. Flynn, in introducing Mrs. Hoskins, stated that the club was introducing something new to Wollongong and hoped that it would be followed by other similar exhibitions. He also said that he hoped that the lead of the Wollongong Camera Club would be followed by other organizations.

The Salon will close on Wednesday 31st. On Saturday members of Sydney and Newcastle photographic Societies will visit the Salon and will be entertained afterwards by the Wollongong Camera Club members.

November - December 1945
Page 480 - Vol. 52 No. 11 and 12 The Australasian Photo-Review

At the November meeting, Dr. A.E.F. Chaffer spoke on “Filters”. He described the basic nature of light and outlined the differences in composition of various varieties of white light. From this he demonstrated the effect of adding or subtracting colors to white light. The speaker added a brief description of the spectral sensitivities of the various photographic emulsions and of the human eye, from which it was an easy step to deduce the effect of the various filters. For instance, to obtain a correctly balanced monochrome reproduction, it is necessary to balance the emulsion sensitivity with that of the eye, by subtracting the blue-violet ray, to which the emulsion is far more sensitive than the human eye.

Wednesday 6th February 1946
The Canberra Times (ACT)

The Canberra Photographic Society meeting held on Tuesday 5th February 1946.

A folio of prints was received from the Wollongong Camera Club for criticism; they included some fine work.

1st May 1946
Page 250 - Vol. 53 No. 5 The Australasian Photo-Review

The April meeting was devoted to discussion of a folio of prints from the Newcastle Photographic Society. A regular exchange of prints has been arranged with the Newcastle and Canberra clubs, and these programs are greatly enjoyed by members.

This being the Annual Meeting, elections were held, and A.C. Chambers, E.J. Flynn, and B. Jessop were appointed to the committee for the next twelve months.

Anyone desirous of entering in the Second Annual Wollongong Salon may obtain entry forms by writing to the Secretary, Bourke Street, Wollongong. Entries for this year’s Salon, which is an International one, will close on September 24th.

1st June - 1st July 1946
Page 264 - Vol. 53 No. 6 and 7 The Australasian Photo-Review

At the May meeting an address on composition was given by Mr. G. Clarke, of the Wollongong High School.

Interest was lent to this by the fact that Mr. Clarke is not a photographer, but an artist and an art teacher. The various points made were illustrated by pencil sketches and the subject was handled without any regard to the purely photographic technique.

Mr. Clarke produced a number of his paintings for criticism by club members and in turn, commented on prints which had been submitted for the club competition.

The result of this competition was: 1, L.H. Solomon; 2, A.C. Chambers.

1st August 1946
Page 383 - Vol. 53 No. 8 The Australasian Photo-Review

At the June meeting, a talk was given by Mr. L.A. Lyons on the subject “How I Make My Exhibition Pictures”. This was divided into the sections — Equipment, Subject Matter, and Treatment. The lecturer described the equipment he is using now, and also the type of equipment he would like when it again becomes available. With regard to subject matter, his preference was for landscape and historical subjects. A description of his technique for negative and print production was illustrated by a selection of prints — some well known and others new. One very interesting item proved to be a group of Salon catalogs and stickers from overseas. In view of the forthcoming Second Wollongong Salon, these were keenly examined.

Intending competitors are reminded that entries for the Wollongong Salon close on September 24th, 1946.

Friday 18th October 1946
Page 3 - Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

Shortly residents will have the opportunity of seeing in Wollongong an exhibition of photography which will demonstrate the adaptation of photography as a new and vital form of graphic art. The show is to be called the Salon of International Photography; it will consist of about 150 prints sent direct by photographers in many parts of Australia and 15 other countries.

There was a time some 20 or 30 years ago when photographers possessing that self-expressive urge which gives rise to art, strove hard to imitate, in slavish fashion, the other art styles of the period. A photograph was made to look as much as possible like an etching, or diffused pencil and wash sketch. But very soon men and women all round the world found that in the camera they had an instrument for creating a new form of graphic art. The camera could present life in a vital, real and forceful manner which was fresh, with its own very vivid and appealing style.

And there pictorial photography stands today. You will enjoy its forthrightness if you see this salon. The Salon is being organized by the Wollongong Camera Club. It is to open in the Wollongong Gaslight Coy's showrooms, Crown Street, from October 21st to 30th, 9am to 5.30pm and 7pm to 9pm. Admission is by catalog, 6d.

The Salon is to be opened at 8pm on October 21st by Dr H.C. Maldon. Attendance at the opening is by invitation only. At all other times the Salon will be open to the public.

Friday 18th October 1946
Page 3 - Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The Wollongong Salon of International Photography is being organized by the Wollongong Camera Club and will take place in the Show rooms of the Wollongong Gaslight Co, from October 21st to October 31st. It will be open daily, from 10am to 5.30pm and 7pm to 9pm.

The work of leading Australian photographers and in 15 other countries will be on view.

Photography is the newest of graphic arts. It is probably the most straight forward, virile and most easily understood form of graphic arts.

In the International Salon the different mood and style of photographers from the different countries will be seen, from the vivid, forthright style of the Americans to the sensitive, delicate and decorative style of the Chinese.

Friday 25th October 1946
Page 3 - Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The members of the Wollongong Camera Club made a contribution to the cultural activities of the district when they staged an international show of pictorial photography in the Wollongong Gaslight rooms, Crown Street, Wollongong, this week.

This show is the first of its kind to be held in Wollongong and only the second to be held in Australia. The first took place during the Centenary Celebrations.

In all, entries were received from 16 overseas countries, as well as hundreds of prints from Australia.

A pleasing feature of the exhibition was that several local entries were included in the display. These were the work of Messrs S. Broomhead, A.C. Chambers and B. Jessop, of Wollongong; Leo A. Lyons and Molly Lyons, Port Kembla.

The official opening took place on Monday evening. Mr. A.C. Chambers of the Wollongong Camera Club, said that after the success of the First Annual Salon of Pictorial Photography last year the members decided to hold an International Exhibition for their next Salon. By so doing, the members hoped to improve their outlook and improve their photography. He went on to explain how many countries had sent along entries and the interest it stimulated. Some of the Australian prints were up to world standards and said the speaker, "I feel that we have made our mark internationally".

He then introduced Dr H.C. Maldon, who is well known in Wollongong for the interest he takes in cultural advancement.

Dr Maldon said he considered it a very great privilege to be present at an event which was unique in the history of Wollongong, the First International Show. Continuing, the speaker said how pleased he was to see how Australian talent compared so favorably with that of overseas. In conclusion, he congratulated the local members on their work and said how much pleasure it gave him to declare the Salon Open.

Mr. Keith Bourke, editor of the "Australian Pictorial Review" also expressed his pleasure at being present and congratulated the members on what they had achieved.

Mr. Chambers paid a tribute to the work that was done by the Hon.Secretary, Mr. B. Jessop and said most of the credit must go to him. He also expressed the thanks of the committee to the Wollongong Gaslight Co. for the use of its premises which were ideal for the purpose.

This exhibition is one that all members of the community should endeavor to see. The various exhibits displayed show that there are national subtleties in the approach to photographic technique. The committee responsible for the show should be encouraged in their ambitious work. The Salon is open daily until the 30th October.

Friday 6th December 1946
Page 11 - Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)
Page 4 - South Coast Times and Wollongong Argus (NSW)

It was gratifying to see the large and interested audience which attended the two Piano Recitals, opening the City's Christmas Music Festival, thus giving concrete support to local cultural development. The Margaret Wakehurst Girls Club is making another worthy effort towards cultural development by arranging Wollongong's first exhibition by local artists, to be held from December 7th to 13th.

Mr. Erik Langker, president of the Royal Art Society of NSW and a leading figure in the art world, is visiting Wollongong on 7th December, to officially open the exhibition at 3 pm.

The exhibition will feature three sections — the work of the girls of the Club Art Class, a collection of colorful water colors by Eric Clarke and thirdly, photographs taken by members of the Wollongong Camera Club.

Mr. Clarke, who came, to this district from Orange only two years ago, is already well known for his water color paintings of the picturesque local scenery. He studied at the Birmingham School of Art, England and also at East Sydney Technical College.

The Wollongong Camera Club, which has exhibited before, has been in existence for 2.5 years. The members collection of photographs will include local landscapes, still life and character studies.

Friday 13th December 1946
Page 5 - Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The art students of the Margaret Wakehurst Girls Club, Wollongong, held their first annual Art Exhibition at the Club on Saturday afternoon. The attendance was disappointing, particularly as the exhibition was of a very high standard. There was also an exhibition of works by Mr. Eric Clarke, who has given much help and assistance to the students, as well as an exhibit by members of the Wollongong Camera Club.

The exhibition was opened by Mr. Erik Langker, president of the Royal Art Society, NSW. He was welcomed by the Mayor of Wollongong, Alderman C.M. Dawson, on behalf of the citizens and members of the Wollongong Girls Club.

Mr. Langker paid a compliment to the members of the Margaret Wakehurst Girls Club for the very high standard of their painting and drawing and also to Mr. Clark for his instruction which was given voluntary.

Continuing, the speaker remarked how Wollongong had improved, but he could see room for further improvement. He said he would like to see an Art Gallery, a Symphony Orchestra and a Little Theatre.

Referring to the machine age, Mr. Langker said we were now entering the atomic age which would give people more leisure. He thought the best way of employing leisure was in the study of fine arts.

Miss Craigie, on behalf of the members of the club, thanked Mr. Clark for the unselfish work he had put in for the young people. She also thanked the Wollongong Camera Club for the loan of stands. She moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Langker and in doing so, remarked that Wollongong already had a symphony orchestra, which was improving with every concert and shortly it was hoped that a cultural centre would be established at North Wollongong.

Ald. Brandon seconded the vote of thanks, which was carried unanimously.

This exhibition is open for a week and it is hoped that many people will take the opportunity of viewing the work of the girls which is only one of the many advantages which are available to members of this club.

Friday 10th January 1947
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The meeting of the Wollongong Camera Club on Monday night proved very interesting. Mr. Keith Chittock gave a talk on his efforts at aerial photography. He pointed out that the amateurs limited equipment is hardly sufficient for results comparable with those obtained by specialist aerial photographers, but at the same time, he produced several good photographs of Wollongong and district from the air.

All members evinced an interest in the subject and it looks as though, others will try their hand at this intriguing aspect, of their hobby.

The latter part of the evening was given over to judging and discussion of the December Print Competition. The standard of the work submitted was remarkably improved upon that of two years or so ago, when the club was started. Mr. Dave Mascord of Corrimal a newcomer to the ranks scored a runaway win with his "Childhood Innocence", a beautifully-lit portrait of his little daughter. This worker makes good use of artificial lighting and in this case no comment could be made as to how the print could be improved. Albert Chambers scored second place with his 'Virtuoso', a low-key study of a violinist and also ran into third place with 'Quiet Harbour', a pleasant shot taken in Belmore Basin.

If the standard shown this month is upheld, the club should have a very successful competition year.

Several interesting lectures are scheduled for the next few months and the club wants to reach all who are interested in any aspect of photography. If you are one of these, the Hon.Secretary, Mr. B. Jessop, Wollongong, would like to hear from you.

1st February 1947  Page 62 - Vol. 54 No. 2 Australasian Photo-Review

On Monday night, 6th January, the December meeting (postponed due to holidays) was held. Mr. Keith Chittock lectured on Aerial Photography and the difficulties of the amateur in this field and pointed out that limitations of equipment meant that the amateur could not compete with the commercial photographer on the basis of quality. However, it is an interesting branch of the hobby, as evidenced by the several good prints of aerial views of Wollongong produced by Mr. Chittock.

Print competitions have been revived and the December competition was judged and discussed at this meeting. Result: l, D. Mascord; 2 and 3, A. Chambers. It is hoped that the high standard shown in this competition is continued throughout the year.

Thursday 3rd April 1947
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

At the March meeting of the Wollongong Camera Club Mr. Chambers spoke on 'Color Photography' and his talk proved to be of the greatest interest. He pointed out that color processes have been available for nearly forty years, but that the processes developed in the last few years have brought the art to a high pitch of perfection. After outlining the technique of both out-of-date and modern transparency processes, Mr. Chambers projected his own results — some 60 transparencies in 35 mm Dufaycolor and Kodachrome. The Dufaycolor particularly those present, as it is the only color film available for roll-film cameras and the results shown made all enthusiastic to try it.

Mr. Chambers then showed examples of professional Kodachrome Film (exposed in Hollywood) and Eastman Kodak's Kodachrome and Dye-Transfer Color Prints which he had obtained for demonstration. These proved beyond doubt that Color Prints have 'arrived' and that when the old bogy, 'Dollar Exchange' is removed, every advanced amateur will be able to make his own color prints.

A club outing has been arranged for April 19th; venue, Robertson. All interested should contact the Hon.Secretary, Bourke Street, for details.

1st April 1947  Page 176 - Vol. 54 No. 4 Australasian Photo-Review

On 3rd March 1947, the club meeting was devoted to a talk and demonstration by Mr. Harold O'Neile on "Coloring Photographs". Mr. O'Neile ably demonstrated the use of both oils and water colors and his results were very interesting.

The February print competition was judged at this meeting. The standard was again high and the voting resulted: l, B. Jessop; 2, D. Mascord; 3, B. Jessop.

1st May 1947  Page 284 - Vol. 54 No. 5 Australasian Photo-Review

The March meeting, held on 31st, brought us a talk on "Color Photography" by Albert Chambers. The speaker outlined the developments in this field from the first findings of Clerk Maxwell, in 1861, through the additive processes of Lumiere, Finlay, Dufay and Agfa, to the modern subtractive processes such as Kodachrome, pointing out the theory behind each case.

By way of practical demonstration, he then projected his own recent color work - 35mm transparencies in Dufaycolor and Kodachrome. It was interesting to note that he stressed the accuracy of the exposure charts provided with these films and showed examples of inaccurate exposures, due to reliance on "general" exposure meter readings, where the "chart" exposure would be preferable. For the 35mm worker Kodachrome is preferable on the score of its grainless image, but the Dufay results shown whetted the appetite of those owners of regular roll film cameras for whom this is the only process at present available in Australia.

By courtesy of Kodak Ltd., Mr. Chambers also showed examples of the latest Kodachrome prints and an excellent example of a Dye Transfer Print. This latter process seems to be the answer to all the demands of the color print workers, its sharpness and the brilliance of its colors are a source for wonder. Also shown were some examples of 10 x 8 Kodachrome Professional Sheet Film; again these must really be seen to be appreciated. In all, our March meeting was a most instructive and entertaining evening.

Friday 2nd May 1947
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

On Monday night, the annual meeting of the Wollongong Camera Club was held, at which the committee's annual report was presented. The report revealed that the club is in a satisfactory position, though it is disappointing that the membership is not growing. Plans for the forthcoming year provide an interesting program of meetings and several outings will also be arranged. Arrangements are already in hand for next year's salon, the club's third, which will be held during January, 1948 and judging by the early response we have had from overseas' exhibitors, it should prove to be better than last year's.

The latter part of the evening was given over to a short photographic brains trust. Three members were, selected and were 'quizzed' by the others for advice on matters of interest and quite an interesting hour or so was spent in this way.

The April print competition resulted in Messrs Dave Mascord and Horrie Ward tied for first place, with a print by the former placed third. Mr. Mascord has a commanding lead in the point score competition and it looks as though he will win the 'Print of the Year' competition, unless some strong opposition is offer ed in the near future.

The outing arranged for 19th April, which had to be put off owing to bad weather, will now be held, weather permitting, on 10th May, at Robertson.

1st June 1947  Page 296 - Vol. 54 No. 6 Australasian Photo-Review

On Monday night, 28th April, the annual meeting of the Club was held and at which the Committee's annual report was presented. The report revealed that the Club is in a satisfactory position, though it is disappointing that the membership is not growing. Plans for the forthcoming year provide an interesting program of meetings and several outings will also be organized. Arrangements are already in hand for next year's Salon, which will be held during January 1948 and judging by the early response we have had from overseas exhibitors, it should prove to be better than that of last year.

The latter part of the evening was given over to a short Photographic Brains Trust. Three members were selected and "quizzed" by the others for advice on matters of interest and quite an interesting hour or so was spent in this way.

Results of the April print competition were; l, D. Mascord; 2, H. Ward; 3, D. Mascord. Mr. Mascord now has a commanding lead in the point score competition and it looks as though he will win the "Print of the Year" competition, unless some strong opposition is offered in the near future.

Wednesday 4th June 1947
The Canberra Times (Australian Capital Territory)

The usual monthly meeting of the Canberra Photographic Society was held on Tuesday night when Mr. John Haig judged the monthly subject "open" in conjunction with the portrait studies taken at our previous meeting.

About 30 prints were submitted in the competitions. Many visitors were welcomed, including Mr. Bob Jessop, Hon.Secretary of the Wollongong Camera Club, who made a special visit to Canberra. Mr. Jessop gave a brief outline of the activities of the Wollongong Camera Club.

Friday 6th June 1947
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

At the Camera Club's meeting on 29th May, Mr. Gordon Worland, of the Illawarra Historical Society, spoke to the members of the society's need for photographic records of historical buildings and of district identities and asked that the club assist in this work. This the members have agreed to do.

Mr. Harold O'Neile was to have addressed the meeting on the mounting and framing of prints, but was unable to be present. Mr. Eric Flynn filled in for him with a short talk on 'The Manufacture of Photographic Emulsions', which proved quite interesting.

A batch of prints by club members is at present circulating the salons in England and so far one print has been hung at South Shields (Durham). This was Albert Chambers print, 'Air on a G String'. Mr. Leo Lyons, of Port Kembla, also had two prints hung at South Shields.

A batch of prints is being sent to America, where it is hoped, that some success will be won against the stiff competition which exists among salon contributors.

1st July 1947  Page 399 - Volume 54 No. 7 - Australasian photo-review

At the meeting on 29th May, Mr. Gordon Worland, of the Illawarra Historical Society, addressed members on the need for photographic records of historical buildings and scenes and of the district's identities. The Club has agreed to undertake to provide prints and lantern slides of those subjects named by the Historical Society.

We were unable to hear the programed talk on "Mounting and Framing of Prints" by Mr. Harold O'Neile, as he was detained by urgent work. Mr. Eric Flynn filled the gap with a short talk on "The Manufacture of Photographic Emulsions", which proved most interesting.

Bad weather hampers our attempts to arrange Club outings; our last, arranged for 31st May, fell through due to heavy rain and has been postponed to 21st June.

A group of Club prints has been sent to England, where it has commenced a circuit of the Salons and so far one print has been accepted, Albert Chamber's "Air for a G-String", which was hung at South Shields (Durham). A further batch of prints is going to America, where the competition is stiff and success, will be dearly won.

1st September 1947  Page 482 - Vol. 54 No. 9 Australasian Photo-Review

Entries are invited for the above Salon, which is to be held in Wollongong from the 8th January 1948. Last year's Salon was highly successful in that both Australian and overseas entries were of a high standard and this year there is evidence of a much increased foreign entry. For this reason, Australian exhibitors will need to be "on their toes" and this local exhibition will serve as a preliminary test for those desiring to exhibit overseas. Entry forms may be had from Mr. B. Jessop, Bourke Street, Wollongong. Each person may enter up to four (4) prints, the entry fee being 5/-. No restriction has been placed on print or mount sizes, but all Australian prints should be mounted. Prints will be judged by a Salon Jury of three, the judges being Messrs. Laurence Le Guay ARPS, Clarence B. Young ARPS, APSA and Leo A. Lyons. Entries close on 3rd December, 1947.

1st September 1947  Page 523 - Vol. 54 No. 9 Australasian Photo-Review

On 24th May Mr. B. Jessop gave an interesting talk on "Toning". He used a series of six prints: one each on Bromide contrasts 2, 3 and 4, one on Kodabrom, one on Bromesko, one on another paper of similar type to the latter. This series was repeated for each different toning process, so that the whole formed a good basis for comparison between the various toners. Members were able to compare results given by sulphide (ordinary sepia toning), hypo-alum, mercury­sulphide and selenium for brown tones, thiocarbamide­gold chloride for blue tones (and for red tones when used after ordinary sulphide toning) and also a few prints shown were part-developed and part-toned.

A rather broad conclusion could be drawn in the case of brown tones, that sulphide is probably the most reliable and gives the most pleasing result. It seems unnecessary to try all the different processes for brown tones. Blue toning, however, has its uses and appears to be the only toner worth having on our shelves apart from sulphide.

Mr. Jessop's display of toned prints gave evidence of a great amount of preparation and he pointed out that given more time he may have been able to produce many more variations in color, it having been brought home to him that, due to variations in paper stock, uniform results could not always be guaranteed from any particular combination of paper and toner. It was evident that different contrast grades yielded different tones and that in some cases the chloro-bromide type papers were not entirely suitable. One interesting feature was a series toned in stale sulphide solution, the color of these being a very poor gingery yellow.

The June competition, judged at this meeting, resulted; 1 and 2, D. Mascord; 3, H. Ward. Mr. Mascord has an unassailable lead in the point-score competition and it would appear that some of our workers have been dabbling too much in color photography to the exclusion of monochrome work.

At the Solihull (Birmingham, England) Salon in June, L.A. Lyons had two prints hung, "The Ringman" and "Monaro Gums" and Albert Chambers was successful with "Air on a G-String".

1st October 1947  Page 542 - Vol. 54 No. 10 Australasian Photo-Review

On 28th August, Mr. J.W. Metcalfe of the Photographic Society of New South Wales visited us and gave an interesting talk on the use of color films generally and Ansco color film in particular. This talk was supplemented by a screening of 35mm and 2 1/4 in. square transparencies. Mr. Metcalfe particularly stressed the necessity for accurate exposure of color material. In his own case he had adopted a Weston meter to an equivalent of the Smethurst Highlight system, by masking the cell and covering it with opal glass. This allows incident light readings to be taken, accepted "best" for color work. The transparencies shown by Mr. Metcalfe were proof of the success of this method.

At this meeting, the August print competition was judged, Results: 1, B. Jessop 2, D. Mascord; 3, H. Ward.

On the 16th August, an outing was held in the Shellharbour district and some interesting material was obtained. This we hope to see featured in forth coming competitions.

1st November 1947  Page 597 - Vol. 54 No. 11 Australasian Photo-Review

On the 25th September, Mr. H.H. Hill of the Kodak Technical Advisory Service, Sydney, delivered a talk on "The Action of Developing and Fixing Baths".

Taking the standard MQ developer as the basis for his demonstration, he pointed out the functions of the various constituents of the developer, namely the reducer, accelerator, preservative and restrainer. By the use of strips of film immersed in various solutions, he showed the need for an alkaline accelerator, such as sodium carbonate, without which the reducing agents (metol, hydroquinone) are practically inactive. It was also quite apparent that without the addition of sodium sulphite as a preservative, the developer solution would turn brown due to oxidation and would thereby cause bad staining of the sensitive material.

Mr. Hill then pointed out the function of the acid hardening components of the fixing bath, acetic acid and alum and showed that if mixed wrongly various sludges can form, these being very difficult to eliminate and some of which render the bath useless. Mr. Hill then projected a short 16mm film which showed in a broad manner how emulsions are made. It featured micrographs of film in the process of development and clearly depicted the swelling which takes place within the emulsion due to the action of the alkaline constituent of the developer upon the gelatine, this swelling being necessary to allow the developer access to the grains of silver halide. It also showed the tendency of grains to wander from their original position during development, thus causing clumping and graininess.

Intending competitors are reminded that the closing date for entries for the forthcoming Wollongong Salon is 3rd December 1947.

1st December 1947  Page 699 - Vol. 54 No. 12 Australasian Photo-Review

At the meeting held on 23rd October, the members reviewed a very interesting portfolio of prints from the Newcastle Photographic Society. These prints indicated a marked advance over previous portfolios received from our Newcastle friends, both in regard to subject matter and to general technique. Members were particularly impressed by the imagination shown by W.H. McClung in the selection of subjects and by the excellent print quality of the work by A.J. Reedman. A very fine portrait by S. Power also received much favorable comment.

The Club's October competition attracted a good entry and resulted: 1, D. Mascord 2, G. Burns, A. Chambers and D. Mascord {equal).

Many prints for the "Print of the Year" competition were received. These prints will be judged by Mr. Harold Cazneaux, Hon.FRPS and the results will be announced at a later meeting.

1st January 1948  Page 4 - Vol. 55 No. 1 Australasian Photo-Review

At the meeting held on 27th November, Mr. Bob Jessop delivered a very interesting lecture on "Print Quality" and illustrated his comments with a series of prints depicting both good and bad quality. He emphasized that the basis of good print quality is a correctly exposed and properly developed negative. Given a good negative, it is then necessary to choose a printing paper of appropriate surface and correct grade. The capabilities of Bromesko, especially when used with the recommended developer, were illustrated by a few well-chosen examples.

Mr. Jessop touched lightly on the subject of the toning of prints, but emphasized that toning cannot change a poor print into a good one and in some circumstances it may actually spoil an otherwise good photograph.

Thursday 22 January 1948
Page 3 - Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

Opened on Monday last and showing until Sunday, January 25th, Wollongong Camera Club's Third Exhibition of International Photography is housed at the Margaret Wakehurst Girls Club, 65 Smith Street, Wollongong.

Residents have come to look forward to these exhibitions and this year's is an improvement on earlier standards. Such exhibitions as this depend for their success on public support and those who attend will not be disappointed. One hundred and fifty enlarged photographs embracing almost every type of subject matter make it something to be remembered with pleasure.

The exhibition will open each day until 9pm. Admission will be by purchase of the usual attractively produced catalog, 1/-.

Tuesday 24th February 1948
The Canberra Times (Australian Capital Territory)

The first exhibition of the Canberra Photographic Society was held at the 2CA theatrette last night and revealed a standard which, was exceptionally high and should prove the, forerunner of more exhibitions.

More than 250 photos were displayed and also panels, loaned for the occasion by KODAK Ltd., ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE, N.A. Boddington, "Sun-Herald" Picture Service, "Daily Telegraph" Feature Service, Department of information, United Kingdom Information Department, American News Feature Service and WOLLONGONG CAMERA CLUB.

1st May 1948  Page 240 - Vol. 55 No. 5 Australasian Photo-Review

At our meeting on 1st April, a lively discussion on the prints resulting from our previous meeting (a "Portraiture" night) took place. The prints shown highlighted the need of practically all members for some training in the elementary forms of artificial lighting, it being evident that attempts were made at this meeting to undertake ambitious lighting schemes without any real knowledge of the characteristics of the various types of lights and of the exposures required in this work.

The lesson which has been learned, we hope, is that these artistically and technically poor prints will be taken as a basis for improvement on future occasions and by the elimination of faults and the acquisition of experience, our members may be able soon to embark on artificial light portraiture with no more difficulty than they experience in landscape work. To this end, we have arranged to have portraiture nights at frequent intervals.

The remainder of the meeting was devoted to a series of short talks by members on their negative and print techniques. Whilst there were variations in such points as the developers used, most members appeared to agree on the following essentials of good processing:

1. Cleanliness of negative processing solutions, obtained in most cases by filtering.
2. Care in handling negatives to avoid finger marks and scratches.
3. Full development of prints (at least 2 minutes for best tonal quality.

Our March print competition brought forward some good quality prints, gaining point score credits for H.F. Ward (2), B.Jessop (2) and D. Mascord (1).

1st July 1948  Page 409 - Vol. 55 No. 7 Australasian Photo-Review

At our meeting on 27th May Mr. B. Jessop spoke on "A Few Points on Composition" and instead of laying down rules, he took the trouble to point out why various compositional schemes were effective - in that they presented the subject matter in such a way that it was balanced within the frame, thereby satisfying that sensibility we have to the form of things. This fresh approach was stimulating and helped put composition in a less fearsome light

Mr. A. Chambers then spoke on "How to Criticize a Print", basing his points first on the attributes of the good critic: He stressed the need for a balanced, well informed perspective on the subject under discussion, whether it be music, art, drama or photography and that this could only be gained by study of the achievements, past and present, in the field. Lack of this, he suggested, precludes many from giving valid criticism. He then went on to point out the various "headings" under which a critic attempts to appraise the worth of a print, viz., vitality of ideas behind the print, picture construction (often called composition) and technical considerations.

On 10th June a Studio Night was held, at which members again attempted to gain experience in the use of artificial light.

1st September 1948  Page 498 - Vol. 55 No. 9 Australasian Photo-Review

On 28th July Mr. B.Jessop gave us the benefit of his experience in Color Photography, when he projected a series of some of his recent color transparencies made on Dufaycolor and Ansco Color Film. Throughout the screening he commented on the various aspects of transparency technique, emphasizing the faults to be avoided, such as extreme contrast and lighting of the late afternoon variety, which is too reddish for correct color reproduction.

Mr. Jessop also demonstrated the processing of a Dufaycolor roll film, emphasizing the need for constant agitation in all baths to ensure clarity of the finished result.

Our July competition brought forward a record number of prints, all of good quality and as a result, the judging standard was set very high. Credits for the point-score competition went to J. Ford (1), and J. McAllister (2).

1st October 1948  Page 592 - Vol. 55 No. 10 Australasian Photo-Review

Leo. A. Lyons spoke to our Club on the night of 30th August, his subject being "The Pictorial Possibilities of the Illawarra District".

There is no doubt of the picturesque quality of the Illawarra scenery, but many of the Club members have expressed the view that it is difficult to photograph. Mr. Lyons dismissed this idea by exhibiting some of his own prints, all of excellent photographic quality and all expressive of the Illawarra scenery, so distinctly different from the rest of Australia.

Mr. Lyons' picture of the view southward from Sublime Point was better than any other photograph ever seen by Club members; his shots of Wollongong's picturesque boat harbour, Belmore Basin showed us how neglectful we are of the opportunities on our doorstep; his excellent treatments of the coral trees with which our district is so well endowed, opened our eyes to the possibilities ever before us. And lest we think he has some special methods, he pointed out that he uses Super-XX and Verichrome and standard developers such as DK-20 and D-72 exactly as recommended by the makers!

He also pointed out that his pictures were not all taken for that special pictorialism necessary for exhibition work, but for their interest to himself, with the hope of proving interesting to any who might see them. This notwithstanding, a good proportion of them have been accepted in salons in Australia and overseas, whilst the remainder assist in giving an almost complete "coverage" of the district. Nevertheless, this talk was not without its moral, the successful landscape photographer should seek tirelessly for his subjects and must be prepared to make the most of the opportunities presented him by the happy coincidence of light and scene, even to the extent of making a special trip to a certain locality when the light is right for the purpose of making only one or two exposures.

This lesson and the scope and originality of Mr. Lyons work, are a challenge to us as individuals and as a club, to make the most of "The Pictorial Possibilities of the Illawarra District".

1st November 1948
Page 634 - Vol. 55 No. 11 Australasian Photo-Review

The September meeting was devoted to a talk on "Optics". The speaker briefly explained the various aberrations which it is the designer's duty to overcome in computing a lens formula and then classified lenses into various types according to design. The lens of each member's camera was individually reviewed, with the result that those concerned learned a great deal on the properties and construction of their respective lenses. The talk was illustrated with lantern slides to emphasize the various points.

The competition prints judged at this meeting were somewhat below standard, points going to: 1, B. Jessop; 2, J. Ford.

The Wollongong Camera Club is again holding an International Salon, date, March 1949.

There will be two sections - Prints and Color Transparencies. Prints will be judged by Messrs. Keast Burke ARPS, Laurence Le Guay ARPS and L.A. Lyons. Transparency judges will be Mr. J.W. Metcalf, Dr. A.E.F. Chaffer and Mr. S. Woodward-Smith.

Restrictions on sizes are: Prints - No size limit, but must be mounted. Transparencies - In standard sizes, 2 x 2ins. or 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 ins.

After showing at Wollongong, a portion of the Print section will be displayed at the Kodak Gallery, 386 George Street, Sydney.

Entry Fee for either or both classes is 5/—.

Closing date for entries is 18th February 1949.

Entry forms are available from the Club’s Secretary, Mr. B. Jessop, Bourke Street, Wollongong.

1st December 1948  Page 754 - Vol. 55 No. 12 Australasian Photo-Review

On the night of 3rd November we had a feast of Kodachrome, tastily served up by Mr. H. Escher, Wollongong's well-known 16mm enthusiast. Mr. Escher's program was in two parts - first a selection of 35mm Kodachrome "stills" and secondly, a l6mm film. The transparencies covered a holiday trip along the Queensland coastal districts and gave support to Queenslanders patriotic claims. Colorful scenes in the sugar-cane country, the well-laid-out towns, the tropical flora and the grandeur and beauty of tableland and coastal scenery (all well handled by the photographer and by the Kodachrome process) provided a most entertaining hour. The motion picture represented part of a record of a Tasmanian holiday and featured the country around Hobart, one of the hydro-electric schemes, Mt. Lyell, the Huon Valley and Launceston. The photography was of that high standard we have come to expect from Mr. Escher and the film whetted our appetites for more news of this State, whether on film, or, better still, by personal contact.

1st January 1949  Page 57 - Vol. 56 No. 1 The Australasian Photo-Review

The November meeting was an "all-projection" night, lantern slides in both monochrome and color.

The first half of the night was covered by a talk by Mr. John Robinson, illustrated by lantern slides and dealing with the country along the Monaro Highway, N.S.W. This was the Club's first experience of slides and great interest was taken in both the subjects and the slides themselves.

Points of slide technique emphasized by the speaker were:
1. Negatives must be flawless, due to the near impossibility of retouching slides.
2. The slide image is hard to judge in development, etc. and the only way to judge results is by projection (in a particular projector, as these vary).
3. Exposure must be such that whites are clear glass. Degradation of highlights is perhaps the most common fault and is an easy error to fall into.
4. A good slide usually looks a little too thin when held in the hand, the specular quality of condenser illumination enhances contrast on the screen.

Upon the conclusion of this talk, the Club's first Lantern Slide Competition was held. The entry was small, though it is hoped that this night's activities will have stimulated an interest in this technique and slide competitions will become a regular feature. Judging resulted: 1st, John Robinson, "Yass River Landscape"; 2nd, John Robinson, "Cabin at Talbingo"; 3rd, Albert Chambers, "Sunlit Snow".

The Club's first Color Slide Competition concluded the night's proceedings. Transparencies were shown in 2 1/4 and 35mm sizes, Results were: 1st, A. Chambers, "Portrait in Warm Tones"; 2nd (equal), K. Chittock, "A Wet Night" (lighting reflections on a wet street) and A. Chambers, "Indian Antelopes, Taronga Park".

Thursday 10th March 1949
Page 9 - Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The first exhibit of color photography to be conducted in Australia is being held in Wollongong through the enthusiasm and progressive outlook of the members of the Wollongong Camera Club.

Color photography is comparatively modern, but becoming commonplace through the medium of technicolor films. As yet, however, nothing has been seen here of the excellent still pictures made possible by similar techniques and this, show will give an idea of the scope of color photography in sensitive hands.

Among the 150, pictures projected will be portraits, figure studies, still life's and landscapes, many of them from the USA and including some of that country's famous natural scenery.

The exhibit will be screened in Brandon Hall at 8pm on the nights of Friday 18th March and Monday 21st March.

An exhibition of photography (monochrome) has been arranged by the Wollongong Camera Club in conjunction with the 1949 Show. This is also international in character and the range of subject matter and excellent quality of the prints make it something that should not be missed.

Thursday 17th March 1949
Page 1 and 4 - Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The exhibition of photography attracted wide interest throughout the three days of the show. This was arranged by the Wollongong Camera Club.

COLOR SLIDE EXHIBIT - Camera Club's Enterprise

Wollongong Camera Club advises that its color slide exhibit will be shown on Friday evening, in Brandon Hall and on Monday evening, in the Margaret Wakehurst Girls Club, Smith St.

Those who have been privileged to see the preliminary screenings of this exhibit assure us that it is a revelation in the possibilities of the camera when wedded to the new techniques of color photography.

Some 130 photographs will be shown by projection, of varied and entertaining subject matter. The pictures will be accompanied by a background of music and the whole will provide an enjoyable evening.

This type of exhibit has not been attempted before in Australia and the local Camera Club has taken a bold step in arranging this show. The slides have come from USA, England, Canada, New Zealand as well as Australia and upon the success of this year's efforts depends the possibility of future shows.

Thursday 24 March 1949
Page 9 - Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong NSW)


With the advent of the miniature camera and with vast improvement to the speed of lens, the camera has become an instrument of much precision as an aid to the present day photographer.

Amateur photographers have banded together to share their experiences and to enable them to display the result of their activities and skill with their instruments.

It is their custom each year for the Wollongong Camera Club to exhibit members work. In later years this public exhibition has assumed international character with entries from all over the world. The title of "International Salon", has been given such exhibition because the is to a standard, agreed and approved by photographic societies all over the world.

Overseas, a new section has been introduced to these exhibitions - the color section — the result of the increased popularity of colored prints. This year, the Wollongong Camera Club pioneered the introduction of this section to Australian Salons. This exhibition was held in conjunction with the display at the Wollongong Show.

The first portion of the two hour display was of prints which did not gain acceptance for awards. The second portion was of award winners which demonstrated the high degree of skill developed by amateurs. Entries from USA predominated and naturally the colorful autumn scenes of that country were popular and lost some appeal after some repetition. It was of interest to see local subjects accepted for award, the entries of a local color enthusiast, Mr. A. Chambers.

It must be of some gratification to club members to have gained some support for their efforts with the numbers which attended the exhibitions, of last Friday and Monday nights. The club's past exhibitions have been rewarded with mixed success as far as the attendance, of the public is concerned. This successful color transparencies exhibition — a very interesting two hour exhibition somewhat reminiscence of magic lantern shows — should help them in their pioneering efforts with renewed enthusiasm.

1st April 1949  Page 254 - Vol. 56 No. 4 The Australasian Photo-Review

On Wednesday 2nd March, Mr. G. Robertson, of Kodak Ltd., Sydney, visited us and gave an interesting illustrated lecture, "The Camera Cannot Lie (?)". This covered many of the uses to which photography is put, showing some of the lies perpetrated to photographers (not the camera) and also showing how the camera unmasks the lie in such cases as forgery, an entertaining and informative evening.

The Club's main activity in recent weeks has been the judging and handling of the Fourth Salon and the Color Slide Exhibit.

The print judging was held in Wollongong, the judges being Messrs. Keast Burke, Laurence le Guay and Leo A. Lyons. From a total of 513 prints from some 140 entrants, 154 were accepted by the judges and were hung in the Main Pavilion during the currency of the Wollongong Show. Later, a selection was shown in the Kodak Gallery, Sydney. (Melbourne follows).

The Slide Entries were judged in Sydney, the jury being Dr. A.E.F. Chaffer, Mr. J.W. Metcalfe and Mr. S. Woodward Smith. Judging was by projection and from an entry of 224 slides from 57 photographers, 88 slides were accepted. The 24 slides accepted unanimously were marked with an asterisk in the Salon catalog, no other awards being given.

The accepted slides are being given two public showings in Wollongong and arrangements have been made to give one showing to the combined Camera Clubs of Sydney.

May 1949
Australasian Photo-Review - Page 325

On March 31st, by arrangement with Kodak Ltd., Wollongong Camera Club was enabled to show the color acceptances (along with a large group of other entries) to a combined meeting of camera clubs in the Sydney area. S. Woodward Smith commented upon the latter in his characteristically happy vein.

Wednesday 8th June 1949
The Canberra Times (Australian Capital Territory)

Last night the Photographic Society held its monthly meeting when the competition subject, "Against the Light", was judged by Mr. B. Jessop, from the Wollongong Camera Club. Many fine prints were submitted, but none, according to the judge, was up to international standards, although generally speaking, the technical quality was excellent.

The awards were as follows:

"Once Upon a Time", W. Jessop 1; "Afternoon Stroll", K. Dinnerville, 2; "Autumn Adventure", K. Dinnerviile, 3; "Winter Sunlight", Miss Val. Eustace, 4; "Little Wanderer", W. Jessop 5 and Field Day — Set Subject, K. Dinnerville 1, H. Collis 2.

During the evening Mr. Jessop gave a talk on preparing the print for exhibition. Technical quality was first choice, with subject matter and composition next in order.

America was more inclined towards 20 inch x 16 inch, size-prints, but the general size overseas tended towards 10 inch x 12 inch and 15 inch x 12 inch, prints. Exhibitions, particularly with overseas entries give local exhibitors an idea what is really needed for really top-class work.

Thursday 30 June 1949
Page 7 - Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The first international color slide exhibition ever held in Australia took place recently at the Wollongong Camera Club. There were many American exhibitors among the 52 competitors, according to the magazine "Contemporary Photography".

An innovation in the teaching of photography is being offered at Ohio University, 'The New York Times' reports. At Ohio, photography is taught as a fine art. Classes in photography, first instituted at the college in 1937, have been expanded into 4 year undergraduate and graduate courses.

The school of photography combines craft instruction with artistic and cultural backgrounding. Its objective is to provide basic training toward artistic expression. The photographers background, the schools director declares, should include practical and usable knowledge of drawing and design as well as composition.

The 200 students now enrolled in the photography course progress through elementary work, photographic processing, portraiture, commercial and illustrative photography. There are supervised workshop projects design to stimulate individual initiative and classes in color photography, news photography and to give instruction in teaching.

In order to give the students a comprehensive knowledge of the field, the instructor devises a succession of projects leading from the simplest to the most complicated problems in photography. Imaginative use of techniques is stressed.

Friday 1st July 1949  Kalgoorlie Miner (Western Australia)

The first international color slide exhibition ever held in Australia took place recently at the WOLLONGONG CAMERA CLUB. There were many American exhibitors among the 52 competitors, according to the magazine CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY.

An innovation in the teaching of photography is being offered at Ohio University, "The New York Times" reports. At Ohio, photography is taught as a fine art. Classes in photography, first instituted at the college in 1937, have been expanded into four-year undergraduate and graduate courses.

The school of photography combines craft instruction with artistic and cultural backgrounding. Its objective - is to provide basic training toward artistic expression. The photographer's background, the school's director declares, should include practical and usable knowledge of drawing and design as well as composition.

The 200 students now enrolled in the photography course progress through elementary work, photographic, processing, portraiture, commercial and illustrative photography. There are supervised workshop projects designed to stimulate individual initiative and classes in color photography, news photography and to give instruction in teaching.

In order to give the students a comprehensive knowledge of the field, the instructor devises a succession of projects leading from the simplest to the most complicated problems in photography. Imaginative use of techniques is stressed.

1st October 1949  Page 610 - Vol. 56 No. 10 Australasian Photo-Review

This club has decided not to hold an International Salon in 1950 and we would ask all those Australians who contributed to our four Salons of 1945-49 to accept our thanks for past entries and to watch for an announcement of what we hope will be our Fifth Salon in 1951.

By way of alternative activity, the Club has planned a public exhibition of members prints and color slides, for showing in Brandon Hall, Wollongong, on the days and evenings of October 13th and 14th. Any other photographers, in or out of Wollongong, will receive a cordial welcome.

At the Club meeting held on 3rd September, member John McAllister gave a talk, in buoyant style, on "Photography in Beautiful Burragorang". He had a large number of monochrome and color slides with which to illustrate his description of this lovely sunken valley.

Thursday 13th October 1949
Page 8 - Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

In Brandon Hall to-day and tomorrow, October 13th and 14th, the Wollongong Camera Club will present another exhibition of color slides.

Following many favorable comments received at the last International salon, the club has decided to put on an exhibition composed entirely of local work. Accompanying the exhibition of color slides will be a display of photographs, also the work of club members.

The exhibition will be open from 7.45pm to 10pm each night, the color slides being screened from 8.30pm to 9.30pm.

1st December 1949  Page 738 - Vol. 56 No. 12 Australasian Photo-Review

At the meeting held on October 24, Mr. H. Ward gave a demonstration on his technique for printing-in clouds. The method used was the more or less normal one of masking while printing the separate halves of the picture. Although most members were familiar with this process in theory, few had actually tried it out, but the demonstration proved that it is much less terrifying in practice than it is to read about. The lecturer concluded by displaying quite a large number of prints made by this method.

During recent weeks, the Wollongong club has conducted two outings to the islands off Port Kembla, where the sea birds are nesting. The first of these was held in typical club outing weather, but the second was favored with a beautiful day and a positively enormous amount of film was exposed, both in black and white, and in color. We are warning the Editor to be on the look-out for an invasion of seagulls in the A.P.-R.'s next "Animals" competition.

1st January 1950  Page 7 - Vol. 57 No. 1 The Australasian Photo-Review

On 27th November, our monthly meeting was devoted to a members color night and print competition, the slides being projected for general interest and comment only.

Many of the slides exhibited were of more than ordinary interest, being the results of two camera club outings to “The Five Islands” for the purpose of photographing the sea-birds during the nesting season. Some extraordinarily difficult shots were obtained. Other slides were mainly local and personal, except some beautiful scenes in the Bellingen River district taken by W. Weily whilst on a holiday.

In the bi-monthly print competition, the members awarded three credits from a total entry of some fifteen prints, these being obtained by B. Jessop, A.J. Anderson and J. McAllister.

Recent good news is that of Albert Chambers admission as an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society (color section), which earns him the well deserved congratulations and best wishes of all fellow club members and we are sure, of all interested color photographers in Australia.

Coupled with three recent "Australasian Photo-Review" promotions, this is a big step forward for our young club.

1st January 1950  Page 56 - Vol. 57 No. 1 The Australasian Photo-Review

Albert Chambers (Wollongong NSW) reports further progress in the sphere of color. He has gained his Associateship at the Royal Photographic Society by submission of color transparencies, whilst amongst recent acceptances was one at the San Francisco Sixth Annual this was “Afternoon Light", which, incidentally, was photographed on the Cotter River during an outing with the Canberra Photographic Society.

1st February 1950  Page 70 - Vol. 57 No. 2 Australasian Photo-Review

Our Christmas meeting, held on 19th December, saw club business reduced to a minimum, as the meeting was mainly social in nature, with members wives and friends forming a mixed gathering.

A series of slides of the year’s outings was shown and some interesting self-portraits and photographic Christmas cards exhibited. Mr. K. Chittock used his electronic flash to secure several interesting candids, some of which should be very amusing.

Before the meeting closed a very fitting tribute was paid to the ladies for the admirable way in which they provided the refreshments at the monthly meetings.

Friday 10th March 1950
Page 1 - Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

An interesting exhibition of photographic art by the Wollongong Camera Club in the Lang Pavilion includes the best studies done by club members over the past year. The photographs appropriately titled, are in monochrome and include natural studies of local scenes, birds and flowers. Today and tomorrow the Camera Club will screen color slides of further local scenes of interest, native flowers and birds.

Friday 10th March 1950
Page 2 - Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

An unusual exhibit in this hall is the photographic display by the Wollongong Camera Club. Although the judging of the photographs has not yet been held, it is easy to see that competition will be keen. The portraits, still life's and action shots, all reflect a professional touch.

1st July 1950  Page 460 - Vol. 57 No. 7 Australasian Photo-Review

At the May meeting, Mr. D. Gibson gave a lecture on the birds of the Illawarra district, how to locate them and the problems facing the enthusiast wishing to make the best use of his camera in this most difficult branch of photography.

Mr. Gibson displayed a thorough understanding of his subject and the interest of members was evident by the nature of the questions put to the lecturer.

Print competition for May, set subject “Nature”, resulted in credits for A.J. Anderson and B. Jessop.

The main feature of the June meeting was a discussion sponsored by Mr. A.J. Anderson. The theme, “Interpretation”, was soon lost in the maze of lines, curves, diagonals and all those aspects which are laid down to help the photographer to compose his picture. However, interesting points were brought up and keenly debated.

From the June print competition, open subject, two credits went to A.J. Anderson and one credit each to B. Jessop, W. Weily, W. Houghton.

The making of lantern slides is creating a lively interest among members and some excellent results have been attained.

The possibility of exchanging a showing of slides with some other club has been under discussion. If anyone is interested in this project, please write to B. Jessop, Hon.Secretary, 13 Bourke Street, Wollongong.

Friday 16th February 1951
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

A fine display of photographs was contributed by the Wollongong Camera Club. These included landscape and rural scenes and some excellent close-up studies, of birds and flowers. Portraits were not equal to the standard of the exhibits in other categories.

1st January 1952  Page 54 - Vol. 59 No. 1 Australasian Photo-Review

Our meeting of 5th November was devoted to a talk by A.J. Anderson on “Paper Negatives”. After explaining the mechanics of the process (intermediate positive and negative, both subjected to strengthening by pencil work, etc.), the speaker proceeded to point out the range of control possible. Apart from the control of tone by the pencil work on the intermediate positive and negative, sharpness of definition and the paper grain (which is a characteristic of the process) are both controlled by variations in printing — separation of the negative and positive emulsions by one or two thicknesses of the paper base, or printing with emulsions in contact are the means of control. An unsuspected feature of the process is the excessive contrast built up, so that soft emulsions must be used and very full exposures must be given.

Although our speaker felt he had no outstanding examples to offer and that he had not yet mastered the process to his own satisfaction, he succeeded in imparting to members the amazing possibilities of the process.

The meeting on the 26th November, was devoted entirely to a discussion of prints. Firstly, prints resulting from the studio evening held in October were discussed with a view to correcting errors; then followed a discussion on the results of an innovation — “Six Prints from One Negative”. Over the past few months, a set of three negatives has circulated to members and the results were up for discussion. Whilst these negatives may not have been the most suitable for this exercise, there was sufficient variation in treatment to have made the experiment worth while — it focused attention on the personal element in all interpretive work and we imagine some benefit will follow.

During November members made three trips to Rabbit Island, off Port Kembla. As that month is the peak of the nesting season for gulls and terns, much film was expended on the sitting birds, their eggs and chicks. These results will probably swamp our competitions for some time to come.

1st March 1952  Page 183 - Vol. 59 No. 3 Australasian Photo-Review

At the meeting held on 14th January, Mr. A. Chambers gave a talk entitled “I Was There”. This really took the form of a one-man show, except that instead of prints, the illustration was by means of lantern slides.

In the accompanying talk, Mr. Chambers stated that the pictures had been made over a period of ten years or so and illustrated his changing interests in photography over that period. Having passed through a period of pictorialism, his interests now centered in the documentary or photojournalism field.

The talk was illustrated by some 60 odd slides, the technical quality being excellent throughout.

The program on 4th February consisted of two talks; one on “Toning” by Mr. B. Jessop and the other on “Hand Coloring of Photographs” by Mr. W. Houghton.

The former speaker showed by several sets of identical prints toned by the various methods and mounted on large boards for easy comparison, the variations in color arising from use of sulphide, mercury-sulphide, thiocarbamide and hypo-alum. These all give brown tones, whilst blue tones may be obtained from thiocarbamide - gold and red tones may be had by toning a sulphided print in the latter formula.

Not only did these toners give colors varying from one another, but it was evident that there are differences between the several contrast grades of each paper and that bromide and chloro-bromide papers have a different response. The speaker stated that although the text-book lays down that the print for toning must be fully developed after correct exposure, his findings were that there is considerable latitude in this direction. He suggested that the most likely cause of unpleasant colors is the use of stale bleach or re-developer.

Unfortunately, Mr. Houghton did not demonstrate the actual coloring of prints, but showed several excellent examples of coloring with transparent watercolor stamps and with oils. He pointed out that the water colors are difficult to use on large areas, whereas oils may be applied evenly quite easily and smoothed out by rubbing with a pledget of cotton wool. The quick absorption of the water dyes into the emulsion makes it difficult to correct errors and from the prints shown it seems that the use of oils is the more versatile of the two methods.

The two monthly print competitions were judged at this meeting and credits were awarded to: A Grade, Mr. W. Houghton and B Grade, Mr. S. Burrows. A word about the club’s judging methods may be of interest. For quite a long time the contests were judged by popular vote, but dissatisfaction was expressed that many prints of quite inferior merit gained points in this way, due to the preponderance of unskilled voters. The decision was made some 18 months ago to have a single judge for the competitions. This person was to be chosen from among the more experienced workers, and it would be his duty, firstly, to discuss the prints, making mention of the good points as well as the weaknesses, suggesting improvements rather than condemning and placing emphasis on the discussion aspect. Only secondly would the judge award credits, the basis of which being that a credit may be awarded to any print reaching that standard which the judge considers to be required, something approaching salon standard.

Some judges have set this standard so high that the award of a credit is a rarity and the junior workers have had little chance of gaining this distinction.

The committee has, therefore, recently decided to grade all members on the basis of points gained in the past. A Grade competitions will continue to be judged by a single judge, but B Grade prints will be judged by a panel of three persons, each of whom will mark judging cards, awarding points for selection and treatment of subject matter, technique, etc. Those prints gaining 70 per cent, or more will be awarded a credit.

Members prefer the credit method to the judging of first, second and third places and they feel that this method of judging the B Grade will be more encouraging to the up-and-coming worker.

Saturday 5th April 1952
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The Wollongong Camera club is campaigning for a large increase of club membership and is inviting New Australians interested in photography to become members. The club holds competitions and outings, for the amateur photographer, as well as discussions on the technical points of photography.

At the next meeting, which will be held in the Guide Hall, on Monday, Mr. Bob Jessop will show a selection of his Kodachrome transparencies.

Thursday 24th April 1952
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

At the last meeting of the Wollongong Camera club, members were shown a fine selection of Kodachrome slides by Bob Jessop. Highlights were several photos taken along the Tumut River and a series of wild flower closeups.

The Club's Annual General meeting will be held next Monday.

At the conclusion of the business a showing of monochrome lantern slides will be given by A. Chambers.

1st May 1952  Page 316 - Vol. 59 No. 5 Australasian Photo-Review

Mr. C.V. Curnow, of Kodak staff, on 25th February spoke on “Graininess in Photographic Materials”. After dealing with the theory behind this phenomenon he dealt with the developers which aim at reducing grain. The latest of these is a combination of Microdol and Kodak Anti-Fog, the formula of which has not yet been published here.

The 23rd March, meeting was devoted first to a showing of “gadgets” and then to a discussion of prints. In addition to several small items, the most intriguing gadget was a pan-and-tilt tripod, the legs of which were fitted into an army disposals heliograph stand and the head of which was the invention of the maker, Mr. D. Mascord. It took members some time to fathom the highly ingenious method of operation of the pan-and-tilt, only one screw being used for both functions.

The A Grade competition brought in more prints than has been the case and credits were awarded to workers Bob Jessop and E. Haworth. The B Grade contest resulted in credits for John Ford and Dal Greentree. Satisfaction was expressed by members at the new point-score, three-judge criticism of the prints.

A further item for discussion was the circulating folio. These small groups of prints are circulated to a circuit of members, their critiques being returned to the secretary, then correlated for discussion. This is having the good effect of giving an opportunity for discussion to members who may feel unwilling to speak up at meetings through diffidence in the presence of more outspoken members.

May 1952
Page 317 - Volume 59 No. 5 Australasian Photo-Review

The Wollongong Camera Club is planning a two-night club exhibition on 1st and 2nd May, at Brandon Hall. On each occasion there will be a display of pictorial prints and a showing of color transparencies.

1st July 1952
Page 446 - Volume 59 No. 7 Australasian Photo-Review

It was good to learn that the first prize in the N.S.W. Family Welfare Bureau Photographic Contest, a trip to famed Hayman Island, was gained by B. Jessop, popular Hon.Secretary, of the Wollongong Camera Club and energetic organizer of the various Wollongong International Salons. The Bureau’s Photographic Contest was widely publicized in the columns of the Daily Mirror (Sydney) and attracted over 700 entries, these being subsequently placed on public exhibition in the Bureau’s Handicraft Rooms. This print, by the way, was an A.P.-R. prizewinner in 1951.


1st August 1952  Page 507 - Vol. 59 No. 8 Australasian Photo-Review

On June 16th, a demonstration on lantern slide making, was given by Mr. A. Chambers. On several occasions, Mr. Chambers has shown that he has mastered the technique of the lantern slide and he pointed out that this is achieved by following the makers instructions to the letter. The only novel step was in making test strips on bromide paper, after first establishing the relative speed of paper and slide; but even this is fairly common in literature on the subject. It just goes to show that the makers probably know something after all.

The result of the “Print of the Year” competition, which had been judged by Mr. J.W. Metcalfe, was announced, the winning print being “Sea Urchins” by W. Houghton.

The meeting on June 30th was given over to a screening of color slides by Mr. E.J. Flynn, taken on a recent trip to England and the United States. These were of very good quality and although most were taken during very brief stops — some even from moving trains — many of them were excellent.

The next meeting of the Wollongong Camera Club will be held in the Guide Hall, Wollongong on August 25th, and prospective members or visitors to the area are cordially invited to attend; the Secretary may be contacted at 13 Bourke Street, Wollongong.

1st October 1952  Page 589 - Vol. 59 No. 10 Australasian Photo-Review

The club met as usual in the Guides Hall. The meeting, presided over by Mr. B. Jessop, dealt fairly swiftly with the appointment of a public relations officer and the holding of a field day at “The Foxgrounds” outside Berry.
A talk by Mr. Jessop on the use of light filters degenerated (intentionally, I think) into a general free-for-all on that subject and the allied one of films. The results were most enlightening.
Two monochrome nature studies exhibited by D. Mascord and a black-and-white by B. Jessop were discussed, judged and generally admired over the cups of tea which ended the August meeting.

1st November 1952  Page 701 - Vol. 59 No. 11 Australasian Photo-Review

The September meeting of the Wollongong Camera Club was held on September 22nd, as usual in the Guides Hall. The proposed trip to Rabbit Island was discussed.

The main event of the evening was a lecture on "Portraits by Artificial Lighting" and the execution of the same. Some of our better equipped members had brought their lighting gear for the benefit of those not so fortunate. As usual the candid cameras were busy.

Has anyone else noticed what an argumentative lot of characters “shutter bugs” are; or is this singular to Wollongong?

The club held an excursion to the Foxgrounds, well-known beauty spot on the South Coast on September 27. Thirteen members and three children made up the party. An early start was made from Wollongong and after calling at Port Kembla to pick up Bert Anderson and his car load we called into Shellharbour, but I fear unprofitably. On to Kiama where we visited the Blowhole and though it wasn’t blowing some shots were taken. To everybody’s disappointment, Dave Mascord and half a ton of paraphernalia did not fall into the hole, but he tried hard!

At our destination we had lunch by a creek amid such rustic surroundings as ants, flies, etc., and with much discussion on that and this and their relative merits. We then split into parties and covered the countryside. Unfortunately the day was completely cloudless and we know what that does to outdoor photography. We gathered again at our lunch site to have a 'cuppa' only to find the tea billies full of frogs. After tea and talk we started home.

Friday 28th November 1952
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The Wollongong Camera Club held its November meeting in the Guide Hall; when members demonstrated taking six prints from one negative project.

Using two poor negatives and an excellent study of a tree, Mr. W. Houghton led the discussion on the composition of the photographs. An innovation at the meeting was a question time, when members discussed speed and its treatment.

Competition prints were exhibited and the judge awarded a "B" grade credit to Mr. J. Ford for a snow and water picture and two "A" grade credits to Mr. B. Anderson for a fine study of a sea-gull in flight and a study of a gum tree.

1st December 1952  Page 716 - Vol. 59 No. 12 Australasian Photo-Review

The monthly meeting of the Wollongong Camera Club was held on October 22, in the Guides Hall with President A. Chambers in the chair. Final arrangements for the trip to Rabbit Island were made. The President and Hon.Secretary both made an impassioned appeal for the return of magazines. Can any other clubs offer suggestions, as our cupboard is very bare?

At this meeting, Mr. B. Houghton gave a talk on “This Competition Business”. As it was intended for the club beginners, the “Big Shots”, after a few initial 'digs', left the speaker alone and gave the youngsters a chance to absorb some points.

In the competition, D. Mascord and B. Anderson won well deserved credits in the “A” Grade and E. Woods got a worthy credit with a landscape. A very helpful talk on the judging was given during supper by Messrs. Jessop and Anderson to finish the meeting.

1st January 1953
Page 56 - Vol. 60 No. 1 Australasian Photo-Review

The November meeting was held in the Guides Hall at 8pm on 24th November. President Bert Chambers occupied the chair, assisted by Hon.Secretary Bob Jessop with a large attendance of members. The principal topic of the evening was the "six prints from the one negative" project.

Composition being the object of this work and it being his specialty, Bill Houghton led the discussion, which at times became rather heated.

An innovation 'Question Time' was introduced. The main queries were on 'speed and its treatment'.

The Monthly Competition prints were then hung and judged. A "B" grade credit was awarded to John Ford for a fine snow and water study, while two "A" grade credits went to Bert Anderson for a really magnificent study of a seagull in flight and a very fine print of a gumtree bole. Judges summary was given during the supper which wound up the evening.

1st February 1953  Page 68 - Vol. 60 No. 2 Australasian Photo-Review

The Wollongong Camera Club held its December meeting, according to custom, at the Guides Hall. It being a social evening, wives and as B. Jessop’s circular put it, “other female encumbrances” were invited and they turned up in good force to see how their lesser halves (mis) behaved themselves when let off the leash.

Proceedings were never really opened — they just happened. They consisted of the handing around of a fearsome fruit punch compounded by the club’s “cook”, George Burns, whilst people indiscriminately introduced themselves until such time as the projector was put into action and the lights turned out. Unfortunately, President A. Chambers was on the sick list and unable to do the honors.

The slides, monochrome and color, varied from ludicrous to magnificent. The principal piece was a series of slides taken by K. Chiddick on a trip to Brisbane, but with his dallying on the way with this and that it is suspected that he did not really reach there, but that he bought those fine slides of Brisbane. The very enjoyable evening finished with supper.

Monday 2nd February 1953
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The Wollongong Camera Club will be unable to use the Guide Hall for future meetings and will have to find other accommodation, the first 1953 meeting was told.

Members were told the club had been unable to secure another meeting room at a suitable price and anyone knowing of a large room which could be hired in Central Wollongong was asked to contact Mr. P. Love at B2851.

Seven new members attended the meeting, at which the President (Mr. Bert Chambers) presided.

The Hon.Secretary, Mr. Bob Jessop, said entries for the Inter-club competition would close at the May meeting and appealed to members to make a greater effort this year.

Last year the club was placed third in the competition

Tentative arrangements were made for an exhibition of prints to be held in October. Some fine snow shots in color taken by Dal Greentree were screened

A "B" class credit was awarded to W. Taylor for his child study, "Concentration", in the monthly competition.

Monday 2nd February 1953
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

I bumped into a bloke carrying a camera in Crown Street on Saturday. Just as I recovered balance I bumped into another carrying a camera; and another and another.

There were cameras everywhere. I've never seen so many.

'Nothing sinister; just a little bit of innocent fun', Wollongong Camera club President A. Chambers assures me.

Club members were having their annual Crown Street outing — a 'treasure hunt' game.

They had to 'shoot': A pair of legs; somebody at work; a window shopper from inside; a person weighing himself; a train entering Wollongong station.

1st March 1953  Page 133 - Vol. 60 No. 3 Australasian Photo-Review

The January meeting was held in the Guides Hall with the President, A. Chambers in the chair, assisted by the Hon.Secretary, B. Jessop. The twenty two members warmly greeted seven prospective members.

After many years of noble service in that capacity, G. Burns asked to be relieved of his position as cook. D. Greentree, being the volunteer appointed, was duly lectures on how not to burn the water. This was followed by a general allocation of duties for the coming year.

We then had the sad news broken to us that the Guides Hall was no longer available and members were urged to seek some other hall. Members were then warned of coming events: our annual raid on Crown Street; the deadline of the May meeting for Inter-club competition prints; the deadline of October meeting for prints of the district exhibition.

Question time brought forth some good points on the use of hypo and the glazing of prints. D. Greentree's screening of color shots of a goodly part of Eastern Australia, including some very fine snow pictures, brought us to the monthly competition, W. Taylor's "Concentration" winning in B Grade. The judges of the A Grade section all having prints in the section were so bust cutting each other's throats that none of them got a Credit. B. Chambers summarized the judging and supper closed a very pleasant evening.

1st April 1953  Page 249 - Vol. 60 No. 4 Australasian Photo-Review

The meeting for February was held on the 9th at The Friendly Society’s Hall and opened punctually at 9.20pm, thanks to an untimely and very heavy rainstorm. Discussion centered mainly around new premises and the Crown Street outing for which final arrangements were made. Bob Jessop gave his show “So Was I”, a selection of color slides and photographs taken during his wanderings through life. An interesting performance! There was no competition, so there was no judge’s summing up — and there was no supper. Perhaps the strange surroundings also contributed to this last most grievous lack.

The first of the planned mid-month meetings was held on the night of February 23, again at The Friendly Society’s Hall. The subject was the Tribute to Harold Cazneaux, that great 'old timer' of Australian pictorial photography and worker for camera clubs. The slide talk was presented by Mr. Mortley, of Kodak Ltd. This was followed by a showing of Kodachromes from recent Kodak Salons which excited much comment and brought the evening to a close.

Monday 27th April 1953
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The March meeting of the Wollongong Camera club was held in the new meeting rooms, the Hall of the Illawarra Institute of Industrial Management. Seventeen members and five prospective members were present under the chairmanship of Mr. Chalmers.

Every month a meeting will be held devoted to practical demonstrations and lectures covering a complete course in photography for the first six months of the coming year. Color screenings and studio nights are planned for other meetings.

Monday 27th April 1953
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

Nineteen members of the Wollongong Camera Club heard an excellent talk on 'Technique Without Tears' presented by Mr. B. Chalmers at the April meeting of the club.

After the talk Mr. W. Haughton offered some advice and various means of improving the interest of the members were discussed.

Tuesday 5th May 1953
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The annual general meeting of the Wollongong Camera Club was held in the rooms of the Institute of Industrial Management.

The committee's report on the activities of the year was accepted and it was decided to increase the number of members on the committee to seven.

The new committee is: B. Jessop, A. Chambers, D. Mascond, W. Haughton, G. Burns, David Brooks, E. Hayworth.

The new president of the club is the former Hon.Secretary, B. Jessop.

The next outing for the club will be by train to Mt. Murray on Saturday.

The next meeting will be the first in a series of lectures on practical and theoretical photography to be held in the middle of each month.

The next general meeting will be on May 25th when a print competition will be held in the rooms of the Institute of Industrial Management.

Bert Anderson won the prize for the best print of the year.

Mr. L. Felton and Mr. A. Anderson gave an exhibition of color slides at the conclusion of the meeting.

1st June 1953  Page 331 - Vol. 60 No. 6 Australasian Photo-Review

The monthly meeting was held in the Illawarra Institute of Industrial Management rooms on April 13. A total of 19 members were present.

The business opened with a talk by Bert Chambers on "Technique without Tears", being an excellent presentation of the technique of photography. He was given an unusually quiet hearing. Old-timer W. Haughton offered some helpful suggestions. This was followed by general discussion on ways and means of improving the print competition and pepping up the interest of members.

The Annual General Meeting was held on April 27, with twenty members and one prospective member present. In the absence of the President on urgent business, the Secretary, Bob Jessop, took the chair. The Committee’s report on the activities of the year was read. The motion to increase the committee to seven members was unanimously carried. The much discussed motion on popular judging of print competitions was also carried. Future Outings was the subject of much argument which resolved itself into a motion that at each general monthly meeting the next outing must be discussed.

As a result of the election of officers for the coming year the new president is our hard working Secretary, Bob Jessop. The Committee comprises: B. Jessop, A. Chambers, D. Mascord, W. Haughton, G. Burns, David Brooks, E. Hayworth.

An outing to Mt. Murray was arranged for May 9. The evening was wound up with an exhibition of color slides by Len Felton and Bert Anderson.

A series of lectures on practical and theoretical photography is to be held in the middle of each month.

Print of the year was won by Bert Anderson.

1st July 1953  Page 394 - Vol. 60 No. 7 Australasian Photo-Review

The club held its monthly general meeting on the 25th May. A demonstration of portrait lighting was given by Messrs Anderson and Chambers, using Jack Gunns and Miss Margaret Hargreaves as models. Angles of lighting and reflections were fully discussed. During the demonstration, exposures were made, the film rushed to a member's darkroom and enlargements made and brought back to the meeting for discussion just one hour later.

The 18 competition prints were judged, with A.J. Anderson's highly original "Beach Fantasy" gaining the only A Grade credit and J. Gunn's "Evening Rise" gaining the only credit in B Grade. A commentary on the competition was given by E. Hayworth.

Wednesday 8th July 1953
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The June meeting of the Wollongong Camera Club was held on June 22nd. Twenty-six members and three prospective members were present.

A proposal to combine the next outing with that of the Eastern Suburbs Camera Club for the event to be held at Otford on August 23rd was discussed and the committee instructed to enquire further into the matter.

With Johnny Battye operating the projector, Bert Chambers told us about their tour through the Warrumbungle Mountains. Some marvelous scenery was very well presented with Kodachrome.

The color slide competition for the year was held next. There were 36 entries and all of them were really good.

Jack Gunn's 'Beach fisherman' Bert Anderson's 'Landscape' and one unnamed picture by Ted Farthing all took credits.

The next monthly meeting will be held on July 20th.

1st August 1953  Page 460 - Vol. 60 No. 8 Australasian Photo-Review

The monthly meeting was held on 22nd July at the rooms of the Institute of Industrial management. Twenty three members listened to Bert Chambers give a talk on the making of a successful print.

Though a large number of very good prints were entered into the print competition the only credit was A. Hargreaves initial effort, "Stormy Seas".

On 3rd August a Special General meeting was held to discuss amendments to the club rules. This occurred at our usual meeting place. Seventy members heard the amendments read and with very little discussion adopted them. It speaks well for the conduct of the club that most members were either totally ignorant of the existence of the rules or were vaguely aware of them. As this matter took very little time the meeting passed on to more practical matters. Arrangements have been made for the personal coaching of the club's tyros.

On the evenings of 15th and 16th October, the club will hold an exhibition of its work at Brandon Hall. This will consist each night of a display of prints and the projection of color slides. The public are invited top come along.

A warning was issued to members that prints are needed for the annual Inter-club competition in Sydney. The next general meeting will be held on the night of the 17th August. A club outing to Otford to be held in conjunction with the Eastern Suburbs Cameramateurs Club will be held on 23rd August. Wollongong members will travel by car.

An excellent talk by Bert Anderson on the selection and treatment of material for pictures wound up a very interesting night.

Saturday 15th August 1953
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The monthly meeting of the Wollongong Camera Club was held on July 22nd, at the rooms of the Institute of Industrial Management.

Twenty-three members listened to Bert Chambers, who gave a talk on the making of a successful print.

A large number of very good prints were entered in the print competition. Most credit went to Arthur Hargreaves effort 'Stormy Seas'.

On August 3rd, a special general meeting was held to discuss amendments to the club rules. Seventy members heard the amendments read; and with very little discussion, adopted them.

Arrangements were made for the personal coaching of the club's tyros.

A talk by Bert Anderson on the selection and treatment of material for pictures wound up a very interesting night.

On October 15th and 16th, the club will hold an exhibition of its work at Brandon Hall. This will consist of a display of prints and the projection of color slides.

A warning was issued to members that prints are needed for the annual Inter-club competition in Sydney.

A club outing to Otford in conjunction with the Eastern Suburbs Cameratures Club will be held on August 23rd. Wollongong members will travel by car.

Tuesday 25th August 1953
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

At the August meeting of Wollongong Camera Club, the President (Mr. Bob Jessop) presided over a roll of 26 members. During the meeting a new number was taken onto the rolls.

Arrangements for the outing to Otford were finalized.

The color slide competition brought to light 26 very good slides but only one credit, which was awarded to Jack Gunns.

Two young women friends of the club and a protogenie young man obligingly sat as models and provided a studio night for the club tyros.

The next general meeting will be held on September 14th.

1st September 1953  Page 575 - Vol. 60 No. 9 Australasian Photo-Review

The monthly meeting was held on the night of June 22. This meeting was highlighted by the early commencement, 8.10pm, and the excellent roll up, twenty six members and three prospective members being present.

A proposal to combine our next outing with that of the Eastern Suburbs Cameramateurs, the event to be held at Otford on August 23, was discussed and the committee instructed to enquire further into the matter. With Johnny Battye operating the projector, Bert Chambers told us about their tour through the Warrumbungle Mountains. Some marvelous scenery was very well presented in Kodachrome.

The color slide competition for the year followed. There were thirty six entries and all of them were really good. J. Gunn’s "Beach Fisherman", A.J. Anderson’s "Sandscape" and one unnamed picture by E. Farthing all took credits. This wound up our usually enjoyable evening.

1st October 1953  Page 592 - Vol. 60 No. 10 Australasian Photo-Review

The August meeting of Wollongong Camera Club was held at the hall of the Institute of Industrial Management. President Bob Jessop, assisted by Hon.Secretary David Brook, presided over a roll of twenty-six members. During the meeting a new member was taken onto the rolls. Arrangements for the outing to Otford were finalized and those going were warned that it looks like being quite a “do”. The color slide competition brought to light twenty-six very good slides, but only one credit, which was awarded to J. Gunns.

Two young lady friends of the club and a photogenic young gent obligingly sat as models and provided studio night for the club tyros. Despite the advice of the more experienced members and the antics of Ernie Hawarth, there should be some good results. The material was there.

October 1953
Volume 60 Number 10 - Page 633 - Australasian Photo-Review

When the Cameramateurs were planning their last field day, they decided to invite another club along to share the fun. It was thought best to meet a club whose members do not normally come in contact with theirs, and yet could travel to the same venue, Wollongong Camera Club was approached, and with a hearty response from that club, plans swung into action for a meeting in the picturesque little township of Otford, about half-way between Sydney and Wollongong. It looked like being such a great experience that two other clubs were invited to join in, these being from Waverley Camera Club and Caringbah Camera Club.

No day could have been blessed with more glorious weather than August 23rd, and thousands of pounds worth of equipment, proudly borne by one hundred members, families and friends, poured into Otford. All club members bore lapel tags announcing their names and clubs, so that conversations were easily started.

The Cameramateurs amazed their committee by turning up in greater numbers than ever before to the point of fifty persons. The other three clubs were represented by 15 to 18 each, and the attendance was most gratifying to those who organized the day.

All who came had been persuaded, in advance, to cook their lunch over the camp fire, and many did just that, with mixed success. Several lunches and owners almost came to grief when the damp stones in their fireplaces began to explode most alarmingly. A delightful little creek ran through the center of the lunching area and certain people sat on the banks with cameras at the ready in the event of somebody falling in during the many crossings that were being made. One such person later became a victim himself, as fate will have it.

After all the initial introductions and displaying of prized equipment was completed, small groups began to team up and go foraging for material. There was an abundance of good pictorial subject matter in Otford and the competitions of these four clubs should see some of the day’s efforts doing well.

Above all, everyone agreed that the good fellowship of the day had been well worth the effort, and the Cameramateurs have been asked to make it an annual event. On the basis of the outstanding success of this venture, the Cameramateurs, always optimistic, will certainly promote the big event annually. The committee of the Cameramateurs greatly enjoyed the opportunity to meet their counterparts in Wollongong Camera Club, Waverley Camera Club and Caringbah Camera Club, and wish to thank most sincerely those good folk who, by their attendance, made the occasion such a happy one for all concerned.

Executives meet at the Inter-Club Field Day at Otford.
A.R. Calton, Secretary, Caringbah Camera Club
K.L. Aston, President, Cameramateurs
B. Jessop, President, Wollongong Camera Club
J. Browne, President, Waverley Camera Club
Behind them are members of their respective committees.

Thursday 15th October 1953
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

MARGARET'S COLUMN - The Wollongong Camera Club is having a delightful evening next Thursday and Friday at Brandon House. It's affiliated with the Royal Photographic Society and this is an annual show. There will be color slides and in the interval the audience will have the opportunity of viewing the prints.

Thursday 20th October 1953
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

MARGARET'S COLUMN - The Wollongong Camera Club, on Thursday and Friday last had a most delightful showing of color slides and color prints. This splendid show, the same on both evenings, showed just how far this interesting Society has come. If you'd like to know more about this Society, the Hon.Secretary is David E. Brooks, Mountain Ave., Woonona.

November 1953
Page 682 - Australasian Photo-Review


Thursday 5th November 1953
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

Last Saturday 21 members of the Wollongong Camera Club made the annual trip to Rabbits Island. Apart from the birds this island is uninhabited and is one of the five islands situated off Port Kembla Harbour and there are no rabbits on the island. There were seagulls, terns, mutton birds and penguins. Many photos were taken of the birds on their nests in their borough and of their eggs and young. It is quite surprising how many birds there are here only a few miles off the coast.

At the October 26th meeting of the Wollongong Camera Club, the entire evening was given, over to open discussion of problems, which was greatly appreciated by newer members.

On October 12th an interesting group of colored slides were shown depicting a recent holiday trip by the Hon.Secretary (David Brooks) through Goulburn to Canberra and the Snowy Country and returning by the Prince's Highway to Wollongong.

Bob Jessop's usually reliable Projector (8" x 500 watt home-made) turned into an oven and nicely cooked all the slides. Bob's only explanation was that he had just polished the reflector, some polish!

A slide competition was also held and the only credit gained was W. Weily's photo of Collins St., Melbourne.

The annual exhibition took place at Brandon House on Thursday and Friday, October 15th and 16th. Some 50 prints and 200 colored slides were shown, with a very descriptive commentary given by Mr. John Jones. The attendance exceeded expectations and many of the audience heaped praise upon the exhibition.

1st December 1953  Page 719 - Vol. 60 No. 12 Australasian Photo-Review

On September 7, a large attendance of members, together with some visitors from the Illawarra Historical Society was addressed by Mr. Keast Burke, who gave a talk, illustrated with slides, on The Holtermann Collection. An interesting addition was a series of color slides of some of the same scenes taken recently.

For the benefit of members, Mr. Burke gave a short commentary on the club entries for the Inter-Club Competition, which he had helped to judge on the previous Friday. Also included were some pertinent words on his judging methods; both in general and with respect to the competition. This was followed by a screening of slides from a microfilm of a recent Kodak Salon held in Paris.

We would like to offer our congratulations to Canberra on winning the Inter-Club Competition.

At our usual fortnightly meeting held on 12th October, an interesting group of color slides was shown depicting a recent holiday trip by our Secretary, David Brooks, through Goulburn to Canberra and the Snowy Country, returning by the Prince’s Highway to Wollongong. Bob Jessop’s usually reliable projector (6" x 500 Watt Homemade) turned into an oven and nicely cooked many slides. Bob’s only explanation was that he had just polished the reflector. Some polish! A slide competition was also held and the only credit gained was W. Weily’s picture of Collins Street, Melbourne.

Our Annual Exhibition took place at Brandon House on 15th and 16th October. Some 50 prints and 200 color slides were shown, with a very descriptive commentary given by Mr. John Jones. The attendance exceeded our expectations and many of the audience heaped praise upon the Exhibition; in so much that the Club has practically decided that it is selfish in not staging at least two exhibitions per year; and a move is on at the present time to bring this about.

At our last meeting, held on October 26, the entire evening was given over to open discussion of problems, which are greatly appreciated by our newer members.

Our annual trip to Rabbit Island was arranged to take place on Saturday when we hoped to catch the birds at home, this being the hatching time. Bob Jessop hopes to regain his wind jacket, which he left there this time last year. Apart from the birds this island is uninhabited and is one of the Five Islands situated off Port Kembla Harbour and there are no rabbits on the island.

Saturday turned out to be a fine day and 12 members set off by launch and although there was a slight swell, we reached the Island without incident and found all the birds at home busy with their domestic duties. There were Seagulls, Terns, Mutton Birds and Penguins. Many photographs were taken of the birds on their nests and in their burrows and of their eggs and young. It is quite surprising how many birds there are here, only a few miles off the coast.

Tuesday 26th January 1954
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

Members of the Wollongong Camera Club will take part in an all out drive to get pictures of the Queen's visit to Wollongong on February 11. Members of the club will then pool their results and compare them.

At the monthly meeting of the Club, members were reminded that the Print of the Year competition closes at the general meeting on February 15th.

Viv Kernow of Kodak, will give a talk and exhibition on color at the next meeting on February 4th.

1st March 1954  Page 133 - Vol. 61 No. 3 Australasian Photo-Review

The monthly meeting was held on January 18. As the keys to the Institute of Industrial Management Hall had been mislaid, we were late in starting. A discussion on coverage of the Royal Visit took place. Members are to do what they can and then pool results. An exhibition of gadgets brought forth Bob Jessop’s 'pendulum timer' and Jack Gunn’s dodgers. An auction sale of surplus gear, with professional Stan Mitchell as auctioneer, enabled 'yours truly' to buy a graduated jar for 2/-, to the disgust of the owner and my own delight, as my existing one is doing duty mixing baby food. The print competition brought credits to A. Hargreaves and J. Gunn.

Monday 12th April 1954
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The Wollongong Camera Club had a busy time in March with a total of three meetings in the Institute of Industrial Management rooms in March.

Although the model did not arrive on the studio night Bill Hoghton and Jack Gunns stepped into breach.

At the general meeting it was decided to hold an outing to Burrawang by train.

The screening of the best 60 slides from the A.P.R. color competition was enjoyed although some entries brought forth the comment that the worst must have been awful.

The print competition brought Ted Woods a credit with his "Toadstools".

The exhibition of new gear by Cyril Martin was very interesting.

The next general meeting and slide competition will be held tonight in the Illawarra Institute of Management Room's.

Friday 30th April 1954
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

MARGARET'S COLUMN: The Wollongong Camera Club, is showing what I believe is a delightful collection of colored slides with comments and incidental music on May 6th and 7th.

1st May 1954  Page 261 - Vol. 61 No. 5 Australasian Photo-Review

The club had a busy time in March, three meetings being held during the month at the Institute of Industrial Management rooms. The expected model did not arrive for the Studio Night; so W. Haughton and J. Quinns stepped into the breach.

At the general meeting it was decided to hold an outing to Burrawang by train. The screening of the "Fifty-Six Best" slides from the Third A.P.-R. Kodachrome Contest was enjoyed, though some entries brought forth the usual adverse comments. The print competition gained E. Woods a credit with his "Toadstools".

The exhibition of new gear by C. Martin on the night of March 29th, was very interesting and set members to checking over their bank accounts.

Wednesday 5th May 1954
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)
Wednesday 5th June 1954
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

MARGARET'S COLUMN - If you want to know more about that fine show of colored films by the Wollongong Camera Club, including pictures of the Royal visit, do get in touch with David E. Brookes, Mountain Avenue, Woonona.

Thursday 10th June 1954
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The Wollongong Camera Club will exhibit color slides on the subject of natural history, including a number of fauna and flora pictures taken on Rabbit Island, off Port Kembla and other localities in the Illawarra district.

1st July 1954  Page 397 - Vol. 61 No. 7 Australasian Photo-Review

The club held its Annual General Meeting at Central Chambers on April 28th. President Bob Chambers reported on the Annual Meeting of the New South Wales Photographic Council. The main points were the holding of inter-club competitions in the gallery of the N.S.W. Educational Department at Bridge Street, Sydney, on the days of December 12th to 14th inclusive and the organization of lecturers and judges for club competitions. As the result of our election of office bearers, the committee now consists of: D. Brooks, R. Jessop, D. Read, I. Jones, F. Hargreaves, J. Bums, and J. Gunns.

After much spirited discussion, rules governing voting in the Print and Slide Competition were altered, as previous rules were felt to be too harsh. Dane Brooks, Jack Gunns and Bob Jessop gave an exhibition of color shots taken on trips to nearby Rabbit Island. The shots were all of birds, as there are no rabbits on Rabbit Island, except two-legged ones with cameras.

On April 10th, fifteen members descended on Burrawang. The locals fled. Dave Brooks left his tripod on the train going up and it was returned to him on the way back. Another party on the train who had been regarding our boys with interest turned out to be a squad of snake hunters, very keen to display their still-wriggling catch. They were given a very wide berth.

On April 12, Bert Anderson gave a photographic autobiography in slides and pictures and very interesting it was.

On the nights of May 6th and 7th, the club conducted a public exhibition of color slides taken by members. A number of these shows have been held from time to time and the response by the public has shown a continual increase. This time, the main feature was built around the Royal Tour, some 150 out of a total of 250 slides being devoted to a cover of the celebrations and decorations in Sydney and Wollongong. The attendance was almost embarrassing. On Friday night, a crowd of 140 strained the accommodation of the hall to its limits. It is the intention of the club to have the bulk of this group of slides duplicated, so that the set can be kept together as a permanent record of this historic occasion.

On May 10, the meeting commenced with a Crown Street outing, taking photographs “as you please”. This is always regarded by the public with suspicion, if not alarm. As the night was wet, some excellent street reflections were secured. On returning to our room, the print competition was held, Bert Anderson gaining the only credit with his "The Boy Paul".

The club held a re-showing of the Royal Tour slides, on May 24. Including visitors there were over forty people present. Later, in the little time left, Bill Houghton endeavored to deliver his talk "The Camera — Its Uses and Misuses"; but by the time he had explained away his possession of six cameras, ranging from forty to nearly sixty years of age, the time for our meeting was up. This was our last effort for the month of May.

1st October 1954
Page 641 - Vol. 61 No. 10 Australasian Photo-Review

The popularity of color slides as a medium for entertainment may be
judged from this picture which depicts section of the audience at the
Wollongong Camera Club
Slide Show held in May.

Friday 26th November 1954
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong NSW)

The East Corrimal Primary School Women's Auxiliary Fete held last Saturday.

The members of the Wollongong Camera Club had a fine display of their work, notable among which was that of Mr. D. Mascord and Mr. D.A. Reid.

Instructional weekends were organized and conducted at Mount Keira in 1977, 1979 and 1981.

Instructional Weekend at the Scout Camp. Some of the presenters on this weekend were Lionel Howes, Hal Wise and Colin Richardson (Audio Visuals).

These Instructional Weekends drew photographers from the local and wider areas. Many friends joined Wollongong membership for great photographic fellowship on these occasions.

The Wollongong Camera Club hosted the Federation of Camera Clubs NSW Inter-club and Photographic seminar at the Wollongong University.

In June, the Wollongong Camera Club held an invitation exhibition at the Wollongong Art Gallery. There were 176 monochrome and color prints submitted by the following Australian exhibitors.

Yvonne Dymock; Kit Goninon FAPS; Lionel Howes AFIAP, ARPS, AAPS, ESFIAP; Max Johnson AFIAP, ARPS; Joy Klein AFIAP; Sylvia Leech EFIAP, FRPS, ESFIAP; Alan Piper; Elizabeth Lough; Vic Urban AFIAP, LAPS; Syd Wickham LAPS, SSAPS; Jean Wickham SSAPS; Allen Gray ARPS, APSA, Hon.EFIAP; Dick Paul AFIAP, ARPS.

The Wollongong Camera Club represented by - David Brooks, Bob Humble, Dieter Lepahe, Keith Smyth.

The exhibition was opened by Albert Andrew Hon.EFIAP, Pacific area representative for the Federation Internationale de l'art Photographique.

The Wollongong Camera Club organized APSCON for the Australian Photographic Society.

Towards the end of 1980 David Brooks member of the Wollongong Camera Club was approached by the Australian Photographic Society and asked to form a committee for organizing the convention in 1982. Without a doubt this was the biggest challenge in the history of the Club. Subsequently eleven members of the Wollongong Camera Club formed the APSCON 82 Committee and their hard work and dedication during the almost two years of planning resulted in a most successful convention attended by photographers from every State in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA. THe University of Wollongong proved to be an ideal location with its first class lecturing and catering facilities.

The Premier of NSW the Hon. Neville Wran Q.C. opened the convention on the Sunday evening. Other speakers included the Lord Mayor of Wollongong, Alderman Frank Arkell. The week long activities included bus trips and lectures. Without a doubt the highlight of the week was the lecture by Commander Richard Underwood from the N.A.S.A. Space Center, Houston, Texas who was specially flown out for the occasion. The convention closed on the Saturday with an official dinner and presentation of awards.

Winning Photojournalism Slide - Camera Craft award - FIRE, SMOKE and WATER by IAN P. ROWLES

FOREWORD: We of the Australian Photographic Society are proud to present our Seventh National Exhibition of Photography to be shown in conjunction with the Society's Annual Convention held this year at the University of Wollongong, NSW.

Our thanks must go firstly to all those who contributed their photographic work to the Exhibition. Though the high quality of the entry made the selection hard, it has insured that an excellent showing can be made.

Secondly our thanks to the Selection Panels whose members will be acknowledged at the commencement of each particular section.

As the mounting of any exhibition is a team effort, our thanks must also go all those people who gave their time so freely to insure that this Exhibition will be a success.

The WOLLONGONG CAMERA CLUB celebrated their 40th Anniversary.



The AUSTRALIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY wishes to acknowledge the following for their assistance in presenting the 13th AUSTRALIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY NATIONAL EXHIBITION.

from the

Ken Kimmins
David Brook LAPS, SSAPS
Don Estell
Roy Arneman
Brian Harvey
Tom Hunt
Bruce Shaw
Richelieu du Plessis
Col Beesley

Special thanks to Mr. Tom Hunt for many hours of computer programming.

The Selection Panels for a long day of concerted and harmonious effort.

Mr. Syd and Mrs. Jean Wickham for liaison between AUSTRALIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY and the WOLLONGONG CAMERA CLUB Committee.

Ms. Dee Starr of Central Slide Library for title slides.

Woonona High School for the provision of excellent facilities for judging day.

Kodak, Agfa and Ilford for major trophies. Kodak for the provision of facilities for judging Audio Visuals.

Canberra APSCON 1988 Committee for mounting the exhibition.


Wollongong and Kawasaki (Japan) Sister Cities Agreement signed in 1989. Both cities exchanged images, both prints and slides, for a public exhibition in the respective city.

The Wollongong Camera Club Incorporation.
December 1990 the Club was granted its “Certificate of Incorporation” from the NSW Corporate Affairs.

"50th Year Celebrations" Mt Keira Photographic Seminar at the Scout Camp. Some of the presenters on this weekend were Barry Daniel, Frank Leitner, Lloyd Robinson and Bernie Fischer.

These Instructional Weekends drew photographers from the local and wider areas. Many friends joined Wollongong membership for great photographic fellowship on these occasions.


The Wollongong Camera Club were pleased to be invited to organize and manage the 1995 Australian Photographic Society 20th National Exhibition of Photography.

Thank you to those members who have donated their time and energy for the successful judging of the entries.

To Mrs. Anne Specht AAPS, who is the Australian Photographic Society, Director of Exhibition Services, thank you for your guidance and support of the Wollongong Camera Club during the planning and organizing of this exhibition.

I would like to express my appreciation to the Judging Panel for their services and enthusiasm in the task of judging 15 sections with a total of 1833 individual entries, including 10 Audio Visuals.

A special thanks to the Federation of Camera Clubs (NSW), for judging equipment and exhibition frames.

A special thanks to Paul Spinnelli, Paul's Photographics - Warrawong, for the supply of equipment used during judging and the reproduction of the Australian Photographic Society Exhibition Slide set.

A special thanks to the Australian Photographic Society, Management Committee for the donation of a Bronze Herbert medallion awarded to First place in the Youth Slide section.

To you, the entrant, thank you for your support of this Exhibition. May I encourage you to give your support to future Australian Photographic Society Nationals.

Finally, to my Committee - Don Estell and Brian Harvey. Thank you for your long hours and helping me make this exhibition successful.



The Wollongong Camera Club were pleased to be invited to organize and manage the Australian Photographic Society 25th National Exhibition of Photography to be exhibited in Canberra during APSCON 2000.

Thank you to both the Wollongong Camera Club and the Kiama Shellharbour Camera Club who had donated their time and energy for the successful judging of the entries.

To both Mrs. Anne Specht AAPS and Mr. Len Brown JP, SSAPS, thank you for your assistance, guidance and support of the Wollongong Camera Club during the planning, approval and organizing of this exhibition.

I would like to express my appreciation to the Judging Panel for their services and enthusiasm in the task of judging 13 sections with a total of 1034 individual entries, including 11 Audio Visuals.

A special thanks to the Sydney International Exhibition of Photography, (SIEP) for the usage of judging equipment and print box.

A special thanks to the Federation of Camera Clubs (NSW), (FCC) for the usage of judging equipment and print box.

A special thanks to the Australian Photographic Society, Management Committee for the donation of a Bronze Herbert medallion to be awarded to 1st place, Youth Slides.

To you, the entrant, thank you for your support of this Exhibition. May I encourage you to give your support to future Australian Photographic Society Nationals.

Finally, to my Committee - Don Estell and Brian Harvey. Thank you for assistance in helping making this exhibition successful.



Photo Journalism
Social Documentary
Sub Total
Monochrome Pictorial
Color Pictorial
Photo Journalism
Social Documentary
Sub Total
Audio Visuals

The WOLLONGONG CAMERA CLUB celebrated their 60th Anniversary.

2005 to 2016

In late 2005 Helensburgh wrote to Wollongong seeking information in respect to forming a relationship with a camera club at Helensburgh (NSW). They were advised that several camera club were in the vicinity and they choose Wollongong to have an exchange.

In 2006 the first exchange took place with each club supplying the other with a series of “Introductory” images.

2007 ~ 2016 an annual exchange took place with each club taking the responsibility for “judging” of both clubs images. This process alternated until 2016.

2016 was the last exchange as the Helensburgh Photographic Club folded being unable to sustain itself and reducing membership.

This was a great time for both clubs to experience the “heat” of International exposure and Wollongong seeing some well-respected UK photographers at Helensburgh.

The WOLLONGONG CAMERA CLUB celebrated their 65th Anniversary with an exhibition at the Wollongong City Gallery.





Photography Group Leader Helen Robinson
Vice President Tom Hunt Vice President Chris Dunn Vice President John Devenish Vice President John Devenish
Secretary Dawne Harridge Secretary Dawne Harridge Secretary Dawne Harridge Secretary Dawne Harridge
Treasurer Kathy Pond Treasurer Brendon Parker Treasurer Brendon Parker Treasurer Brendon Parker
Member Chris Dunn Member Peter Brown Member Ruth Brooks Member Ruth Brooks
Member Geoff Gray Member Col Marshman Member Helen Robinson Member Helen Robinson
Member Ian Simpson Member Brian Harvey

December 2018
In Focus Photo Group Newsletter

The Club’s 74th Year has come to a close with all Monthly Competitions being run and won. The “EDI/Prints of the Year” have been adjudicated with the winners receiving their trophies along with the 2019 Point score winners in the five categories and the Encouragement Award. Congratulations to everyone who entered the 2018 Monthly Competitions.

2018 was a “bumper year” as they say. In total 1065 Entries have been received and commented upon. This comprises 556 EDIs and 509 Prints (in 4 categories) with 191 Merits and 290 Credits being awarded across all categories. Well done. Of course this wouldn’t be possible if you, the members, haven’t supported the Monthly Competitions in the way you did in 2018. We had a mix in judge’s style with the critiquing providing everyone with valuable information about how they “the judges” viewed our images and where we could improve. Thank you, Ruth for selecting the judges and managing this very vital part of the Photography Group’s activities, Kerry and Matt for your projection work on Comp night. Our Comp Nights wouldn’t be the same if our own Card and Title Announcer (Mr Wayne) wasn’t there to enlighten the audience of the Awardees and those somewhat difficult titles members put on the entries.

The Presentation Program has also been a mix with guest speakers and in-house presentations. We commenced 2018 with Len Metcalf, ended it with Tom Putt and along the way Meredith Schofield, Robert Peet, Noel Beaumont and Alana Taylor dropped in with various Presentations. Our own club members also presented Monochrome and Printing topics from Geoff Gray and Rob Knowles, such a wealth of talent, information on hand to challenge and inform every member.

The MPC System gave us some exciting times, some a little more challenging than others. It appears that you, the members, are now gaining more experience with the MPC System with some even venturing into the Competitions Comments section entering your thoughts on individual entries. Hopefully you’ll continue to do this in 2019 with more members catching onto this very valuable tool. We even had a special non-point score Monochrome Competition with a single image supplied by Geoff Gray. Participants had to edit the file, submit it and then all participants commented on these re-edits. Our thanks to web team, Brian and Geoff, for keeping an eye on the MPC System so that it all ran smoothly.

The year wouldn’t run smoothly if the members didn’t chip in and assist in the setting up for the meetings, packing up afterwards. To our ladies (Helen, Dawne, Val, Jill and others) who set up supper and helped out in the kitchen a big thank you. Maybe 2019 those “chocolate” biscuits may need to be rationed. Our monthly MC’s have been exceptional, tying the night’s program together, keeping us informed. Thanks.

2018 has almost come to an end with the last official activity, the Annual Dinner and Presentation Evening, held. 48 members, guests and the judge (and his wife) were in attendance to see the 2018 Year in review. There were some who formed lasting friendships with the judge upon their elevation to EDI/Print of the Year wins, acknowledgment of consistency through 2018 in the Point score Awards. It was a historic year as the first triple joint winners of a Point score (EDI) and one member cleaning up all “B” Grade 4 Trophies. “The sharks in the big tank await you”.

It was a very special privilege that the Club was able to honor a very special person with their elevation to Life Member. This award doesn’t come easily and it’s acknowledgment of their commitment to the Club, both photographically and in service. Dawne Harridge became our 15th Life Member and importantly our very first lady member to gain this honor. Dawne has served the club tirelessly and it was a pleasure for the President (Bruce Shaw) to present her with her “Life Member” badge. Congratulations Dawne.

On behalf of your Management Committee I wish you all a very happy Christmas, safe travels throughout this Festive Season and all the best for 2019. We hope to see you all back in 2019 for another year in learning and sharing in this great craft; photography


Vice President
John Devenish
Dawne Harridge
Brendon Parker
Ruth Brooks
Matt Dawson
Sue Souter


Vice President
Geoff Gray
Dawne Harridge
Sue Martin
Kaz Childs
Tim Porteous
Sue Souter


Vice President
Andrew Gray
Ruth Brooks
Sue Martin
Kaz Childs
Tim Porteous
Elaine Duncan