President - Mr. W.J.H. Mayson
Vice President - Mr. H. Grenenger
Hon.Secretary - E. Holden
Hon.Treasurer - Miss E. Banner
Committee - Miss M. Keen
Committee - Mr. L. Presdee
Committee - Mr. G. Gow
President - Mr. W.J.H. Mayson
Vice President - Mr. H. Grenenger
Vice President - Mr. E. Holden
Hon.Secretary - Miss Esma Banner
acting Hon.Secretary - G.S. Gow
Hon.Treasurer - R. Bradley
Publicity Officer: E. Hart
Equipment Officer: J. Malmgren
Darkroom Officer - Mr. H. Grenenger
Welfare Officer - Mr. E. Holden
Committee - V.L. Springett
Committee - H.S. Bell
Committee - L. Joseph
Auditor: W. Newman
President - Mr. W.J.H. Mayson
Hon.Secretary - Mr. G.S. Gow
President - Mr. G.S. Gow
Vice President - Mr. H.S. Grenenger
Vice President - Mr. V.L. Springett
Vice President - Mr. W.J. Mayson
Hon.Secretary - Mr. E.J. Graham
Hon.Treasurer - Mr. A.J. Kemp
Publicity Officer - Mr. V.L. Springett
Prints - Mr. E. Slater
Equipment Officer: Mr. H.S. Grenenger
Darkroom Officer - Mr. E. Holden
Social - Mr. W.J. Ronalas
Social - Mr. E. Hart
Outings - Mr. Laurie Friend
Outings - Mr. W. Mayson
Auditor: E. Atkinson
President - Mr. Mark Short
Hon.Secretary - Mr. W.B. Allen
President - Mr. Leslie B. Denby
Hon.Secretary - Miss Maureen Barnett
President - Mr. Mr. B.W. Cobcroft
Hon.Secretary - Mr. Lance Nelson
President - Mr. R.L. Paul
Hon.Secretary - Miss Ruth Beer
Hon.Treasurer - Miss M. Ferguson
Vice President: Mr. H. Grenenger
Vice President: Mr. W.B. Allen
Committee: Miss M. Barnett
Committee: Miss Clare Snodgrass
Committee: Mr. A. Andrews
Committee: Mr. J. Bradshaw
Auditor: Mr. D. Keegan
Syllabus Officer: Miss Margaret Malin
Outings Officer: Miss Clare Snodgrass
Group Liaison: Mr. A. Andrews
Monthly Competitions and Exhibition Entries: Mr. J. Bradshaw
Publicity, Notice Board, "Y" Eye Liaison: Miss M. Barnett
Equipment and Darkroom Officer: Mr. A. Henderson
Supper Hostess: Miss V. Wisken
Magazine Officer: Mr. R. Woodbury
Delegate to FCC: Mr. A. Andrews
Delegate to FCC: Mr. B. Cobcroft
Delegate to FCC: Mr. H. Greneger
President - Mr. R.L. Paul
Hon.Secretary - Miss G. Shaw
Hon.Treasurer - Miss Clare Snodgrass
Senior Vice President: Mr. W.B. Allen
Vice President: Mr. H. Grenenger
Committee: Miss M. Barnett
Committee: Mr. Dave Lee
Committee: Mr. A. Andrews
Committee: Mr. A. Henderson
Auditor: Messrs. Willoughby and Dunne
President - Mr. Arnold J. O'Hanlon
Hon.Secretary - Miss Joy Keelty
Hon.Treasurer - Miss Clare Snodgrass
Senior Vice President: Mr. D. Schofield
Vice President: Mr. Mark Short
Committee: Mr. W. Dwyer
Committee: Mr. H. Hakker
Committee: Mr. Alan Richmond
Committee: Mr. Sandel
Auditor: Messrs. Willoughby and Dunne
President - Mr. F.J. Halmerrick
Hon.Secretary - Miss Joy Keelty
Hon.Treasurer - Miss Janice Bransgrove
Senior Vice President: Mr. Alan Richmond
Vice President: Mr. R.L. Paul
Committee: Miss Evelyn Pickard
Committee: Mr. W. Dwyer
Committee: Mr. H. Hakker
Committee: Mr. J. Greenhalgh
Auditor: Messrs. Willoughby and Dunne
President - Mr. F.J. Halmerrick
Hon.Secretary - Miss J. Keelty
President - Mr. F.J. Halmerrick
Hon.Secretary - Miss H. Hardakker
President - Mr. Athol Blake
Immediate Past President: F.J. Halmerrick
Hon.Secretary - L.M. Young
Hon.Treasurer - Miss Margaret Butt
Vice President: Alan R. Richmond
Vice President: Wal R. Pickard
Committee: B. Basili
Committee: H.L. Rea
Committee: D.M. Taylor
Committee: A.M. Wilson
President - Mr. Athol Blake
Hon.Secretary - Miss J. Crewdson
Hon.Treasurer - Miss Margaret Butt
Vice President: Alan R. Richmond
Vice President: Wal R. Pickard
Committee: L.J. Arnold
Committee: D.J. Chappell
Committee: H.L. Rae
Committee: Miss V.M. Wisken
Immediate Past President: F.J. Halmerrick
President - Mr. Alan R. Richmond
Hon.Secretary - Mr.s R. Hearn
Vice President: Mr. Fabian Beal
President - Mr. Alan R. Richmond
Hon.Secretary - Miss R. Whereat
Vice President: Mr. Fabian Beal
President - Mr. H. Hakker
Hon.Secretary - Miss R. Whereat
Vice President: Mr. Fabian Beal
Vice President: Mr. Fabian Beal